(1) Meetings of the Senate or of any committee, board or other body within the University may be duly convened and held by way of telephone, video conferencing link-up or other medium for electronic communication available for such purpose from time to time as long as: (2) No person participating in any meeting conducted pursuant to this Statute shall disconnect communication during the course of any meeting without the consent of the chairperson and in default of such consent or proven failure of the connection all participants at the commencement of the meeting shall be deemed to have been present and to have formed part of the quorum during the whole of that meeting. (3) The chairperson shall sign minutes of the proceedings conducted as aforesaid and such minutes shall be prima facie evidence of the matters discussed and resolutions passed at the meeting. (4) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to any person entitled to be present at the meeting, or the non-receipt by such person of such notice shall not invalidate the proceedings of such meeting and the resolutions passed at the meeting.Statute 1.3 - General Provisions: Conduct of Meetings using Communications Media
29-30 October 1991
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