(1) The Senate is the governing authority for the Corporation of Australian Catholic University Limited, as empowered by clause 13.1 of the ACU Constitution. The Senate is responsible for the delivery of the Objects of the Corporation, as detailed in clause 2 of the ACU Constitution, and in doing so exercises competent governance, compliance and regulatory oversight of the University’s operations domestically and internationally. (2) In fulfilling its functions in accordance with the Constitution and regulatory requirements, the Senate is, at all times, guided by the Mission of the University which is informed by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. In applying a Mission-based lens to the governance of the University, the Senate, acting in Truth and Love, is committed to a governance framework that fosters the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and the common good. (3) Senators must always act in the best interests of the University, in good faith, honestly and for a proper purpose. Senators must also exercise due care and diligence, not improperly use their position to gain any advantage and appropriately manage conflicts of interest. These obligations apply to all Senators as Directors under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), as Responsible Persons under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth) and as Fit and Proper Persons in accordance with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Act 2011 (Cth). (4) In addition to such powers and authorities that are imparted to it by the Constitution, or any restrictions imposed, and notwithstanding any authority properly delegated by the Senate to an officer or Committee in accordance with the Constitution, the Senate is responsible for: (5) Specific responsibilities under each area in clause (4) may be explicated in a separate document such as a SenateStatute 2.1 - The Senate
Handbook, or the like, as approved by the Senate from time to time.
29-30 October 1991
S 2024/139
10 October 2024
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