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Delegations of Authority Policy and Register

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The Constitution of the Australian Catholic University enables:

  1. The Senators to delegate their powers under the Constitution to Officers of the University. Clause 15.6 provides:
    1. The Senators may at any time confer upon any other Senator, any State Chapter or such other Officer of the Corporation as they select, such of the powers exercisable under the Constitution by the Senators (other than this power of delegation and the power to make Statutes and Regulations under clause 24) for such time as they may think fit and to be exercised for such objects and purposes and upon such terms and with such restrictions as they think expedient. They may at any time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any of such powers. No delegation will prevent the exercise of any power by the Senate.
  2. The Senate to appoint and delegate their powers to a committee of the University. Clause 16.1 provides:
    1. The Senate may constitute and appoint such committees (at least one-third of which consists of Senators) and may delegate any of their powers (other than this power of delegation and the power to make Statutes and Regulations under clause 24) to such committees as they think fit. The Senate may at any time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any of such powers. No delegation will prevent the exercise of any power by the Senate.
  3. The Vice-Chancellor and President is the chief executive officer of the University. Clause 21.2 provides:
    1. The Vice-Chancellor and President is the chief executive officer of the University and, subject to this Constitution, has such powers and duties as prescribed by the Statutes or, subject to the Statutes, as the Senate determines.

(2) The purpose of the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register is to be the source of the functions which the Senate authorises particular officers and bodies of the University to carry out regularly.

(3) The Delegations of Authority Policy and Register sets out authorisations conferred by the Senate on officers and bodies of the University and committees of Senate for the purpose of carrying out their functions.

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(4) The Delegations of Authority Policy and Register applies to the University and its controlled entities, if any.

(5) The Delegations of Authority Policy and Register is not the source of all delegated authority. Register actions may be taken by University staff under implied authority arising from position descriptions, policies, procedures, schedules, guidelines and practices.

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Section 3 - Acronyms

Dean, La Salle
Dean, La Salle Academy
Ac Reg
Academic Registrar
Associate Dean, Research
Assoc Dean
Associate Dean
Assoc Dir DCP
Associate Director, Development and Capital Projects
Assoc Dir Fin Ops
Associate Director, Financial Operations
Assoc Dir FM
Associate Director, Facilities Management
Assoc Dir Lib
Associate Director, Libraries
Assoc Dir Prop
Associate Director, Properties and Facilities [all Associate Directors]
Assoc Dir Res Ops
Associate Director, Research Operations
Audit and Risk Committee
Courses and Academic Quality Committee
Campus Dean
Chief Executive (Management Level 1)
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Information and Digital Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief People Officer
Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Dep Dir RC
Deputy Director, Rome Campus
Dean, Innovation & Industry Engagement
Dir AA
Director, Advancement and Alumni
Director, Centre for Education and Innovation
Director, Graduate Research School
Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance
Dir Prop
Director, Properties and Facilities
Dir RC
Director, Rome Campus
Dir SO
Director, Strategy and Operations
Dir SE
Director, Student Experience
Director, Sports, Wellbeing and Residential Life
Deputy Provost
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
Exec Dean
Executive Dean
Finance and Resources Committee
General Counsel
Higher Degree Research
Head of School
Human Research Ethics Committee
Lib Dir
Library Director
Mem Exec
Member of the Executive (Management Level 3)
Mem Line Mgt
Member of Line Management (Management Level 6)
Mem Mgt
Member of Management (Management Level 5)
Mem Sen Exec
Member of the Senior Executive (Management Level 2)
Mem Sen Mgt
Member of Senior Management (Management Level 4)
Nat Man ERS
National Manager, Employment Relations and Safety
Nat Man Gov
National Manager, Governance
National Health and Medical Research Council
Office of General Counsel
People and Capability
Privacy Coordinator
Privacy Officer
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Education Pathways)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Rome Steering Committee
Senate Standing Committee
University Learning and Teaching Committee
University Research Committee
Vice-Chancellor and President
Vice-Chancellor's Executive Board
Vice President and Director, Identity & Mission
Workplace Health and Safety
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Section 4 - Definitions

