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- Abandonment of Employment PolicyThis policy describes the circumstances in which the University may deem that a staff member has abandoned their employment with ACU.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural and Ceremonial Leave GuidelineThe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural and Ceremonial Leave Guidelines have been developed to support the provisions of clause 2.14 the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance GuidelineThe guidelines support implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Language Allowance providing information to manager, supervisors and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees about eligibility requirements and how to apply.
- Academic Board Travel ProtocolThis Protocol outlines the requirements surrounding the use of the Academic Board Project Code by Academic Board Members and Invitees (or their Authorised Nominees).
- Academic Documents PolicyThis policy defines the requirements and responsibilities for the issuing of official and certified academic documents at Australian Catholic University (ACU), and the replacement and reprinting of such documents.
- Academic Documents ProcedureThis procedure outlines the requirements and responsibilities for the issuing of official and certified academic documents at Australian Catholic University.
- Academic Dress and Regalia PolicyThis Policy outlines the appropriate wearing of academic dress and regalia to be observed at public ceremonies of the Australian Catholic University (ACU).
- Academic Promotions PolicyThis document establishes the policy for academic promotions providing recognition and reward for staff excellence and sustained achievement.
- Academic Promotions ProcedureThis procedure is to inform applicants for promotion and relevant Academic Promotions Committees of the procedures and criteria applicable to the promotions process.
- Academic RegulationsThese Regulations relate to all coursework programs and units in coursework programs other than higher degrees by research (which are covered by the Higher Degree Research Regulations). Rules specific to individual programs should be read in conjunction with these Regulations.
- Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience PolicyThis policy outlines factors for consideration when assessing if prospective or current academic staff with teaching responsibilities have the qualifications or the equivalent level of professional experience prescribed by Clause 3.2 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
- Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience ProcedureThis procedure outlines the process to be used when determining whether an academic staff member has the appropriate level of academic, professional, or practice-based experience and expertise to be deemed equivalent to one qualification standard level above the program of study.
- Academic Timeline Governance FrameworkThe Academic Timeline is a holistic conceptualisation and presentation of university-wide tasks and processes developed through consultation with all Directorates and Faculties.
- Academic Workload PolicyThis policy provides information about the University’s expectations of academic availability and academic work in the context of Academic Career Pathways (ACP), and, it includes details of academic workload allocation that implements the [relevant] provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement.
- Acceptance and Treatment of Donations PolicyGuides the acceptance of philanthropic gifts in line with ACU policies and tax compliance.
- Access to and Correction of Personal Information ProcedureThis procedure sets out how ACU manages access to and correction of personal information.
- Accreditation of Higher Degree Research Supervisors PolicyThis policy sets out the requirements for accreditation as a supervisor of higher degree by research candidates.
- Acknowledgement of Country ProtocolCultural guidance delivering a Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country.
- Administration of Scholarships and Awards ProcedureThis procedure accompanies the Administration of Scholarships and Awards Procedures in guiding the establishment, management and award of student scholarships.
- Admission to Coursework Programs PolicyThis policy provides the framework for admission to all coursework programs and units at Australian Catholic University (ACU).
- Admission to Coursework Programs ProcedureSupporting procedure to Admissions to Coursework Programs Policy.
- Alcohol and Other Drugs ProcedureProvide guidelines for the management of the use of alcohol and drugs within the University community.
- Animals on Campus PolicyThis policy is to provide a guide on bringing animals onto campus to ensure the safety and health of staff, students and visitors to campus.
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption PolicyThis Policy sets out the responsibilities of ACU and ACU personnel in complying with ACU's prohibition on bribery and related improper conduct which occurs in or outside of Australia and provides guidance on recognising and addressing instances of bribery and related improper conduct.
- Appointment of Adjunct and Honorary Titles GuidelineThe appointment of an adjunct and honorary title recognises persons of outstanding accomplishment.
- Appointment of Examiners and Examination PolicyDescribes the centralised oversight of the Higher Degree Research examination process.
- Appointment of Examiners and Examination ProcedureProcesses to be followed to obtain approval of examiners for a Higher Degree Research (HDR) thesis as well as the process for the examination of an HDR thesis.
- Appointment of Staff PolicyThis policy covers the terms of employment and types of employment at ACU.
- Approved Business Systems GuidelineThis document specifies Approved Business Systems.
- Archive Box Description ProtocolThis Protocol specifies the steps that should be used to complete an Archive Box Description Form for physical records that need to be stored onsite at an ACU campus.
- Art Collection PolicyThis policy defines the principles to be followed by the ACU community in the development, management and use of the ACU Art Collection, which is consistent with the university’s mission, vision and core values.
- Assessment of Research in Coursework Programs GuidelineThese Guidelines provide the basis for assessment requirements for Honours and Postgraduate Coursework programs.
- Assessment PolicyThis policy sets out the principles that underpin ACU’s approach to assessment.
- Assessment ProcedureThe Assessment Procedure guides the design and adoption of valid assessment practices that shape and support the best possible student learning experience and outcomes.
- Asset Management PolicyThis policy establishes a framework for the university’s assets management processes to ensure consistency, quality and efficient use of university resources.
- Australian Defence Forces Reserve Leave PolicyThis policy covers the provision of Australian Defence Force Reserves Leave for Academic, Teachers and Professional Staff at ACU.
- Authority to Act PolicyThis policy sets out the principles around permitting and revoking the authority of another person and/or entity to act on behalf of students.
- Authority to Act ProcedureThis procedure establishes the process and responsibilities for managing Authority to Act at ACU.
- Availability of Academic Staff PolicyThis policy covers the availability of Academic Staff to students and colleagues.
- Award Nomenclature PolicyPolicy governing the nomenclature for courses at ACU.
- Awarding of the ACU MacKillop Professor Title GuidelineProvides a mechanism to acknowledge and reward sustained, outstanding performance and service. Incumbents will reflect Saint Mary’s legacy in the pursuit of excellence and inclusivity and commitment to the common good.