(1) If a majority of the members of the Senate or of any committee, board or other body within the University from time to time in office have signed a document containing a statement that they are in favour of a resolution of the members of the Senate or of such committee, board or other body, an ordinary resolution in those terms shall be deemed to have been passed at a meeting held on the day on which the document was signed and at the time at which the document was last signed by a member of the Senate or of the relevant committee, board or other body or, if the members of the Senate or of the relevant committee, board or other body signed the document on different days, on the day on which, and at the time at which, the document was last signed by a member. (2) The provisions of clause (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a special resolution if at least one half of the members from time to time in office have signed a document containing a statement that they are in favour of such special resolution. (3) For the purposes of clauses (1) and (2), two or more separate documents containing statements in identical terms, each of which is signed by one or more members shall together be deemed to constitute one document containing a statement in those terms signed by members on the respective days on which they signed the separate documents. (4) A document containing a statement of the type described in this Statute and signed by a member may be transmitted by facsimile or other means of electronic document transmission and may be counted for the purpose of ascertaining the number of votes in favour of a resolution.Statute 1.4 - General Provisions: Circulatory Resolutions
29-30 October 1991
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