Agreement or Contract
includes a document having the effect, when signed or approved, of committing the University to legally binding obligations. This includes a University purchase order, deeds, consultancy or commercial contracts, research tenders, or any other document committing the University to legally binding obligations.
means an officer or a group of persons (such as a committee) with delegated authority under this document.
Management Levels
means the following positions (in descending order):
Chief Executive (Management Level 1) means the Vice-Chancellor and President.
Members of the Senior Executive (Management Level 2)
means the following positions:
  1. Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  2. Chief Operating Officer
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
  4. Vice President and Director, Identity & Mission
  5. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
  6. Executive Deans
3. Members of the Executive (Management Level 3)
means the following positions:
  1. Deputy Provost
  2. Deputy Chief Operating Officer
  3. Pro Vice-Chancellors
  4. Research Institute Directors 
  5. Directorate Directors
  6. Academic Registrar
  7. General Counsel
  8. Chair, Academic Board
  9. Dean, Innovation & Industry Engagement
  10. Director, Digital Education
  11. Director, Graduate Research School
  12. Director, Strategy and Operations
  Members of Senior Management (Management Level 4)
means the following positions:
  1. Campus Deans
  2. Dean, La Salle Academy
  3. National Heads of School (including Dean, Thomas More Law School; Dean of Arts and Director, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences)
  4. Deputy Deans
  5. Director, PM Glynn Institute
  6. Director, Global Engagement
  7. Director, Pathways
  8. Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President
  9. Director, Portfolio and Program Management
  10. Director, Programs and Policies
  11. Director, Strategic Projects
  12. Director, Corporate Services
  13. Director, Rome Campus
  14. Directorate Associate Directors
  15. Associate Director, Research Operations
5. Members of Management (Management Level 5)
means the following positions:
  1. Associate Deans
  2. Research Institute Heads of Centres
  3. Research Institute Senior Managers
  4. Senior/National/Portfolio Managers
  5. State/Deputy Heads of School
  6. Deputy Director, Rome Campus
6. Members of Line Management (Management Level 6)
means the following positions:
  1. Line Managers
  2. Course Coordinators
  3. Team Leaders
  4. Lecturer in Charge
  5. Program Lead (Research Institute)
Policies procedures and guidelines have the meanings set out in the Policy Development and Review Policy.
University means the Australian Catholic University Limited, including its controlled entities (if any), any affiliated institution and any educational institution located on University premises.
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Section 5 - Principles

(6) A delegation applies to the delegate’s position and not to the individual in that position.

(7) Where a delegation is to a body (such as a Committee or a Board), it relates to the body acting as a body, not to individual members of the body.

(8) In exercising a delegation, a delegate must comply with all relevant legislation, the University’s Constitution, Statutes, Resolutions of Senate; industrial awards and agreements. The Delegations of Authority Policy and Register is a ‘superior’ policy of Senate; it overrides any other University policies and procedures to the extent of any inconsistencies.

(9) A delegate must act in accordance with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and the Code of Conduct for Staff, for the purpose delegated and not for any improper purpose.

(10) A delegate must not exercise a delegation that would provide the delegate with any direct or indirect personal benefit, or conflict of interest. In circumstances where an officer would obtain a personal benefit the conflicted delegate must refer the decision to their supervisor and must not exercise the delegated authority.

(11) Where the delegated authority is a ‘Member of the Executive’ or a ‘Member of the Senior Executive’, approval is sought from the relevant member who is in the delegate’s direct reporting line.

(12) A person appointed as a temporary or acting occupant of a position has the authority delegated to the position in which they are acting.

(13) A delegate may not nominate a sub-delegate under their supervision to exercise a delegation for and on behalf of that delegate except where the Register specifically allows for a nominee, as authorised by Senate. If a delegate in accordance with the delegation register nominates a nominee, the delegate remains responsible and accountable for the decision or action. Where nomination is permitted, the nominating officer cannot exercise the same authority in a particular case if the nominee has already exercised it.

