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Staff Transfers Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) This Policy has been developed in support of the provisions for staff to be transferred within Australian Catholic University. The University recognises that in order to meet its operational requirements, it may be necessary to transfer a staff member from one position to another within the University.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(2) A transfer is the administrative relocation of a staff member from one position within the University to another position within the University. Notwithstanding any other policy or provisions, the University may transfer a staff member into another position at their current classification level, fraction and duration.

(3) A transfer may be for a defined period or it may be an ongoing arrangement that does not have an end date, except for those staff who are employed on a fixed-term contract of employment. University proposals and requests for transfers will be considered in line with the operational requirements of the University and will occur after consultation has occurred between the staff member and relevant University officers.

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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(4) This Policy outlines the arrangements to be undertaken to transfer a staff member to another position within the University, either at the direction of the University or the request of a staff member.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(5) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed term staff of the University whose employment is covered by the provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 (the Agreement). Members of staff employed on a fixed-term contract who are transferred will normally have at least 12 months of the contract to run, unless work is no longer available for them in the area of their current employment.

(6) Staff are not required to relocate from one state/territory to another and a staff member in Victoria may not be required to transfer from Melbourne to Ballarat (or vice versa) as a result of a transfer. However, a staff member may request such a transfer.

(7) A transfer can be undertaken without an external advertisement for the role. If a vacancy exists and it is considered desirable to organise a transfer at level without advertising, the matter should be referred to People and Capability.

(8) Transfers will take place into positions which are classified at the same HEW or MSAL classification level, unless requested by the staff member and agreed by the University.

(9) A staff member who transfers to another position will retain all of their accrued leave entitlements.

(10) A Professional Staff member who has accrued flexible hours must have a zero balance as at the date of the transfer.

(11) A new Performance Review and Planning process or Academic Performance Review and Planning document and associated Goals and Key Performance Objectives should normally be developed within six months of the staff member’s transfer into the position.

(12) Factors that warrant consideration in determining the appropriateness of a proposed Academic Staff transfer and which will be taken into account by the University include, but are not limited to:

  1. an Academic Staff member’s qualifications and areas of research interest,
  2. the potential synergies between the discipline or sub-discipline of an Academic Staff member and those of the position that the University proposes for transfer,
  3. an Academic Staff member’s possible career paths, trajectories and/or professional standing,
  4. the potential for redeployment or transfer of an Academic Staff member including to a suitable Professional Staff vacancy (eg to the Library or Information Technology),
  5. the fit between the staff member’s knowledge, skills, competencies, qualifications, experience and personal attributes and the requirements of the proposed position;
  6. the staff member’s professional development needs;
  7. the presence of staff in the receiving location who may be interested in an opportunity to fill a new or vacant role;
  8. whether there is a potential difficulty in recruiting staff to the receiving location; and
  9. the staff member’s performance history.

Transfers at the direction of the University

(13) A transfer at the direction of the University may occur:

  1. as part of a change management process;
  2. in order to avoid the need for notification of redundancy;
  3. because work in a particular unit is declining or increasing;
  4. it may be related to a staff member’s capacity to perform some or all of the duties of their position; and/or
  5. as part of a developmental strategy.

(14) When an operational requirement for a staff member to be transferred to another position is identified, the current nominated supervisor and proposed nominated supervisor will normally consult about the proposed transfer.

(15) The nominated supervisor of the staff member’s current position and/or the nominated supervisor of the staff member’s potential new position will consult with the affected staff member about the proposal for transfer; and will consider the views of the affected staff member throughout the consultation process prior to a final decision being made.

(16) If, following consultation with the affected staff member, a decision is made to proceed with the recommendation, the staff member’s current nominated supervisor will provide a written outline of the rationale for the proposed transfer, details of the consultations with the staff member, and a recommendation that the transfer be approved.

(17) A copy of the Proposal will also be provided to the affected staff member who will be invited to submit any comments to the nominated supervisor concerning the proposal, within 5 working days of receiving a copy.

(18) The Proposal and the staff member’s written comments will be considered by the delegated officer prior to deciding whether to approve the recommendation for transfer.

(19) If the delegated officer approves the recommendation for the transfer of the staff member, a copy of the approval will be provided to People and Capability. People and Capability will write to the staff member concerned formally advising them of the transfer arrangements.

(20) If the delegated officer does not approve the recommendation for the transfer, they will advise the nominated supervisor and the staff member concerned of this decision.

Transfers at the request of the staff member

(21) A staff member may initiate a voluntary request to be transferred to another position and/or organisational unit within the University. The University will consider the request in light of the operational requirements of the relevant units concerned. If a suitable vacancy is available, the University will use its best endeavours to facilitate the requested transfer. However, the University is not obliged to facilitate a staff member’s request for a transfer where no suitable vacancy is available.

(22) All staff initiated requests for transfer must be submitted in writing to the staff member’s current nominated supervisor for consideration.

(23) The staff member’s current nominated supervisor will consult with and provide a copy of the staff member’s written transfer request to the delegated officer who will consider the request in conjunction with the prospective organisational unit.

(24) The request will be considered in line with:

  1. the operational requirements of the University;
  2. the knowledge, skills, competencies, qualifications, experience and personal attributes of the staff member; and
  3. the availability of a suitable vacant position at or below the staff member’s grade.

(25) If the delegated officer approves the recommendation for the transfer of the staff member, a copy of the approval will be provided to People and Capability. People and Capability will write to the staff member concerned formally advising the transfer arrangements.

(26) If the delegated officer does not approve the recommendation for the transfer, they will advise the nominated supervisor and the staff member accordingly.

(27) A staff member who relocates their residence as a consequence of a staff-initiated transfer will not normally be provided with relocation assistance. However, they will have access to paid Personal Leave for relocation of residence as provided by the Personal Leave Policy.

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Section 5 - Approvals

(28) A Proposal to transfer a staff member and a request for a transfer from a staff member must be submitted for approval by the appropriate delegated officer. Information on delegated officers for leave approvals is available in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

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Section 6 - Revisions made to this Policy

(29) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Major, Minor or Editorial
26 October 2012
Updated to incorporate the provisions of the Common Understandings Regarding the Implementation of the Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement, 2010 – 2013.
11 April 2019
Updated to include reference to ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 and Service Central.

(30) The University may make changes to this policy and procedures from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(31) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(32) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.