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  • Recognition of Academic Excellence PolicyThis policy provides the framework for the recognition of academic excellence including the awarding of University Medals at ACU.
  • Recognition of Academic Excellence ProcedureProcedure for the recognition of academic excellence including the awarding of University Medals at ACU.
  • Recognition of Long Service ProcedureOutlines process for recognition of awarding staff who have completed 25 years of service with Australian Catholic University.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning PolicyThis Policy specifies the Australian Catholic University (ACU) requirements for the granting of credit to students for their prior learning, including the types of learning that may be recognised, the procedures for recognition and the types of credit that may be granted.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning ProcedureThese Procedures specify the processes for the application and assessment of prior learning.
  • Recording of Hours Worked PolicyThis policy sets out the obligations of individual staff, supervisors and the University to record the hours worked by certain categories of staff.
  • Records and Archive Management PolicyThis Policy establishes the framework for effective records and archive management at ACU. It provides guidance to ACU staff on the creation and use of records and sets standards for classifying, managing and storing those records. 
  • Records Disposal ProtocolThis Protocol specifies the steps that should be used for Records Disposal activities.
  • Records Disposal: Normal Administrative Practice GuidelineThis Guideline specifies the principles that should be used applying Normal Administrative practice for Records Disposal activities.
  • Records Retention and Disposal ScheduleThe purpose of the Schedule is to enable the University to legally dispose of records, and guide the user to those records that should be retained permanently.
  • Recovery at Work ProgramThis program supports staff to recover at work, following a work-related or personal injury or illness. It creates awareness of the role that each person plays in contributing to recovery and workers compensation processes.
  • Recreation Leave (including Annual Leave) PolicyThis policy covers the provision of Recreation Leave for staff at Australian Catholic University. Recreation leave incorporates Annual Leave, Public Holidays and University Holidays.
  • Recruitment and Selection PolicyThis policy covers the arrangements for the recruitment and selection of staff at ACU.
  • Recruitment of Overseas Staff ProcedureThis procedure provides information and practical advice to support the recruitment of all international prospective employees and business visitors of the University, to hold a valid entry permit (Visa) before arrival in Australia. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Recruitment and Selection Procedure.
  • Regulations - Award of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University and Doctor of LawsThese Regulations prescribe the processes to be followed for the awarding of an honorary degree of Doctor of the University and honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
  • Regulations - Award of the Honorary Title of Emeritus ProfessorThe following Regulations prescribe the processes to be followed for the awarding of an honorary title of Emeritus Professor.
  • Regulations - Revocation and Relinquishment of an Honorary DegreeThese Regulations set out the processes to be followed in relation to a decision to revoke an honorary degree in accordance with Statute 6.3.
  • Reimbursement of Actual Expenses PolicyThis policy relates to the reimbursement to staff of expenses associated with carrying out University business.
  • Remuneration PolicyThis policy outlines the University’s commitment to achieving remuneration outcomes for staff that are transparent, equitable, legally compliant, and financially sustainable for the University.
  • Rescission, Revocation or Relinquishment of an Award ProcedureThe procedures detail the processes to be followed when rescinding or revoking a coursework award that has been recommended for conferral, or conferred.
  • Research Active Definition PolicyThis policy outlines the threshold of research quality required for the purposes of seeking accreditation as a Higher Degree Research Supervisor.
  • Research and Enterprise Funding PolicyThis Policy outlines internal ACU funding schemes that are supported, funded and administered by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprise.
  • Research Appointments GuidelineThese guidelines outline the considerations when determining whether a research position should be classified as an Academic or Professional position.
  • Research Authorship PolicyThis Policy states the requirements for the attribution of authorship on ACU research outputs.
  • Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave PolicyThis policy informs staff of the purpose of the Research Awards for Women Academic Staff, as well as the selection criteria, eligibility requirements and application process for the awards.
  • Research Awards for Academic Staff following Parental Leave ProcedureThis procedure sets out the requisite steps for implementation of the Research Awards for Women Academic Staff Policy.
  • Research Code of ConductOutlines and promotes responsible research conduct within ACU.
  • Research Complaints and Investigations ProcedureThe Complaints & Investigations Procedure details ACU’s framework for receiving complaints and managing investigations into alleged breaches of the ACU Research Code of Conduct.
  • Research Data Management PolicyThe Research Data Management Policy forms part of the University’s governance framework for Research Data management. It outlines responsibilities with respect to storage, retention, accessibility for use and reuse, and/or disposal of the University Research Data. The policy also informs procedures and guidelines related to storage, retention, accessibility for use and reuse, and/or disposal of University Research Data.
  • Research Institutes, Centres, and Groups PolicyThis Policy outlines the framework for the establishment, governance, management, review, and disestablishment of Research Institutes, Research Centres, and Research Groups within the University. It aims to foster sustained excellence and innovation in research, enterprise and education.
  • Research Publication PolicyThis Policy states the requirements for the reporting of staff research outputs and defines the published version of a research publication.
  • Research Training Program Scholarship PolicyThe RTP Scholarship Policy provides higher degree research students with information about the conditions attached to RTP Scholarships.
  • Risk Appetite StatementACU's Risk Appetite Statement defines ACU’s appetite for risk and articulates its approach for tolerating risk relative to its appetite.
  • Risk Management PolicyACU has developed its Risk Management Policy to formalise its commitment to incorporating the principles of risk management into all aspects of the University.
  • Risk Management ProcedureACU’s Risk Management Procedure details the process for the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and reporting of risks.