(14) A person who has immediate, intermediate or ultimate line management for a delegate may exercise the delegated authority of that delegate.

(15) A delegation that contains the words ‘in consultation with’, ‘on advice from’, ‘on advice of’, or ‘on recommendation of’ means that the delegation should not be exercised until the required consultation, advice or recommendation is received and considered. Written evidence of such consultation should be kept by the delegate.

(16) A delegate may sign any document to give effect to their function or authority, except for legally binding agreements or contracts specifically delegated to others as set out in the Register.

(17) Where a delegate is authorised to approve or enter into a legally binding agreement on behalf of the University, this also includes the authority to modify the terms of the original agreement. However, authority to terminate must be exercised by the relevant delegate upon advice from General Counsel or a legal practitioner employed as such by the University to ensure that the full legal implications of termination are considered.

(18) Notwithstanding the absence of an explicit delegation in the Register, all decision-making authority exercised by any University officer must be exercised in accordance with the foregoing Principles.

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Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities

Approval Authority

(19) The Approval Authority for this Policy is the Senate.

Governing Authority

(20) The Governing Authority for this Policy is the Senate Standing Committee.

Responsible Officer

(21) The Responsible Officer for this Policy is the Chief Operating Officer.

Other Relevant Stakeholders

(22) The Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance is responsible for overseeing the operation, implementation and amendment of the Delegations, including consulting with staff and providing training with respect to the application of the Delegations.

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Section 7 - Review

(23) In line with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Policy is scheduled for annual review or more frequently if appropriate.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(24) Further assistance may be sought from the Director, Legal, Assurance and Governance by logging a request via Service Central. Suggestions for further amendments to the Delegations may also be submitted via the Governance tab in Service Central.

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Section 9 - Delegations of Authority Register

1. Corporate and Commercial


Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

1.1 Approve:  
a) Policies Approval Authority identified as the Senate, VC or nominee being a Mem Sen Exec, or Committee with appropriate remit in accordance with the Policy Development and Review Policy or as otherwise specified in this document
b) Procedures Governing Authority for the relevant Policy or as otherwise specified in the relevant Policy
c) Guidelines and local protocols for the implementation of University policies in the following areas: Responsible Officer being the relevant Mem Sen Exec or Mem Exec in accordance with the Policy Development and Review Policy as follows:
i. Academic matters Ac Reg, Provost, DVCRE
ii. Advancement and alumni Dir AA
iii. Finance CFO
iv. Governance Dir LAG
v. Privacy and Freedom of Information COO as PO
vi. Human Resources CPO
vii. Information Technology CIDO
viii. International activities PVCGEP
ix. Library and Collections Library Director
x. Records capture, release and destruction, including archiving and access Dir LAG
xi. Property Dir Prop
xii. Quality Assurance Dir DASI
xiii. Risk and compliance Dir DASI
xiv. Learning and Teaching Dir CEI
xv. Student administration Ac Reg (Coursework); Dir GRS (HDR)
xvi. Student wellbeing and campus life Dir SWRL, Dir SE
xvii. Intellectual property assets of the University COO; DVCRE
xviii. xviii. Corporate engagement, marketing and communication CMO

