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Staff Use of University Facilities, Assets and Resources Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) Staff members, as is the case with all employees, must act with fidelity and diligence in their relationship with the University, as their employer.

(2) Fidelity and diligence in this context requires that staff members, when on duty, devote their time exclusively to the business of the University; to the safeguarding of its resources, including finances, property, facilities, systems and services; and to the proper use of those resources to optimally support the operation of the University and ACU Mission, Identity and Values.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(3) Staff members must utilise University facilities, assets and resources only for purposes which optimally support the operations of the University and the ACU Mission, Identity and Values.

(4) A staff member when on duty must neither conduct or undertake activities which do not form part of the duties of their office, nor use the University’s real or intellectual property assets, its material resources, its information technology systems, its telecommunications services and its internet facilities for such activities.

(5) The conducting or undertaking of activities which do not form part of the duties of the office of a staff member, but which would advance the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and / or interests may be approved in appropriate circumstances.

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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(6) This Policy provides for the management of University facilities, assets and resources, including staff time resources, so as to optimally support the operations of the University and ACU Mission, Identity and Values.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(7) This Policy applies to all staff members.

(8) From time to time staff members who are members of the respective registered organisations of employees party to the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 may select from their number persons to conduct the business of the organisations at ACU workplaces.

(9) This Policy does not apply to the conduct of the business of those organisations by such a person from the time at which the person notifies the University, in writing, of their selection by the members of the organisation in accordance with the Staff Assistance, Support and Representation Policy.

Conducting activities and using University facilities, assets and resources

(10)  A staff member, when on duty, must not conduct or undertake activities which do not form part of the duties of their office at times other than during the staff member’s mealtimes or during other work breaks.

(11) A staff member must not use the University’s assets; including its real property and intellectual property, or its material resources, including office or laboratory equipment and any consumables, in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies, other than in accordance with this Policy.

(12) A staff member must not use the University’s Information Technology facilities: including telecommunication systems (including video-conferencing facilities); electronic messaging systems; information systems and networks (including local and hard drives) and web servers; in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies, other than in accordance with this Policy.

(13) A staff member must only use the University’s Information Telecommunications services in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies on the basis that use of the services for that purpose are telephone calls of a personal nature for the purpose of the Telecommunications Usage Policy and must otherwise comply with that Policy.

(14) Where, in accordance with the Telecommunications Usage Policy, telecommunication services used in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies are charged back to departments, the staff member who used the services must reimburse the University for the charge for the services if directed to do so.

(15) A staff member must only use the University’s electronic messaging (email) services in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies on the basis that uses of the services for that purpose are of a permissible personal nature for the purpose of the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy and must otherwise comply with that Policy.

(16) A staff member must neither use the University’s electronic messaging (email) services for a use prohibited by the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy nor broadcast email messages to Campus or University wide mailing lists in conducting or undertaking activities to which clause (10) applies. However, a staff member may establish and use a subscription only mailing list, limited to staff members, for those purposes, provided the Policy is otherwise complied with.

(17) A staff member must not use a University web server for the purpose of conveying information regarding the conducting or undertaking of activities to which clause (10) applies or to publicize such activities.

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Section 5 - Committee member nominees of a registered organisation

(18) Where a Workplace Agreement provides that a registered organisation of employees may nominate a staff member as a member of a committee required to be established by the terms of the Agreement, such activities as are reasonably required for the effective functioning of the Committee form part of the duties of the office of the nominated staff member for the purpose of this Policy.

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Section 6 - Activities which advance the University’s Mission and interests

(19) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Policy, a staff member may apply for approval to the conducting or undertaking of activities to which clause (10) applies at times other than those set out in that clause. The University, at its absolute discretion and on such terms and conditions as it considers appropriate, may approve such an application where it is satisfied that the activity would advance the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and / or interests.

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Section 7 - Approvals

(20) For the purpose of Section 6 of this Policy, the Approving Officer is the Vice-Chancellor and President or their nominee.

(21) A staff member seeking approval for the conducting or undertaking of activities to which clause (10) applies at times other than those set out in that clause must apply, in writing, to the Approving Officer, through the staff member’s nominated supervisor. The application must set out the nature of the activity in respect of which the application is made, the basis upon which it is contended that the activity would advance the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and / or interests and the times at which it is proposed that the activity be conducted or undertaken.

(22) A nominated supervisor must provide a timely report to the Approving Officer upon receipt of an application made in accordance with Section 6. The report must include a statement of the impact which any approval of the application would have on the operation of the staff member’s work unit and the measures necessary to ensure the accommodation of that impact so that the effective operation of the unit is not compromised, together with such recommendations as the supervisor may consider necessary and appropriate.

(23) The decision of the Approving Officer will be conveyed to the applicant in writing.

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Section 8 - Revisions made to this Policy

(24) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Major, Minor or Editorial
11 April 2019
Updated to include reference to the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 and Service Central.

(25) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 9 - Further Assistance

(26) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 10 - Associated Information

(27) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources, please refer to the Associated Information tab.