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Statute 9 - Student Organisations

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Official Recognition of Student Organisations

(1) There shall be one officially recognised National Student Representative Association, that shall be called the ACU National Student Association (ACUNSA).

(2) There shall be one officially recognised Campus Student Association for each ACU campus.

(3) There may be officially recognised national and campus-based Clubs and Societies.

(4) Student Associations must apply to the Senate for recognition as official Student Associations of the University.

(5) Clubs and Societies must apply to the Chief Operating Officer for recognition as official Clubs and Societies of the University.

(6) Any application made in accordance with clause (5) must set out the full details of the proposed Club or Association including:

  1. the name of the Club or Association;
  2. the object(s) or purpose(s) of the Club or Association;
  3. details of the proposed activities of the Club or Association;
  4. details of any affiliations with a Faculty or School within the University; and
  5. details of any affiliations with an external body the Club or Association may have.

(7) For the avoidance of doubt, Student Associations and Clubs and Societies are not separate legal entities and operate entirely within the University.

Governance and Finance

(8) Student Organisations shall be governed by a Constitution, endorsed by the membership of the Student Organisation and approved by the Chief Operating Officer.

(9) Student Organisations shall be managed under democratic principles in accordance with their Constitutions. Leadership positions will be elected or appointed according to the procedures outlined in the Student Organisations Election Manual as approved by the Chief Operating Officer from time to time.

(10) The Constitutions of Student Organisations may only be changed in accordance with the provisions made within each Constitution.

(11) On each occasion that a national or campus-based Student Association adopts the Constitution for the first time or resolves to adopt an amended Constitution, a copy of the Student Association’s resolution will accompany a copy of the adopted Constitution and be lodged with the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate within 28 days of the resolution. The Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate will advise the Vice-Chancellor and President of the lodgement and maintain a copy on file.

(12) On each occasion that a Club or Society adopts a Constitution for the first time or resolves to adopt an amended Constitution, a copy of the Club’s resolution will accompany a copy of the adopted Constitution and be lodged with Student Experience within 28 days of the resolution. Student Experience will advise the Chief Operating Officer of the lodgement and maintain a copy on file.

(13) Notwithstanding clause (10), no changes to the constitutions of Student Associations or clubs and societies shall come into effect without the endorsement of the Chief Operating Officer.

(14) Where a Student Association fails to conduct its affairs in accordance with its Constitution and, upon receiving advice from the Chief Operating Officer, the Senate may by resolution allow the Student Association at least two (2) months to rectify the breach, failing which the Senate may by resolution withdraw the recognition of the Student Association.

(15) The Senate may, in its absolute discretion, suspend or withdraw the University’s recognition of any Student Organisation.

(16) Where a Club or Society fails to conduct its affairs in accordance with its Constitution, the Chief Operating Officer may allow the Student Association at least two (2) months to rectify the breach, failing which the Chief Operating Officer may withdraw the recognition of the Club or Society.

(17) The Chief Operating Officer may at their sole discretion at any time by notice in writing to a Club or Society, withdraw its right to be established within the University.

(18) The Student Member of Senate shall be notified of any meeting of ACUNSA in accordance with the meeting procedures adopted by ACUNSA from time to time, whether in a Constitution or any other document adopted by ACUNSA for that purpose. The Student Member of Senate:

  1. shall be entitled to attend all meetings of ACUNSA;
  2. may report to Senate on any matter raised by ACUNSA; and
  3. notwithstanding sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), is not a member of ACUNSA and is not entitled to exercise any voting rights at any meeting of ACUNSA.

(19) The University may levy and shall hold on behalf of any Student Organisation that is formed or to be formed any fees, subscriptions and other monies payable by any Student or other person who is enrolled or seeking to enrol or engage with the University for services and amenities of a non-academic nature. The University will disburse any such monies to the Campus Student Association in accordance with the Student Organisations Finance Protocol which shall be determined by the Chief Operating Officer from time to time.

(20) The University shall on behalf of Student Organisations arrange for the organisation’s books and accounts to be reviewed on an annual basis. An account of the Organisation’s finances shall be included in the annual Student Support and Amenities Fees Report published on the University’s website.

General provisions

(21) Any student group seeking the University’s official recognition under this Statute must be able to demonstrate that it:

  1. is a fit and proper organisation suitable and deserving to operate within the University;
  2. acknowledges the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and the values of the University;
  3. will conduct its activities in a manner consistent with the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church;
  4. will conduct its activities, promotions, advertising and branding (including, but not limited to, the use of the University name, University logo, Faculty name or School name) in a manner consistent with the brand of the University published in any Brand Guidelines promulgated by the University from time to time; and
  5. is not under the undue influence of any party, person or organization external to the University.

(22) The name of any student group recognised under this Statute must clearly demonstrate its connection to the University.

(23) Only an enrolled ACU student may hold office in any Student Organisation. For the avoidance of doubt, Enrolled Student shall be defined as an undergraduate, postgraduate coursework or postgraduate research student who is enrolled in an award course at the University.

(24) A Student cannot concurrently hold office in more than one of the following positions at the same time:

  1. the President of ACUNSA;
  2. the President or Executive Officer position of a Campus Student Association (as defined in the Campus Student Association Constitution);
  3. the Student member of Senate pursuant to Clause 13.2(j) of the Constitution of the University; or
  4. a Student member of Academic Board pursuant to clause (1)r. of Statute 2.5 - The Academic Board.