Corporate and Governance

1.2 Approve: Senate on recommendation of VC  
a) establishment and naming of campuses; and
b) renaming and disestablishment of campuses
1.3 Approve: VC or Mem Sen Exec nominated by VC  
a) establishment, naming, reorganisation and closure of management portfolios, offices, departments
b) reorganisation of faculties
1.4 Approve establishment, naming, reorganisation and closure of units within faculties VC or Mem Sen Exec nominated by VC  
1.5 Approve establishment or participation in (whether by means of debt, equity contribution of assets or by other means):
a) Companies and other entities (including ACU controlled entities) VC
b) Off-shore companies and other entities off-shore Senate on recommendation of VC
c) Joint ventures VC or COO or DVCRE
d) Cooperative teaching or research arrangements Provost, DVCRE
1.6 Approve business names (including application, renewal, transfer and cancellation) VC or COO  
1.7 Approve and retain register of Faculty Operational Plans Provost on recommendation of Exec Dean  
1.8 Appoint University representatives to outside bodies VC or Mem Sen Exec (with notification to the VC)  
1.9 Appoint Electoral Officers in accordance with the Statutes Corporation Secretary  
1.10 Approval of strategies arising out of the Strategic Plan approved by Senate Senate, with endorsement by Academic Board for academic strategies  
1.10A Approve enabling frameworks and operational plans VC on recommendation of VCAC  
1.11 Approve the acceptance of risk over Tolerance Levels defined by the Risk Appetite Statement VC for all risks
Relevant Mem Sen Exec appropriate to designated areas of risk ownership
Approve amendments to these Delegations which are:
a) minor and do not change substance or effect of the delegations or
b) consequential on changes to a position title, policy, process or procedure
Approve the engagement of a consultant or a contractor (including agency / contract staff engaged through preferred recruitment agencies or other suppliers) under a contract for services within the delegate’s area of responsibility. In this clause:
a) the engagement must not exceed the delegated limit in respect of any single transaction. That is, the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction must not exceed the total (overall) delegation limit. Invoice splitting is not permitted;
b) clause 3.5 of the Delegations specifies the ‘delegated limit in respect of any single transaction’;
c) a ‘consultant’ means an individual or entity engaged by the University to evaluate the University’s needs and provide expert advice and opinion within their specific area of expertise on strategic, operational or other activities of the University;
d) a ‘contractor’ or ‘independent contractor’ means an individual or entity that the University engages to perform work for the University but who is not employed by the University. A contractor undertakes to produce a given result and the agreed payment becomes payable when the contractual conditions have been fulfilled;
e) contractors and consultants are engaged via a ‘contract for services’ (or ‘contract by performance’) which refers to a contractual arrangement by which one person or entity agrees to provide workplace services to another. The contract is between two principals (which can either be a person or entity) and neither is the employer of the other;
f) the exercise of this delegation relates to the following substantive areas of decision-making: academic, marketing, financial, human resources, property and information technology; and
g) in the event of any inconsistency between this clause and any other clause of the Delegations, this clause shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.
Mem Exec Determining Employee or Contractor Status Policy
Approve non-research private and University-based consulting and commercial activities for:
a) Academic Staff
Relevant Mem Sen Exec
b) Professional Staff Relevant Mem Sen Exec
c) Mem Sen Exec VC
1.15 a) Negotiate
Relevant Mem Sen Mgt
b) Approve and enter into, modify the terms of or terminate DVCRE on advice of GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the university
any University-based consulting and commercial activities agreement where ACU provides services to an external organization.  
a) Negotiate
Relevant Mem Sen Mgt
b) Approve and enter into, modify the terms of or terminate
Relevant Mem Sen Mgt on advice of GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the university
a non-legally binding agreement or memorandum of understanding with a domestic or international entity to create a mutually beneficial industry partnership.  
1.16 Approve dealings in the University’s intellectual property assets not otherwise covered in these Delegations including authority to manage commercial and non-commercial exploitation and infringement of the University’s intellectual property, subject to clause 28 of the Constitution of Australian Catholic University Limited COO  

