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Statute 2.7 - Governing Bodies: The Centres, Academies and Research Institutes

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(1) As determined by the Senate, after receiving advice from the Vice-Chancellor and President and the Academic Board, there shall be Centres, Academies and Research Institutes to promote strategic disciplines nationally and to foster interdisciplinary initiatives.

(2) Resolutions of the Senate under clause 1 of this Statute shall define the relationship between the Centres, Academies and Research Institutes and any constituent Faculties.

(3) There shall be a Dean or Director (as appropriate) of each Centre, Academy and Research Institute who shall normally act as the executive officer of the Centre, Academy or Research Institute and who shall be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor and President with advice to Senate.

(4) The general principles for the organizational relationship between Academies, Faculties and the Senior Management of the University shall be as follows:

  1. An Academy will have a significant measure of autonomy within its host Faculty.
  2. An Academy will be headed by a person holding the title of Dean or Director.
  3. The Dean or Director will be responsible to the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for the strategic directions of an Academy and for its overall performance.
  4. An Academy will have a dedicated operational budget and primary responsibility for managing it.
  5. Where appropriate, a Deputy Dean or Associate Director may be appointed to support the Dean or Director in the operation of an Academy.
  6. The Dean or Director shall establish an Advisory Board for the Academy. The Advisory Board will include senior members of Academy staff and senior members of the profession(s) to which the Academy relates.
DATED: 15 June 2006
DATED: 12 November 2015