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Statute 2.9 - Governing Bodies: The Honorary Awards Committee

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(1) There shall be an Honorary Awards Committee of the Senate consisting of:

  1. the Chancellor(Chair);
  2. the Vice-Chancellor and President (ex-officio);
  3. the Chair, Academic Board;
  4. one member of Senate appointed under Clause 13.2(f) of the Constitution (external member);
  5. one member of Senate appointed under Clause 13.2(g) of the Constitution (external member); and
  6. one Academic Staff member of Senate elected under Clause 13.2(h) of the Constitution.

(2) The Honorary Awards Committee shall, subject to the direction and control of the Senate, exercise the following functions:

  1. Periodically review Regulations governing circumstances for the awarding of:
    1. honorary degrees; and
    2. honorary title of Emeritus Professor.
  2. Invite, review and consider proposals for the awarding of honorary degrees and honorary title of Emeritus Professor and make recommendations to Senate in relation to such proposals.
  3. In furtherance of clause 2(b), the Committee shall:
    1. Review nomination forms and accompanying supporting documentation.
    2. Undertake any required due diligence and threshold level process in relation to individual nominations.
    3. Prepare a report summarising the Committee's deliberations, followed by a series of resolutions submitted to Senate for approval.

(3) The Honorary Awards Committee shall regulate its own proceedings at its meetings. 

(4) A majority of the members of the Honorary Awards Committee shall constitute a quorum and the Honorary Awards Committee may function notwithstanding a vacancy in its membership from time to time so long as a quorum remains.

(5) Meetings of the Honorary Awards Committee shall be called:

  1. at such times as the Chair, Honorary Awards Committee may determine; or
  2. in accordance with the Honorary Awards Committee's own determinations; or
  3. at the written request of three members delivered to the Chair, Honorary Awards Committee.

(6) Casual vacancies on the Honorary Awards Committee shall be filled by the Senate.

(7) The Honorary Awards Committee may invite such persons to attend and advise the meeting as it sees fit but no person so invited shall have a vote at any meeting of the Honorary Awards Committee.

DATED: 29 October 1992
DATED: 13 June 2019