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Scholarships and Awards Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The Scholarships and Awards Policy establishes the principles for establishing and general rules for the award and administration of student scholarships and awards funded by the Australian Government, Australian Catholic University (ACU) and donors.

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Section 2 - Policy Scope

(2) This Policy applies to scholarships and awards administered by Australian Catholic University.

(3) The Policy excludes:

  1. Sponsorships as defined in the Student Fees Policy;
  2. Outbound Sponsorships as defined in the Outbound Sponsorship Policy;
  3. Graduate Research Scholarships as defined in the Research Training Program Scholarship Policy; and
  4. staff scholarships administered by People and Capability.
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Section 3 - Principles

(4) ACU will establish scholarships and awards to:

  1. enhance the recruitment, retention or success of students; and/or
  2. reward excellence.

(5) ACU's scholarships and awards will:

  1. align with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values;
  2. advance the strategic priorities of the University; and
  3. will be awarded based on merit and / or equity.

(6) Scholarships and awards:

  1. are awarded at the discretion of the University;
  2. are subject to funding being available; and
  3. can be associated with or named after donors.

(7) To ensure equity and accountability in the selection process, scholarships and awards must:

  1. in the case of scholarships, be subject to application;
  2. specify eligibility and selection criteria;
  3. in the case of scholarships, be subject to the standard scholarship application period(s) endorsed by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), unless an exception is approved by the Academic Registrar;
  4. in the case of scholarships, be published in a scholarship browser on the ACU website;
  5. be awarded through open and accountable selection processes; and
  6. not be awarded if it is considered that there is no candidate that meets the criteria for selection.
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Section 4 - Definitions

(8) Terms used in this Policy and Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedure are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. In addition, the following words and expressions have the meanings listed below:

Term Definition
Award An award is a financial or other specified reward which may be won by a student for their academic or other achievement while studying at the University.
Equity scholarship An equity scholarship is awarded to a student to assist their studies by providing financial and/or other relevant support based on demonstrated financial need or other educational disadvantage and may include additional eligibility criteria.
Merit scholarship A merit scholarship is awarded to a student to support their studies by providing financial and/or other relevant support based on merit. Criteria for these scholarships may include academic and/or other merit.
Scholarship rules Scholarship rules define the eligibility criteria, selection process, value and the ongoing eligibility requirements of a scholarship.
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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

(9) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), or nominee is responsible for:

  1. scholarship oversight and strategy;
  2. coordination of the periodic review of scholarship offerings; and
  3. coordination of the annual reporting to the Academic Board.

(10) Advancement and Alumni are responsible for:

  1. sourcing philanthropic donor funds for scholarships of $2,500 and above for the strategic priorities of ACU;
  2. liaising with donors to negotiate scholarships in line with standard eligibility and selection criteria provided by the Scholarships Office for approval by the Academic Registrar;
  3. the stewardship of relationships with donors with donations in excess of $2,500 in value; and
  4. the delivery of events associated with scholarships and award donors of more than $2,500 in value.

(11) Marketing and External Relations and Global Engagement are responsible for the promotion and publicity of scholarships to prospective and current students.

(12) The Scholarships Office is responsible for:

  1. the development and maintenance of a scholarship rules template which is inclusive of standard eligibility and selection criteria;
  2. the governance and administration of Commonwealth Scholarships and ACU scholarships established through donations, bequests, or by the University.

(13) Faculties and Directorates are responsible for the governance and administration of awards of less than $2,500 in value.

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Section 6 - Approval for Establishment and Amendment

(14) Scholarships and awards may be funded by:

  1. Australian Catholic University;
  2. philanthropic donor funds;
  3. the Commonwealth Government or an Australian State or Territory; or
  4. other external organisations.

(15) The acceptance of donations for scholarships and awards must be approved according to the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

(16) A scholarship or award will be established in accordance with the principles in clauses 4 and 5 and must also:

  1. meet the legal requirements and comply with Australian taxation requirements for income tax exemption for the donor and the recipient;
  2. in the case of a scholarship, provide a reasonable contribution, which is no less than $2,500;
  3. have fair and transparent eligibility criteria and selection process; and
  4. provide the widest range of possible applicants for individual scholarships and awards.

(17) Where a donation does not meet the conditions for establishment of a scholarship in clause 16b, prospective donors will be referred to:

  1. donation to an existing or new fund for pooled donations, including the Creating Opportunity Fund; or
  2. the establishment of an award.

(18) Categories of scholarships will be determined on that:

  1. align with the strategic priorities of the University; and
  2. ensure accessibility and useability of information for prospective and current students.

(19) Scholarship offerings will be:

  1. prioritised consistent with clause 3 of the Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedure; and
  2. reviewed periodically consistent with clause 4 of the Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedure.
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Section 7 - Approval of scholarship and award rules

(20) For ACU scholarships administered by the Scholarships Office:

  1. all scholarship rules for new scholarships require the approval of the Academic Registrar;
  2. any amendment to the eligibility criteria, selection process or the ongoing eligibility requirements on which a scholarship is awarded as stated within the scholarship rules requires approval by the Academic Registrar;
  3. amendments to published scholarships information may be made by the Scholarships Office, providing it does not constitute a change to the scholarship rules;
  4. any amendments to those sections within the scholarship rules not specified in 20b. or 20c., including the membership of selection committees, donor name, value of scholarship, or the number of scholarships available for any scholarship may be made by the Scholarships Office in liaison with Advancement and Alumni.

(21) The eligibility criteria for awards must be approved by the relevant Faculty Board or member of the Senior Executive.

