(1) This Procedure is governed by the Satellite Centres Policy. (2) Satellite Centres are defined in Section 3 of the Policy. (3) Initial proposals regarding establishment of Satellite Centres can be through formal or informal approaches from an external organisation or partner, or initiated internally through an Executive Dean, Director or Campus Dean in consultation with the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC). (4) When establishing a new Centre, reference should be made to ACU’s Registers of Satellite Centres (see clauses (26) to (30)) to facilitate a consistency of approach and outcomes and to ensure there is no duplication. (5) Satellite Centre initial proposals must be documented using the Business Case for Approval of a Satellite Centre. If the proposal is from an external organisation, a nominated ACU staff member must take carriage of the proposal through to the next stage. (6) Initial proposals should be submitted to the relevant DVC for review and to determine if the proposal should proceed to the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Committee (VCAC) for consideration. (7) Where the relevant DVC determines that an initial proposal should not proceed to VCAC, they will notify the relevant Executive Dean, Director or Campus Dean accordingly. (8) The VCAC will consider proposals referred from the relevant DVC and may seek advice from Faculties / Directorates, other key personnel (such as Campus Deans / Directors) or refer the proposal to other ACU committees if advice is required to make a determination. (9) If endorsed by VCAC, the proposal will proceed to Stage 2 with the support of the relevant DVC or nominee. (10) If not endorsed by VCAC, the relevant DVC will notify relevant officers accordingly. (11) Where the proponent is an external partner or stakeholder, the nominated ACU staff member (as outlined in clause (5)), will contact the organisation on behalf of ACU to advise of the status of the proposal and outline any further steps or documentation required if it is to progress to Stage 2. (12) Any proposal for a transnational centre must be discussed with and supported by Global and Education Pathways before progressing to the relevant DVC. (13) The VCAC can approve the establishment of a Satellite Centre in Stage 1 where documentation establishes a threshold argument in favour of the establishment of a satellite centre. Examples may include establishment of a new clinical school that is consistent with existing ACU models and forms part of an agreed rollout of delivery, establishment of a satellite research centre that is linked to an external grant, other developments considered by SEG to be ‘time critical’ priority developments. (14) All proposals must comply with ACU policies and procedures. (15) In most cases it is recommended that a working party be established, including representatives from ACU and the other institution/s (where relevant), to develop details of the proposed Satellite Centre business case / plan and partnership arrangement. (16) Consultation with relevant internal stakeholders must occur in the early stages of developing the detailed proposal / business case. The relevant DVC may nominate specific stakeholders to be consulted or involved in this work to cover academic, infrastructure, due diligence and financial and legal considerations. (17) Where a proposal involves agreement with an international institution, transnational centres, or the enrolment of international students, Global and Education Pathways must be consulted and engaged in the development of the business case. (18) Detailed proposals should be documented using the Satellite Centre Assessment template to enable detailed assessment of the costs and benefits of the proposal against approved assessment criteria as outlined in clause (19). (19) Approved assessment criteria as outlined in the business case include: (20) On completion, the detailed proposal / business case is submitted to the relevant DVC for endorsement to proceed. If endorsed, the business case is circulated for consultation to the Chair, Academic Board and other relevant officers and Committees, (as identified at the initial proposal stage) and in alignment with ACU’s corporate and academic governance requirements and policies. (21) The relevant DVC will circulate the business case and any input or advice from relevant officers and committees to the VCAC for final approval. (22) Where a Satellite Centre is being jointly developed and managed with a partner institution or institutions, the agreement must be developed in consultation with Innovation and Industry Engagement or Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) (where relevant), Global and Education Pathways (where relevant) and the Office of General Counsel, and must comply with the Third Party and Educational Partnerships Policy. The agreement must define the intended duration and terms of the arrangement, including timelines for review. (23) The level at which agreements and / or memoranda of understanding are executed on behalf of ACU will depend on the nature of the agreement, funding or partnership, and the particular circumstances and complexities of each case. (24) Execution of any agreement must be in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (25) A copy of the signed agreement must be provided to the relevant stakeholders and placed on file with Innovation and Industry Engagement. (26) A domestic register of Satellite Centres and related agreements will be held by Innovation and Industry Engagement and an international register will be held by Global and Education Pathways, with a copy of each provided to the Provost and Properties and Facilities on an annual basis. (27) The registers will reflect the different types of Satellite Centres: (28) For each Centre the registers will record: (29) The registers will be updated annually following the review of centre arrangements by relevant portfolios through the annual organisational unit planning and reporting processes and updating of risk registers. (30) The Provost will report to VCAC on the registers of Satellite Centres each year. (31) A review of existing satellite centre operations, governance, outcomes and risks is to be undertaken annually by the relevant DVC (or nominee) and included as part of relevant organisational unit planning process and updating of risk registers (see clause (29)). (32) If it is determined that a satellite centre is to be disestablished, this must be undertaken in accordance with the relevant agreement and ACU policies and procedures. (33) All aspects of Satellite Centre planning, establishment, management and operations must reflect and align with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values. (34) When planning or reviewing the physical