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(1) There shall be the following faculties:
- Faculty of Education and Arts;
- Faculty of Health Sciences;
- Faculty of Law and Business;
- Faculty of Theology and Philosophy; and
- such other and further Faculties as the Senate may by resolution from time to time establish.
(2) A Faculty shall consist of:
- all the members of the Academic Staff;
- the general staff;
- sessional and casual academics;
- academics holding adjunct or honorary appointments; and
- research fellows,
assigned to the constituent National Schools, and any Centres, Academies, Research Institutes or other entities within the Faculty.
(3) The functions and responsibilities of a Faculty include (subject always to the Constitution and any Statutes or Regulations made by the Senate):
- delivering the teaching, examining and assessment in units for the Degrees, Certificates and Graduate Certificates, Diplomas and Graduate Diplomas and other award courses of the Faculty, as well as microcredentials, noting that a Faculty partners with Education Pathways where it delivers the teaching, examining and assessment in units for selected Pathway Diplomas;
- making recommendations to the Academic Board on award regulations, course development and course changes;
- authorising examination and assessment results and the determination of student progress;
- encouraging and facilitating scholarship and research;
- submitting to the Academic Board recommendations on any matters concerning teaching, scholarship and research within the Faculty;
- considering and reporting on any matters referred to it by the Academic Board.
(4) Each Faculty shall establish a Faculty Board which shall consist of:
- the Executive Dean of the Faculty who shall act as the Chair of the Faculty Board and who shall appoint a Deputy Chair as may be required from time-to-time from a member comprising the group of Deputy Deans, Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching and Associate Deans, Research;
- the Deputy Dean of the Faculty where the role operates;
- the Associate Deans of the Faculty;
- the National Head of School for each School;
- two Academic Staff members elected by and from the Level D and E academic staff of the Faculty (excluding those academic staff who are members of the Faculty Board ex officio). Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures for election specified in Statute 8.2 - Elections to Faculty Boards and are for a two-year term of office;
- no more than two Academic Staff members elected by and from the Level A, B and C academic staff of the Faculty. Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures for election specified in Statute 8.2 - Elections to Faculty Boards and are for a two-year term of office;
- no more than two enrolled students of the Faculty appointed by the Executive Dean or, in default, by the Vice-Chancellor and President, who shall hold office for a period of one year;
- the Directors of each Centre attached to the relevant Faculty, or their nominee, ex officio;
- the Directors of each Academy attached to the relevant Faculty, or their nominee, ex officio and, in the case of the La Salle Academy, the Director shall be an ex officio appointment to the Faculty Board for both the Faculty of Education and Arts and the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy;
- the Directors of each of the Research Institutes attached to the relevant Faculty, ex officio; and
- a nominee of the Director, First Peoples.
(5) Upon recommendation of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) to the Vice-Chancellor and President, following consultation with the respective Faculty Executive Deans, one member of the Academic Staff of the National School of Theology or the National School of Philosophy shall be appointed to each Faculty Board other than that of the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy and shall hold office for a period of three years. In the case of the Faculty of Education and Arts, the appointee is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy.
(6) The Faculty Board shall, on behalf of the Faculty, carry out and discharge the functions specified in clause 3 of this Statute.
(7) The Executive Dean of the Faculty may preside at a meeting of the Faculty Board, but if there is no Executive Dean appointed, or in the absence of the Executive Dean, the relevant Deputy Chair of the Faculty Board appointed in accordance with clause 4(a) shall preside. If there is no Deputy Chair appointed, or in the absence of the Deputy Chair, another member elected by the members present shall preside.
(8) The Faculty Board shall regulate its own proceedings at its meetings.
(9) One half plus one of the members of the Faculty Board shall constitute a quorum and the Faculty Board may function notwithstanding a vacancy in its membership from time to time so long as a quorum remains.
(10) The Faculty Board shall be responsible to the Academic Board:
- to exercise all Delegations provided to it by Senate or responsibilities imparted to it by the Academic Board;
- to provide strategic advice on Faculty directions for new courses, programs and research agenda;
- to report on the Faculty's Strategic, Organisational and Operational Plans (as appropriate);
- to set data-driven Faculty benchmarks where required for academic activities, and to monitor, analyse and initiate action to improve performance against internal and external benchmarks;
- to monitor and contribute to the identification and remediation of academic risk at the Faculty level;
- to monitor Faculty performance, education and remediation in the areas of academic and research integrity;
- to promote excellence and innovation in and monitor and oversee quality of teaching and learning, research and research training, scholarship, community engagement and internationalisation for the Faculty;
- to provide advice on and implement academic policy and regulations throughout the Faculty;
- to oversee the development and implementation of new and revised courses of study aligned with the Faculty and University Strategic Plans;
- as part of the process of internal accreditation of courses of study, to monitor and systematically review all existing courses of study offered by the Faculty;
- to monitor and support activity to maintain professional accreditation of relevant courses of study;
- to approve the establishment, disestablishment or changes to microcredentials or short courses offered by the Faculty;
- to make recommendations to the Academic Board or Standing Committee(s) of Academic Board (where appropriate) on award regulations, course development and course changes;
- to oversee and monitor the teaching, examining and assessment in units for Faculty awards;
- to oversee quality assurance, improvement and evaluation in relation to the academic work of the Faculty;
- to submit to the Academic Board, recommendations on any matters concerning teaching, scholarship and research within the Faculty;
- to oversee monitoring and exception reporting in relation to Faculty-based third party arrangements;
- to provide the Academic Board with an annual self-assessment report on the business of the Faculty Board, including any changes to governance personnel and structures (including sub-committee membership and Terms of Reference) operating in the Faculty;
- to refer matters to Schools, Centres, Academies, Research Institutes and Standing Committees for consideration and report, and consider and take action on reports from Schools, Centres, Academies, Research Institutes and Standing Committees;
- to consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board;
- to facilitate and support the work of Schools, Centres, Academies and Research Institutes;
- to promote discussion and debate on matters of relevance to higher education and the Faculty's educational plans and strategies; and
- to provide advice on relevant recommendations of internal and external reviews of the University’s organisational units.
(11) A Faculty Board may appoint committees to carry on the day-to-day management of all or part of the Faculty's affairs and may, with the consent of the Academic Board, assign any of its powers and responsibilities to such committees.
91/83 |
29-30 October 1991 |
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S 2023/038 |
2 November 2023 |