(25) Any Student who seeks to nominate for any position listed in clause (24) may, at the time of the call for nominations, elect to nominate for up to three positions. Any student who nominates for more than one position will appear on the ballot form for each position for which they have nominated.

(26) In accordance with clause (24), a student who is elected to more than one position must inform the Returning Officer of the position they intend to occupy; any positions vacated by such a decision will be offered to the next-ranked candidate in the election for that position.

(27) If elected, a student must remain enrolled in an award course at the University for the entirety of the term of office for the position to which they have been elected. A student who ceases to be enrolled (whether through withdrawal from studies, completed the requirements for their award or due to any other cause) is no longer eligible to serve as a student representative.

(28) All terms of office are of one (1) year in length.

(29) An incumbent Office Bearer or prior Office Bearer is eligible to be elected for a second term of office of one (1) year, up to a total of two years in office so long as the student meets the requirements of clause (27) of this Statute.

(30) If an Office Bearer ceases to be eligible to hold office in accordance with clause (24)a. and (24)b., the vacant position shall be filled in accordance with the Student Organisations Election Manual.

(31) The Vice-Chancellor and President retains the discretion to deem any Student ineligible for nomination to any role referred to in clause (24)a. and (24)b. of this Statute where there has been an adverse finding recorded against the Student under any University policy.

(32) In the event of a Student Organisation being wound up by its members or its recognition being withdrawn by the Senate, all subscriptions and other monies levied by the University and / or paid by any Student or other person and allocated to the Student Organisation shall be held over by the University for a successor Student Organisation.

(33) The Student Organisations shall meet monthly throughout the year. A schedule of meeting dates shall be published prior to each orientation period. Minutes of the meetings shall be kept and published on the Associations’ websites.

(34) Membership of any Student Organisation shall be entirely voluntary.

Office Bearer Stipends and Recognition

(35) The University shall pay an Allowance to the ACUNSA President, the other ACUNSA Office Bearers and the Executive Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) of the Campus Student Associations while they remain in office.

(36) The Allowance shall be based on a set percentage of the Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend (base level) as follows: ACUNSA President 60%; other ACUNSA Office Bearers 30%; Campus Student Association Presidents 50%; and other Campus Student Association Executive Officers 25%.

(37) For the avoidance of doubt, any Allowance referred to in clause (35) is an ex gratia payment to recognise the contribution of the Student Office Bearers to the student life of the University.

(38) Any Allowance referred to in this Statute shall be paid by the University from a source determined at the Chief Operating Officer's discretion.

(39) If an Office Bearer receiving an Allowance in accordance with clause (35) is unable to fulfil their duties, the stipend payable shall be paid to any person elected or appointed to act in that position, in accordance with the Association’s Constitution and the Student Organisations Election Manual.

Removal from Office and suspension of Allowance

(40) In the event that the President of ACUNSA or any Office Bearer of a Campus Student Association (Responsible Officer) has an adverse finding against them relating to student misconduct or student discipline under relevant University policies, a Discipline Committee or University Appeals Committee may, in addition to any other penalties available under relevant policies, recommend to the Vice-Chancellor and President:

  1. the suspension of the Allowance of the Responsible Officer paid in accordance with clause (35) of this Statute; and / or
  2. the removal from office the Responsible Officer elected in accordance with this Statute.

(41) The penalty or penalties imposed under clause (40) shall only be effective from the date of the ultimate finding of misconduct or adverse finding under the relevant policy or procedure, including any appeals process, and confirmation of these penalties by the Vice-Chancellor and President.

(42) The Chief Operating Officer may at their sole discretion suspend any Allowance paid to any Responsible Officer if the Responsible Officer in receipt of the Allowance is unable, in the opinion of the Chief Operating Officer, to fulfill the ordinary duties of the position for a period greater than four (4) weeks provided that:

  1. the Chief Operating Officer provides particulars to the relevant Responsible Officer in writing of the Chief Operating Officer's concerns regarding the Responsible Officer’s inability to fulfil the ordinary duties of the role for a period greater than four (4) weeks;
  2. the Chief Operating Officer gives the Responsible Officer a period of (2) two weeks to provide written submissions to the Chief Operating Officer including any supporting documentation that the Responsible Officer may wish to rely upon; and
  3. after considering the Responsible Officer’s submissions, the Chief Operating Officer notifies the Responsible Officer in writing of the discretion exercised by the Chief Operating Officer within two (2) weeks of receipt of the Responsible Officer’s submissions.

(43) Notwithstanding clause (42), the Chief Operating Officer may extend the payments of the recipient of the Allowance who is unable to complete their ordinary duties for any period greater than four (4) weeks at the Chief Operating Officer's discretion and on a case-by-case basis.

Unauthorised Student Organisations

(44) Any Student Organisation operating from any Campus of the University which has not been formally approved in accordance with this Statute shall not be entitled to receive any benefits from the University in respect of its operations including, but not limited to, funding, insurance or any form of logistical support or assistance.

DATED: 30 November 2003
DATED: 31 August 2023