requirements of ACU Satellite Centres, consideration is to be given to how the University’s Catholic identity and mission is represented and made evident in the Centre, so that appropriate prayer spaces, artworks and iconography or other elements are included in the Centres. (35) Through the annual organisational unit planning process, relevant Directorates and Faculties will ensure student experiences at the Satellite Centres are consistent with, and equivalent to those on ACU campuses. This consistency and equivalency of service provision needs to be measurable and monitored through this annual planning process. Access to library catalogues and other resources will be made available to students electronically. Access to these materials will be facilitated by means of wireless connectivity and the provision of student use computers located in Centres to facilitate this access. (36) All Satellite Centre programs are to operate in accordance with the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Policy and Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Procedure and any protocols and related funding agreements. (37) Satellite Centre operations aimed at postgraduate cohorts, including an Executive Education focus will reflect a professional executive experience for ACU postgraduate students and Executive Education clients and stakeholders. (38) All academic programs offered at Satellite Centres must align with Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS) and ESOS National Code (where relevant) and related ACU quality assurance processes. (39) The Satellite Centre delivery environment will align, where possible, with all relevant aspects of the ‘Learning for Life’ Learning and Teaching Framework. (40) ACU course policies and processes apply for all award courses and non-award offerings for delivery at Satellite Centres. (41) Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registration standards and ESOS and ESOS National Code requirements must be met for on-shore international enrolments. (42) Satellite Centre corporate governance must be consistent with University-wide processes and ensure effective and viable management of the Centre within budget. Where operated in collaboration with an external organisation, arrangements must comply with relevant agreement(s). (43) There should be a governance process through the DVC that ensures accountability and appropriate approvals for allocation of ACU resources, use of the ACU logo and the entering into of agreements with external parties. (44) Stakeholder relationships will be overseen by the relevant DVC or nominee. (45) Transnational Centres will be subject to the same management and governance arrangements as stipulated for domestic centres. In addition they must comply with all relevant local legislative and legal obligations linked to the centre operations and location. (46) Each Satellite Centre will have a budget, included in the proposal and approved through the Budget Advisory Committee. (47) Financial management responsibility will rest with the relevant DVC. (48) Satellite Centre infrastructure, including physical and virtual environment and support will be approved by VCAC and reflected in the approved business case, centre business rules and agreements. (49) Staffing arrangements of Satellite Centres together with staffing responsibilities must be clearly outlined in the Centre business rules and in the agreements or equivalent and must be developed in conjunction with People and Capability. Recruitment and appointment processes must be consistent with University policies and procedures. (50) Marketing plans relating to Satellite Centres must be developed by Marketing and External Relations and Global and Education Pathways (where relevant) in conjunction with the relevant Faculty or Directorate and approved by the relevant DVC with responsibility for the Satellite Centre. A marketing plan will be included in every business case for Stage 2 proposals and include costings. (51) Any enrolment of students and timetabling for ACU award courses will be managed centrally through Student Administration, with assistance from any designated Satellite Centre staff. Non-award offerings will be managed by the relevant Satellite Centre staff in conjunction with the relevant Faculty or Directorate. (52) In the event of any scheduling clash or need to prioritise programs, the centre manager or relevant Faculty/Directorate staff member should consult with the centre governance group (or DVC / Executive Dean where required) and Timetabling and Room Bookings. (53) Where award courses are offered, EFTSL from these courses at Satellite Centres will be identified and allocated as part of the enrolment plan, linked to Faculty targets and load. (54) Each Satellite Centre will be allocated a site code in the Banner system and venue details will be recorded in ACU timetabling databases to allow identification of students by location and to inform the allocation of space. (55) Where cohorts of more than 50 students will be located at a Satellite Centre for more than half of a standard study period (Semester), the relevant Faculty will notify Student Administration and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the arrangement and any potential impacts on student services. (56) Risk assessments for each Satellite Centre will be undertaken annually and in accordance with the Risk Management Policy, with reporting through the relevant DVC to the Capital Planning Committee. (57) Work health and safety coverage and critical Incident arrangements for domestic Satellite Centres are to be confirmed annually through People and Capability in collaboration with the Associate Director, Properties and Facilities, to ensure alignment with ACU processes and procedures. (58) For Satellite Centres located outside Australia, critical incident and other security arrangements must be outlined in the Centre’s risk management planning. (59) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.Satellite Centres Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Satellite Centre Planning and Review
Initial Proposals (Stage 1)
Approval Process (Stage 2 Detailed Proposal / Business Case)
Agreements with Other Institutions
Registers of Satellite Centres
Review of Satellite Centres
Section 3 - Identity and Mission
Section 4 - Student Experience
Section 5 - Ongoing Management and Governance Arrangements
Academic Quality Assurance and Governance
Corporate Governance
Transnational Centres
Financial Delegations
Infrastructure Standards and Physical Environment
Enrolment of Students and Timetabling of Courses
Section 6 - Risk Management
Risk Registers
Critical Incidents and Security - Domestic and International Arrangements)
Section 7 - Review
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