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Statute 1.2 - General Provisions: Meetings

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(1) All proceedings of the Senate, the Academic Board, any Faculty, any Faculty Board, and every committee or other body of the University constituted under a Statute shall be entered in a minute book. Subject to any legislative requirements, the minute book may be retained in electronic form.

(2) At each meeting of any of the bodies referred to in clause (1) the minutes of the preceding meeting shall:

  1. be read, unless copies of the minutes have been circulated to the members of the bodies referred to in clause (1);
  2. be confirmed or amended; and
  3. be signed by the presiding chair as confirmed with or without amendment.

(3) For Senate, subject to the provisions of clause 41.3 of the Constitution of the University, the Chancellor, upon recommendation of the Secretary, may authorise the calling of an extraordinary meeting or the issue of a circular resolution in any matters deemed urgent where it is impractical to wait until the next scheduled meeting of Senate.

(4) Except as otherwise provided in any statutory enactment, the Constitution of the University, or any Statute, at any meeting of the bodies referred to in clause (1):

  1. voting shall be conducted on the basis of a simple majority of votes cast whereby each member has one vote. The chair shall have a deliberative vote and, in the case of an equality of votes, a casting vote;
  2. voting shall be conducted by voices;
  3. in the event that the result of a vote carried out in accordance with clause 4(b.) is indeterminative, or if the nature and complexity of the proposed resolution and deliberation requires, the chair may, at their discretion, call for a vote on the basis of a show of hands;
  4. abstentions from votes and votes against resolutions will be recorded in the minutes including the identity of those individuals who have abstained or voted against a resolution that has been carried, but only when an individual has requested their identity be recorded for that purpose;
  5. no proceedings shall be invalid by reason only of a vacancy in the number of the members;
  6. notwithstanding that it may afterwards be discovered that there was some defect in the election or appointment of a member or a person acting as a member or that any of them were incapable of being or acting as members, the proceedings shall be as valid as if every such person had been duly elected or appointed and was capable of being a member.
DATED: 29-30 October 1991
DATED: 9 June 2021