(1) Senators are required to dedicate considerable time to fulfilling their obligations as Directors of ACU Limited. This is determined in large part by their obligations under Commonwealth legislation including the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth), along with various State Acts of Parliament. (2) Senators are required to be aware of the full range of the University’s activities and the issues (both internal and external) impacting upon the University’s operations to ensure that they are equipped to manage the risk profile, compliance framework and finances of the University and ACU Limited. (3) Senators are required to devote time to preparation and attendance at meetings including those of Senate sub-committees, relevant consultation with stakeholders, professional development and participation in an annual planning day. Senators are also required to participate in events such as Graduation Ceremonies within their respective campuses. (4) This Policy applies to Senators elected under clauses 13.2 (h) and (i) of the Constitution. (5) Pursuant to clause 13.2(h) of the Constitution, three persons are elected to Senate by and from the academic staff of the University. (6) The workload of academic staff is determined by the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 and the Academic Workload Policy. Workload allocations are divided into: (7) The Academic Workload Policy specifies the annual workload allocations (in hours) for academic staff employed under the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025. (8) Consistent with the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement and the Academic Workload Policy, academic staff elected to Senate pursuant to clause 2(h) of the Constitution are entitled to a workload allocation for time spent on Senate-related activities towards “Other Activities including administration and / or University service” up to 70 hours per annum (or pro-rata equivalent) to fulfil their obligations as Senators. (9) In addition to the 70 hours per annum provided for in clause (8) above, and consistent with the Academic Workload Policy, reasonable allocation for interstate travel of 6 hours per trip and 14 hours per annum to fulfil Senate sub-committee duties. (10) Following the election of any new academic staff members to Senate pursuant to clause 13.2(h) of the Constitution, the Secretary / Chief Operating Officer shall advise the relevant Executive Deans, nominated supervisors and Chief People Officer of the identity of those academic staff members. (11) Pursuant to clause 13.2(i) of the Constitution, one person is elected to Senate by and from the professional staff of the University. (12) The workload of professional staff is determined by the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025. Professional staff are required to work a specified number of hours per week (full-time equivalent) in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement. (13) Consistent with the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement, professional staff elected to Senate pursuant to clause 13.2(i) of the Constitution are eligible to an amount of 70 hours per annum (or pro-rata equivalent) of ordinary hours to fulfil their obligations as Senators. (14) In addition to the 70 hours per annum provided for in clause (13) above, reasonable allocation for interstate travel of 6 hours per trip and 14 hours per annum to fulfil Senate sub-committee duties. (15) Following the election of any new professional staff member to Senate pursuant to clause 13.2(i) of the Constitution, the Secretary / Chief Operating Officer shall advise any relevant Executive Dean / Director, nominated supervisor and the Director of People and Capability of the identity of that professional staff member. (16) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that appropriate recognition is given to Senators elected pursuant to clauses 13.2(h)and (i) of the Constitution to enable them to prepare for, and make meaningful contributions to, the activities of Senate. (17) This Policy applies to any member of staff elected to Senate in accordance with clause 13.2 (h) and (i) of the Constitution. (18) Senate is the Approval Authority for this Policy. The Secretary / Chief Operating Officer is the Governing Authority for this Policy. The Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance is the Responsible Officer for this Policy. (19) This Policy will be reviewed by Senate from time to time and not later than every three years. (20) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date. (21) Further assistance may be obtained by contacting the Legal, Assurance and Governance Directorate.Senator Workload and Recognition Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Academic Staff
Professional Staff
Section 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Application of Policy
Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 6 - Policy Review
Section 7 - Further Assistance
Section 8 - Definitions
ACU Limited
means Australian Catholic University Limited (ABN 15 050 192 660).
means the Constitution of ACU Limited approved by the Members.
Enterprise Agreement
means the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 (or equivalent document) in force from time to time as approved by the Fair Work Commission or an equivalent body.
means the Secretary of ACU Limited defined in clause 32.1 of the Constitution.
means a member of Senate appointed or elected pursuant to clause 13.2 of the Constitution.
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