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- Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk PolicyThis policy outlines ACU’s commitment to protecting children, young people and adults at risk. The policy should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Procedures.
- Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk ProcedureThis procedure outlines ACU's commitment to protecting children, young people and adults at risk. The procedure should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Policy.
- Salary Flexibility PolicyThis policy provides enhanced flexibility arrangements to meet critical and specific organisational requirements for the attraction and retention of staff.
- Salary Packaging PolicyThis policy covers the provision for Salary Packaging at ACU.
- Satellite Centres PolicyThe Satellite Centres Policy outlines the University's parameters for the administration, delivery and review of its Satellite Centres.
- Satellite Centres ProcedureThis procedure outlines the processes by which the University establishes a Satellite Centre and the operational and governance requirements for the administration, delivery and review of these arrangements.
- Scholarships and Awards PolicyThis Policy establishes the principles for establishing and general rules for the award and administration of scholarships and awards funded by the Australian Government, Australian Catholic University (ACU) and donors.
- Senate and Corporation Travel ProtocolThis Protocol outlines the requirements surrounding travel arrangements specific to Senators and Members of the ACU Corporation under the project codes associated with these bodies.
- Senate and Senate Sub-Committee Remuneration PolicyThis Policy governs the payment of remuneration for selected members of the Senate and an external chair of a Senate sub-committee.
- Senate Digital Communication ProtocolThis Protocol outlines the processes relating to digital communication with ACU Senators. It is to be read alongside the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy, the Information Security Policy and the Information Security Procedure.
- Senate HandbookThe Senate Handbook provides a ready reference for Senators and senior ACU personnel for matters pertaining to Senate.
- Senator Declaration of Interest PolicyThis policy sets out ACU's approach to managing and documenting declarations with respect to material personal interests and related party transactions involving Senators.
- Senator Workload and Recognition PolicyThe policy governs the recognition of the time commitment required by staff members of Senate to appropriately discharge their responsibilities as Senators.
- Senior Executive, Executive and Senior Management Leave and Associated Arrangements PolicyThis policy covers the arrangements for the taking of leave and higher duties of Senior Management, Executive and Senior Executive staff.
- Senior Management, Executive and Senior Executive Employment Conditions PolicyThis policy outlines the general conditions relevant to remuneration, terms of contract and position titles for Senior Management, Executives and Senior Executives.
- Shiftwork for Professional Staff PolicyThis policy outlines shiftwork arrangements for Professional Staff at ACU.
- Smoke-Free and Vape-Free Environment PolicyThe University recognises the hazards caused by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, as well as the life-threatening diseases linked to the use of all forms of tobacco. ACU is committed to providing a Tobacco Free work and learning environment for all staff, students, volunteers, contractors and visitors.
- Social Media PolicyGoverns use of social media by ACU staff particularly in relation to promotion of activities.
- Spam Act Compliance ProcedureThe framework sets out that the university complies with the provisions of the Spam Act 2003.
- Special Consideration ProcedureThese procedures are designed to provide support for students whose participation in an assessment task or other assessable activity has been significantly hampered by exceptional and unforeseen circumstances beyond their control and where other processes, are not applicable or are no longer possible because of the timing and/or severity of the circumstances.
- Staff Appeals PolicyThis policy covers the provision for Staff Appeals at ACU.
- Staff Assistance, Support and Representation PolicyThis policy provides information about the different forms of assistance available to staff, including from a support person or staff representative.
- Staff Communications PolicyGoverns the use of University channels to communicate to staff.
- Staff Complaints Management PolicyThis policy outlines the support available to staff members who wish to lodge a workplace complaint, and the procedures followed by the University.
- Staff Induction PolicyThis policy covers the requirements of new staff induction and orientation at ACU.
- Staff Sexual Misconduct PolicyThis policy outlines the University’s approach to preventing, addressing and responding to sexual misconduct (sexual harassment and sexual assault) by staff, which is behaviour that is inconsistent with the University’s values, Catholic identity and mission.
- Staff Transfers PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements for the transfer of staff members within the University.
- Staff Use of University Facilities, Assets and Resources PolicyThis policy provides for the management of University facilities, assets and resources, including staff time resources, so as to optimally support the operations of the University.
- Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship PolicyIn advancing the commitment to ACU’s mission, it is important that the University meets responds to the needs of its Catholic and other partners who wish to engage ACU’s scholarly expertise and research assistance to inform, evaluate and enhance the quality of their activities.
- Statute 1.1 - General Provisions: InterpretationThis Statute provides general principles that apply to all other Statutes.
- Statute 1.2 - General Provisions: MeetingsThis Statute sets out the requirements for the conduct of governance committee meetings at ACU.
- Statute 1.3 - General Provisions: Conduct of Meetings using Communications MediaThis Statute provides parameters for governance committee meetings conducted via digital technology.
- Statute 1.4 - General Provisions: Circulatory ResolutionsThis Statute establishes the requirements for the conduct of governance committee meetings by circular resolution.
- Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus ProfessorThe Statute establishes the criteria and process for award of the honorary title of Emeritus Professor.
- Statute 13 - Freedom of Speech, Intellectual Freedom and Academic FreedomThis Statute recognises the open and honest exchange of diverse views as central to its Mission within the Catholic intellectual tradition. In accordance with this Statute, the University will uphold the rights of University members to enjoy freedom of speech, intellectual freedom and academic freedom inside and outside the University, without fear of penalty or adverse action by the University.
- Statute 2.1 - The SenateThis Statute specifies Senate objectives in alignment with regulatory and legislative requirements.
- Statute 2.10 - The Senate Standing CommitteeThis Statute establishes the terms of reference and composition of the Senate Standing Committee.
- Statute 2.11 - The Course IncubatorThis Statute establishes the Course Incubator, which creates a flexible structure that allows the Provost to take direct carriage of course development and assures HES and Policy compliance via direct links to Academic Board’s existing QA quality assurance and approval mechanisms.
- Statute 2.2 - Governing Bodies: The Finance and Resources CommitteeThis Statute establishes the composition and terms of reference for the Senate Finance and Resources Committee.
- Statute 2.3 - Governing Bodies: The Audit and Risk CommitteeThis Statute establishes the composition and terms of reference for the Audit and Risk Committee of the ACU Senate.
- Statute 2.5 - The Academic BoardThis Statute establishes the terms of reference and composition of the Academic Board, including appointment and election of members.
- Statute 2.6 - Governing Bodies: The FacultiesThis Statute establishes the terms of reference and composition of faculties and Faculty Boards.
- Statute 2.7 - Governing Bodies: The Centres, Academies and Research InstitutesThis Statute defines the relationship between Centres, Academies and Research Institutes and any constituent Faculties.
- Statute 2.8 - Governing Bodies: The National SchoolsThis Statute sets out the parameters for the establishment of National Schools.
- Statute 2.9 - Governing Bodies: The Honorary Awards CommitteeThis Statute sets out the terms of reference and composition of the Honorary Awards Committee.
- Statute 3.1 - The Officers of the UniversityThis Statute establishes the power of Senate create officers of the University and appoint those officers.
- Statute 4.1 - Use and Custody of the Common Seal of the UniversityThis Statute establishes who can use the Common Seal and under what circumstances.
- Statute 5.1 - Courses for Degrees, Diplomas and Other AwardsThis Statute provides a framework for management of academic courses at ACU.
- Statute 5.2 - Degrees, Diplomas and Other AwardsThis Statute empowers the Academic Board to make recommendations to the Senate regarding Degrees, Diplomas and other Awards.
- Statute 6.1 - Conferral of AwardsThis Statute establishes the process and authority for the conferral of degrees and other awards of ACU.
- Statute 6.2 - Admission to Honorary DegreesThe Statute establishes the criteria and process for award of the honorary degrees of Doctor of the University and Doctor of Laws.
- Statute 6.3 - Admission to Degrees: Revocation and Relinquishment of Honorary DegreesThis Statute establishes the process for revocation and relinquishment of honorary degrees.
- Statute 8.1 - Elections to the SenateThis Statute establishes the processes governing the conduct of elections to Senate.
- Statute 8.2 - Elections to Faculty BoardsThis Statute establishes the processes governing the conduct of elections to Faculty Boards.
- Statute 8.3 - Elections to the Academic BoardThis Statute establishes the processes governing the conduct of elections to Academic Board.
- Statute 8.4 - Elections to the Committees of Academic BoardThis Statute establishes the processes governing the conduct of elections to Committees of the Academic Board.
