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Statute 4.1 - Use and Custody of the Common Seal of the University

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(1) The Common Seal of the University shall be and remain in the custody of the Secretary.

(2) The Secretary is hereby authorised to affix the Seal:

  1. to the certificate to be issued in respect of a degree to which a person has been admitted; or
  2. to a diploma or other award granted by the Senate.

(3) The Secretary is hereby authorised to affix the Seal:

  1. to a Statute or amendment thereof adopted by the Senate; or
  2. to a rule or an amendment thereof adopted by the Senate.

(4) Any other document required to be under the Seal of the University shall have the Seal affixed to it pursuant to a resolution of the Senate, or of a committee of the Senate authorised in that behalf, provided that in matters which are formal or urgent, the Seal may be affixed by direction of either of:

  1. the Pro-Chancellor
  2. the Vice-Chancellor and President
  3. a member of the Senate Standing Committee
in the presence of the Secretary, or in their absence, by the Chief Financial Officer and action thus taken shall be reported to the Senate at the first opportunity.

(5) When the Seal is affixed under clause (4) the form used shall be: The Common Seal of Australian Catholic University Limited ABN 050 192 660 was hereto affixed by direction of the Vice-Chancellor and President in the presence of, or to the like effect.

(6) The Secretary shall keep and maintain a Seal register in which shall be entered details of all documents executed by the University under its Seal and the date upon which documents were so executed. The register shall be available for perusal at any meeting of the Senate.

DATED: 29-30 October 1991
DATED: 4 March 2014