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Section 8 - Selection process

(22) Recipients will be selected by the University against the published eligibility criteria.

(23) External parties may only be involved in the selection of recipients where:

  1. the scholarship includes placement or entry to a workplace program; or
  2. the recipient represents the donor/organisation in a substantive capacity; or
  3. it is a condition of a scholarship agreement that has been grandparented under the previous version of this Policy.

(24) Where the published criteria require academic assessment and/or are specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, advice will be sought consistent with clause 19 of the Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedure.

(25) Merit scholarships will be awarded based on:

  1. academic merit, assessed on performance in current or prior studies; and/or
  2. leadership; and/or
  3. performance in community engagement activities; and/or
  4. demonstration of professional competence in professional experience.

(26) Equity scholarships will be awarded based on factors that impact access to education which may include:

  1. financial hardship;
  2. regional and remote place of residence;
  3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student status; and/or
  4. membership of any other designated equity group.
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Section 9 - Restrictions

(27) A student may hold more than one ACU scholarship, in addition to any Commonwealth Scholarship, concurrently, unless otherwise specified in the scholarship rules.

(28) Students who are continuing or fixed-term staff of ACU are not eligible for any scholarship covered by this Policy.

(29) Students may not defer any scholarship unless the rules explicitly allow this under certain circumstances.

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Section 10 - Ongoing Eligibility Requirements of a Scholarship

(30) Where a scholarship is awarded 'for the length of the course', the duration will be calculated on the basis of the standard course requirements, as specified in the course rules, and/or up to a maximum duration negotiated with the donor as specified in the conditions of the scholarship. In the case of a double degree, unless the scholarship is awarded for the duration of both components, the scholarship will be for the standard duration of a single undergraduate pass degree only.

(31) Where a scholarship is awarded for a continuing period of more than one semester the recipient must be enrolled in the course at the census date for the relevant study period.

(32) The conditions for the continuation of a scholarship will include a requirement that students must gain:

  1. a minimum grade of Pass in all units in which they were enrolled in the previous study period; or
  2. in the case of equity scholarships, a minimum grade of Pass in at least two-thirds of credit points in which they were enrolled in the previous study period.

(33) Exceptional personal circumstances, supported by documentary evidence, may be taken into consideration if the student has not satisfied this requirement.

(34) Where the conditions of a scholarship specify that the recipient be enrolled at a particular campus or in a specific course, the scholarship will be cancelled if the recipient no longer studies at that campus or in that course.

(35) If the recipient of a scholarship fails to comply with any condition of that scholarship, the scholarship may be:

  1. cancelled; or
  2. where permitted under the scholarship rules, suspended until such time that the conditions are met.

(36) The conditions for any individual scholarship may specify that, in the event that the recipient withdraws from or fails to make satisfactory progress in their course of study, or fails to satisfy other requirements for continuation of the scholarship, the balance of the monies otherwise payable to the recipient will either:

  1. revert to the fund; or
  2. be awarded to the next eligible applicant; in that case:
    1. the amount of the scholarship available will be the original value less any amount already paid to the first recipient; and
    2. the duration of the scholarship will be the normal duration less any period during which it was held by the first recipient.

(37) The recipient of a scholarship awarded for a continuing period of more than one semester may apply for a suspension of the scholarship if they interrupt their course of study. If the recipient does not resume their course within one academic year, the scholarship will be cancelled.

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Section 11 - Financial Matters

(38) Endowed Funds will be managed and administered in line with the Endowment Management and Spending Policy.

(39) Monies payable to the recipient of a scholarship will be paid within 30 working days of the census date of each semester.

(40) Where the closing date for applications has been extended beyond the census date, monies payable to the recipient of a scholarship will normally be paid either within 30 working days of the census date of the relevant semester or 20 working days of the offer, whichever is later.

(41) Normally the value of a scholarship will be paid in equal instalments, with a minimum of one payment after the census date of each semester for the duration of the award.

(42) Unless otherwise stated, the amount of each payment is calculated based on full-time enrolment, that is, 0.375 EFTSL per semester. If the student undertakes a lesser load, payments will be made on a pro rata basis subject to the conditions of the award. Enrolment status is normally not relevant in the case for the payment of an award.

(43) Scholarship payments may affect student’s eligibility for financial support by the Australian Government. Recipients must be advised that it is their responsibility to ascertain any such impacts.

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Section 12 - Appeals

(44) Any student wishing to appeal a scholarship decision may do so in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy.

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Section 13 - Record Keeping

(45) An Annual Report will be provided to the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (Provost) for noting by the Academic Board in accordance with clause 27 of the Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedure.

(46) Recipients of scholarships, or awards with a value of $1,000 or more must be recorded on the Student Management System.

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Section 14 - Saving Clause

(47) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy, the Academic Registrar may, in any case deemed appropriate, vary, dispense with or suspend any requirement of or prescription in this Policy or in the conditions for individual scholarships or awards. Any such action will be reported to the Academic Board at its next meeting.

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Section 15 - Revisions made to this Policy

(48) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description of Revision(s)
31 August 2016
New Policy and Procedures adapted from the General Rules Governing the Award of University Scholarships, Bursaries and Faculty Prizes and Guidelines for the Management, Administration and Promotion of Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes and Awards
25 November 2020
A scheduled review resulted in revisions to the Policy and Procedures
3 February 2022
Minor amendments to requirements for ongoing eligibility for scholarships
15 June
Minor amendments to requirements for ongoing eligibility for scholarships 
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Section 16 - Associated Information

(49) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.