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Staff Induction Policy

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Section 1 - Policy Statement

(1) ACU’s Induction Program introduces new staff members to their role and responsibilities, to the ACU Mission, Identity and Values, culture, ethos, community, organisational structure, and the legal requirements associated with employment at the University.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy outlines the role of induction at ACU, completion timeframes and the responsibilities of staff in a successful induction.

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Section 3 - Application of Policy

(3) This Policy applies to all staff. All new staff members must complete the ACU Induction Program within the first three months of employment at ACU. The online modules are to be completed within the first 4 weeks of employment and the virtual workshops within the first 3 months. Staff are expected to undertake refresher training on the key compliance modules every 2 years. Casual and sessional staff will be paid for the time taken to complete the training.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Program Components

(4) ACU Induction consists of three key components:

  1. 1:1 time with your supervisor;
  2. Completion of a suite of online modules;
  3. Attendance at virtual workshops (fixed term and continuing only).

1:1 with Supervisor

(5) Nominated supervisors provide new staff members with a local workplace induction during the first weeks of employment. Local induction should cover:

  1. Understanding employment arrangements, defining expectations and translating the role into practice;
  2. Safety and wellbeing;
  3. Workstation, email and communication systems;
  4. Accessing key organisational systems to perform the role;
  5. Navigating work sites;
  6. Working conditions, processes and procedures;
  7. Probation;
  8. Managing for performance process and annual cycle key contacts;
  9. Where to find key information (for example, pay information and how to apply for leave).

Online Modules

(6) ACU’s Induction Program involves the completion of the online learning modules listed in Appendix A. These modules support staff in understanding working at ACU and the key legal and compliance risks for ACU, and how to manage these risks. 

(7) Appendix A may be updated from time to time as legislative requirements are introduced or changed. ACU requires staff to undertake refresher training around key legal and compliance risks every two years. The training is arranged by the University and enable allowing ACU to report on completion levels to meet its legal and compliance obligations.

Virtual Workshops

(8) Fixed term and Continuing staff will complete two virtual workshops:

  1. Flourishing Through Mission

    1. This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for staff to develop their understanding of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, ACU’s Mission, its importance and how it aligns with how we work at ACU; and
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness

    1. This workshop provides staff with an understanding of how to help create and support a culturally safe environment for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Roles and Responsibilities

Members of the Executive

(9) Members of the Executive may identify specific and / or additional training that could form part of the ACU Induction Program. Where additional training is required, members of the Executive will consult with People and Capability to recommend the training approach and impact across ACU. The Chief Operating Officer approves any new mandatory induction training that results in the updating of Appendix 1.

Nominated Supervisor

(10) Nominated supervisors have the responsibility for inducting employees including:

  1. ensuring keys, computer access and email accounts are organised before the staff member commences;
  2. ensuring that an ergonomically sound and appropriately equipped work environment is provided;
  3. welcoming the new staff member to the University and to the work unit;
  4. introducing the new staff member to colleagues;
  5. clarifying probationary criteria and the probation review process;
  6. ensuring the new staff member has a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities
  7. showing the new staff member how to access information and documentation;
  8. ensuring that the new staff member completes the components of the ACU Induction Program within the first three months of the new staff members employment or a lesser period for short term fixed term appointments.

Staff Member

(11) Staff are responsible for participating in and completing all components of the ACU Induction Program, within the first three months of employment.

People and Capability

(12) People and Capability is responsible for:

  1. assisting nominated supervisors in the implementation of the ACU Induction Program;
  2. establishing, maintaining and coordinating the ACU Induction Program;
  3. maintaining the relevant policy and procedure framework;
  4. maintaining records of attendance, participation and completion in all ACU Induction Program components including refresher training;
  5. monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the ACU Induction Program.

Mission and Ministry

(13) Mission and Ministry supports the ACU Induction Program by assisting in the design and facilitation of the Flourishing through Mission workshop.

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Section 5 - Review

(14) The University will develop a process for reviewing the effectiveness of this Policy. Where applicable, the review will take account of necessary changes to other relevant University policies and procedures. To assist such considerations, a staff member wishing to suggest improvements to this Policy is invited to forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 6 - Further Assistance

(15) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 7 - Associated Information

(16) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.

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Section 8 - Appendix 1 - Legal Requirement Training

Name of Training
Training Type
Delivery Mode
Our Mission, Your Journey
Orientation to ACU
Provides information about ACU, it’s Mission, Vision and key information for new starters.
All staff as a component of the ACU Induction Program;
Online learning module
Work Health and Safety
Legal and Compliance
Provides an introduction to ACU Workplace Health and Safety policies, procedures and expectations.
All staff as a component of the ACU Induction Program;
Refresher completion required every 2 years.
Online learning module
Managing Risk
Legal and compliance
Introduces a foundational understanding of key risks in our workplace. It covers how these risks are managed, expectations of team members in managing the risks and where to find more information.
All staff as a component of the ACU Induction Program;
Refresher completion required every 2 years.
Online learning module
Living the Code, Everyday
Legal and compliance
Focuses on the ACU Code of Conduct and provides the expected behaviour standards within our Code of Conduct and your role in maintaining a positive and safe work environment.
All staff as a component of the ACU Induction Program;
Refresher completion required every 2 years.
Online learning module
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff Cultural Awareness
Orientation to ACU
Outlines our commitment to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and providing information to support a culturally safe and welcoming environment for staff and students.
Casual and Sessional staff
Online learning module