(1) The Current Awards listed in the Appendix and the academic regulations, Course regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines, and the contents of the Courses with regard to the Current Awards, as the same are published in the Handbooks and are in each case applicable at the date of the first promulgation of this Statute are hereby adopted as at such date. (2) The Academic Board with the authority of the Senate may from time to time after having considered any recommendations made to it by the Faculty Boards under clause (3) prescribe, vary, amend or delete from time to time the contents of (3) Faculty Boards may from time to time and shall if so requested by the Academic Board make recommendations to the Academic Board concerning the contents of Courses, the academic regulations, the Course regulations, and the policies procedures and guidelines and concerning any other matter relevant to the content, teaching and examination of any Course. (4) The Academic Board may as it shall think fit generally or in any particular case and from time to time and permanently or temporarily waive, vary or amend the application or the terms of the academic regulations, the Course regulations, the policy procedures and guidelines, and the contents of Courses including the imposition of additional provisions.Statute 5.1 - Courses for Degrees, Diplomas and Other Awards
Courses, the Course regulations, the academic regulations, and the policy procedures and guidelines and, without limitation, any other matter which, in the opinion of the Academic Board, is necessary or desirable in connection with the content teaching and examination of any Course.
29-30 October 1991
30 March 2006
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