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Statute 12.1 - Awarding of Honorary Title: Award of Title of Emeritus Professor

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(1) There shall be an honorary title of Emeritus Professor.

(2) The Senate may approve the awarding of an honorary title under clause (1), on a recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee.

(3) A recipient of an honorary title under clause (1) is permitted to use the title "Professor".

Essential Criteria

(4) Nominees for the title of Emeritus Professor must support the ACU Mission, Identity and Values in addition to satisfying each of the following:

  1. a person who has served a term of a minimum of five years as a Professor of the University with a sustained commitment to the University during this period;
  2. a person who has achieved at a level of excellence in their respective disciplinary field in the pursuit of academic, research and / or teaching excellence;
  3. a willingness to continue to contribute to the University's academic and strategic goals in pursuit of academic, research and / or teaching excellence.

(5) In exceptional circumstances only, the title of Emeritus Professor may be awarded to a person who has not been a Professor of the University at the time of their resignation or retirement but who has otherwise met the criteria in clause (4).

(6) With the exception of the Vice-Chancellor and President, members of the Honorary Awards Committee and Senators must not participate in the nomination process.

Duration of Title

(7) The title Emeritus Professor will be conferred on the date on which it is approved by Senate and will be awarded for life.

(8) The Senate reserves the right to rescind the title to protect the integrity of the award and the reputation of the University in accordance with Regulations approved by Senate from time to time.

Benefits and Expectations

(9) The award of the title of Emeritus Professor does not confer an appointment or employment status but the holder is a member of the University community and will be provided opportunities to participate in the life and mission of the University.

(10) Senate may make Regulations consistent with this Statute prescribing the processes to be followed in relation to the nomination, awarding or recission of the honorary title of Emeritus Professor.

DATED: 13 June 2019