(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide all students with disability, medical and mental health conditions, neurodivergence and those who are carers (as defined in Section 8 and glossary), with equitable and inclusive access to the University’s facilities, services, events, learning and assessment activities. In line with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values, this Policy upholds the dignity of the human person, contributes to the common good, and enables students to participate fully in the pursuit of knowledge at ACU. The Policy achieves these objectives by: (2) This Policy applies to all staff and students of the University. (3) Terms used in this Policy are consistent with the Glossary of Student and Course Terms. In the context of this Policy the following terms also apply: (4) The Disability Action Framework relates to the whole University’s responsibility to ensure access and equity for students with disability. This includes access to physical and online environments, course, and administrative information, teaching and learning environment and to the University’s socio-cultural experience. Access and equity should be fundamental considerations in activities such as strategic planning, budgets, implementation and review processes, with all University members sharing responsibility for access, participation, retention and success of students with disability. (5) The following principles will be observed in applying the Disability Action Framework: (6) All staff will take responsibility to facilitate accessibility for students with disability and perform their duties in a non-discriminatory manner. (7) Staff are expected to: (8) All students are required to familiarise themselves with the inherent requirements of their course and the eligibility criteria for registration with professional registration boards before enrolling in their chosen course. (9) Students with disability are encouraged to: (10) The Access and Disability Service assists the University to meet its compliance obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth) and Carer Recognition Act 2010 (Cth). The University may not be able to assess and/or determine the provision of a reasonable adjustment if a student does not register with the Access and Disability Service. (11) The Access and Disability Service is expected to: (12) As per the Carer Recognition Act 2010 (Cth), a student who is a carer of a person with disability, or a carer of someone who is frail and aged, may be entitled to reasonable adjustment or academic consideration if they provide satisfactory substantiating documentation to the Access and Disability Service. (13) Exceptions may apply where a serious health condition such as an illness, physical or mental health condition, impacts adversely on the student’s capacity to pursue or benefit from any unit, program or research or where a reasonably identified risk to the student, other students and staff or property is identified as per the Fitness to Study Policy. (14) The University is not required to provide an adjustment: (15) Students who have a question or concern about a decision, act or omission that affects their access to any activity of the University, events and learning can contact the Access and Disability Service and / or the relevant representative from the School responsible for the decision, act or omission. Students can also refer to the Student and Public Complaints Policy and Student and Public Complaints Procedure. (16) The University may amend this Policy and the Students with Disability Procedure from time to time to ensure their currency and to improve the general effectiveness and operation of this Policy and associated Procedure. (17) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Policy is scheduled for review every five (5) years or sooner if the Approval Authority or Governing Authority determine that a review is warranted. (18) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Students with Disability Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Glossary of Terms / Definitions
Top of Page
Section 4 - Disability Action Framework
Section 5 - Policy Statement and Principles
Top of PageSection 6 - Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 7 - Access and Disability Service
Top of PageSection 8 - Carer of a person with disability
Section 9 - Exceptions
Top of PageSection 10 - Further Assistance
Section 11 - Review
Section 12 - Revisions made to this Policy
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Section 13 - Authority
Approval Authority
Governing Authority
Responsible Officer
Section 14 - Associated Information
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is an individual who provides personal care, support and assistance to another individual who needs it because that other individual:
in relation to a person means:
To avoid doubt, a disability that is otherwise covered by this definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability.
on the grounds of disability means treating a person with a disability less favourably than a person who does not have a disability in the same or similar circumstances.
DSE 2005
means an Education Inclusion Plan, developed by the Access and Disability Service which includes the required reasonable adjustments for a student.
Inherent Requirements
are the fundamental components of a course or unit, that are essential to demonstrate the capabilities, knowledge and skills to achieve the core learning outcomes of the course or unit, while preserving the academic integrity of the University’s learning, assessment and accreditation processes. (Note: making a requirement compulsory does not necessarily make it an Inherent Requirement)
Online Environment
refers to online resources, processes and curriculum available on ACU websites including the Learning Management System (LMS) and other web applications.
Reasonable Adjustment
Reasonable Adjustment refers to an individualised modification made to the teaching, learning and assessment activities to enable a student with disability or an ongoing health condition to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as other students (Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth), s2.2).
For these Standards, an adjustment is reasonable in relation to a student with a disability if it balances the interests of all parties affected. (Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth), ss3.3, 3.4).
Unjustifiable hardship
Unjustifiable hardship is an exception under section 11 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) that exempts an organisation from making an adjustment if the making of the adjustment would impose an unjustifiable hardship on the education provider.
Major, Minor or Editorial Revision
Description of Revision(s)
1 October 2020
Amended references to ‘Disability Services’ to ‘Disability Support’, amended provision relating to carer responsibilities, consistent with legislative definition, minor formatting amendments.
16 January 2024
Re-named Policy, amended references from ‘Disability Support’ and ‘Counselling and Disability Service’ to reflect new unit name ‘Access and Disability Service’ and directorate name ‘Student Experience Directorate’ as well as position name ‘Disability Advisor’ changed to ‘Access and Disability Advisor’. References to related policies and legislation added. Other minor terminological and formatting amendments.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Director, Student Experience
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