- Statute 9 - Student OrganisationsThis Statute establishes the governance of Campus Student Associations and other Student Organisations, including composition and election processes.
- Structuring Coursework Programs PolicyThe Structuring Coursework Programs Policy describes the principles and requirements for the structure of coursework programs at ACU.
- Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct PolicyThis Policy sets out the University’s principles and commitment to academic integrity and provides a framework for dealing with instances of alleged academic misconduct by students.
- Student Academic Misconduct ProcedureThis Procedure provides the framework for dealing with instances of alleged academic misconduct by students.
- Student Appeals PolicyThe Student Appeals Policy provides a framework for the timely and fair resolution of applications for review and appeal from students who are concerned than an academic or administrative decision affecting them fails to adhere to published policy and/or procedures.
- Student Appeals ProcedureThis Procedure details the grounds for review or appeal, and the processes for lodgement and conduct of a formal review, procedural appeal and appeal to the University Appeals Committee.
- Student Cards and Photographic Images PolicyThe Student Cards and Photographic Images Policy describes the collection and use of student data for the production of the ACU student card (ACU Card), the purpose of the card and the use of student photographic images collected for this purpose.
- Student Complaints PolicyThe Student Complaints Policy provides a framework for fair and equitable processes which enable student concerns to be addressed as quickly as possible and at a level as close to the source of complaint as possible.
- Student Complaints ProcedureProcedures for the management of student complaints.
- Student Conduct PolicyThe Student Conduct Policy sets out the expectations for student conduct at ACU and provides a framework for dealing with instances of alleged student misconduct.
- Student Death Action ProtocolThis protocol has been developed to enable Australian Catholic University (ACU) staff to respond quickly and sensitively when advised of the death of a student and identifies key roles and responsibilities.
- Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Survey ProcedureThis Procedure describes the manner in which the Evaluation of Learning and Teaching will be administered at ACU.
- Student Fee Setting ProcedureThis procedure describes the process by which ACU sets student fees, the operation of the Fee Setting Committee and the criteria applied when setting fees.
- Student Fees PolicyThis policy outlines the basis on which Australian Catholic University (ACU) manages student fees. It sets out the principles for fee setting, defines the types of fees and charges levied, details fee collection and refund processes and the penalties for non-payment.
- Student Members Workload and Recognition PolicyThis policy recognises the time commitment required to serve as a student representative on Senate and Academic Board.
- Student Results ProcedureThis Procedure is governed by the Assessment Policy and should be read in conjunction with the Academic Regulations.
- Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response PolicyThis policy outlines principles for preventing sexual misconduct, supporting students who have experienced sexual misconduct and managing allegations of sexual misconduct.
- Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response ProcedureThis procedure outlines processes for preventing sexual misconduct, supporting students who have experienced sexual misconduct and managing allegations of sexual misconduct.
- Students with Disability PolicyThis policy is designed to outline the legislation underpinning the rights and responsibilities of staff and students in relation to students with disability at ACU.
- Students with Disability ProcedureThese procedures provide further detail on how to provide reasonable adjustment to all students with disability, and in so doing minimising the barriers to access and education on the same basis as those without disability.
- Study Support for Staff PolicyThis policy covers the Study Assistance provisions for Academic Staff and the eligibility requirements and procedures involved when applying for Study Assistance.
- Summary Dismissal PolicyThis policy describes the circumstances in which the University may summarily dismiss a Professional Staff member.
- Superannuation PolicyThis policy explains the superannuation contribution arrangements for staff members at the University.
- Supplementary Assessment Guideline and Information for Students and StaffSupplementary assessment is provided to support students' learning, their development, and to aid their course progression and completion.
- Support for Student Defence Reserves and Emergency Service Personnel PolicyThis policy outlines the support available to students who are members of the Defence Reserves and/or members of the Emergency Services.
- Support for Students PolicyThis Policy outlines how ACU will identify students who are at risk of not successfully completing their units of study and the support, services, resources, and assistance available to students to assist them with successfully completing their studies, and the University’s processes for ensuring students are aware of these support options.
- Survey, Interview and Focus Group Governance FrameworkThe Survey Governance Framework aims to minimise the risks of over-surveying students and to promote a clear and transparent methodology for the governance of student surveys.
- Sustainability PolicyThis policy outlines the University’s approach to the application of sustainability principles to its campus developments and operations.