2. Legal and Compliance


Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

2.1 Accept service of legal documents GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University on recommendation of GC  
2.1A Seek advice from GC in respect of matters of corporate governance Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor and VC in their capacities as Directors of ACU Limited, and the independent Chair ARC, on the recommendation of the Corporation Secretary (subject to GC's professional obligations and any conflicts of interest)  
2.2 To submit:  
a) all statements of compliance required to be made by the University or by the Senate (with the exception of financial statements); or VC or nominee of VC being a member of the Senior Executive or Executive
b) the Annual Information Statement on behalf of the University; or COO, Dir LAG, Nat Man Gov
c) statements or information updating the corporate record including Directors’ details,
COO, Dir LAG, Nat Man Gov
in accordance with legislation and the requirements of proper authorities under legislation
2.3 Hold any licence or assume any title or office where required or permitted by law to be held or assumed on behalf of the University by a natural person and exercise any function or authority relevantly, required of, or permitted to be exercised by, that officeholder by the statute VC or nominee of VC  
2.4 Settle legal proceedings or disputes COO or nominee, VC or nominee, FRC or nominee within the limits of their respective general expenditure delegation  
2.5 a) Appoint and instruct external lawyers for the purpose of obtaining legal advice or services Chancellor, VC, GC, COO or legal practitioner employed as such by the University authorised by GC, with a copy of all external legal advice to be provided to GC  
b) Instruct external lawyers on matters relating to property leasing and property licensing COO, GC, legal practitioner employed as such by the University authorised by GC, Dir Prop or nominee on recommendation of COO or GC subject to ongoing consultation with the OGC
c) Instruct external lawyers on matters relating to employment and industrial relations COO, GC, legal practitioner employed as such by the University authorised by GC, CPO or nominee on recommendation of COO or GC, subject to ongoing consultation with the OGC
d) Appoint and instruct external lawyers for purposes other than the provision of privileged legal advice (e.g., registered migration agent services; provision of learning and development services) GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University; CPO or nominee
2.6 Represent the University in a proceeding in a court or tribunal

(25) A legal practitioner employed as such by the University, or an external legal practitioner appointed in accordance with this document

(26) CPO or nominee of CPO for matters in Fair Work Commission upon the recommendation of GC

2.7 Waive University’s right to maintain legal professional privilege in a specific instance VC or COO  
2.8 Approve the use and disclosure of personal information (including sensitive information), subject to clauses 5.8A, 5.8B, 5.8C and 5.8D PO, on recommendation of PC, GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University
Privacy Policy and Privacy Procedures

Executing ACU Agreements / Contracts

a) the content and form; and
b) the use and application;
of ACU standard form of contracts, agreements and deeds
A document, excluding a deed, may be executed by a person with the relevant delegated authority without the seal of the University
Note: See Section 4 (Property) for specific delegations relating to the execution of property-related documents
All delegates within their relevant delegated authority on advice of:
a) GC, or
b) a legal practitioner employed as such by the University, or
c) a delegate holding a legal practitioner’s practising certificate and who is authorised to provide legal advice to the University on specific matters (e.g., Nat Man ERS  on employment relations matters)

3. Finance



3.1 Approve finance forms and authorisation approval processes prescribed for use in accounting procedures
CFO; Associate Director, Financial Operations
3.2 Approve annual Operating Budget Senate    

Own Expenditure

3.3 Delegates must not approve the incurring of or the reimbursement of their own expenditures or advances even if it falls within their delegation limit. Such expenditure must be approved by that person’s immediate supervisor All delegates    

Non-Capital Expenditure Delegations

3.4 Approve expenditure and payments not otherwise included elsewhere in the Delegations and not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction, that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted. This includes the authority to execute contracts on behalf of the University under conditions set out in the Procurement Policy or Delegations FRC Unlimited
VC or COO jointly with Chair, FRC $10,000,000
VC or COO $3,000,000
Provost $1,500,000
CFO $1,000,000
Note: With reference to clause 3.5 below, the financial delegation is distinct from the substantive delegation and delegates should only approve financial expenditure for areas of substantive responsibility for which they are otherwise authorised to act.
Approve expenditure and payments for overhead and operating budgets within the delegate’s area of responsibility not otherwise included elsewhere in the Delegations and not exceeding the delegated limit in respect of any single transaction, that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted.
This includes the authority to execute contracts on behalf of the University under conditions set out in the Procurement Policy or Delegations
  • Provost
  • VP
  • DVCE
  • DCOO
Dir Prop $250,000  
Mem Exec $150,000
Mem Sen Mgt $50,000
Assoc Dean $30,000  
State Facilities Manager $20,000  
Mem Mgt $10,000
  • Mem Line Mgt
  • Senior Administrative Officer within a Department
  • Chief Investigator of a research project
Administrative Officers $1,000


3.6 Open and maintain bank accounts including styles, cheque signatories, signature for international authorisations for electronic transfers, payment and receipting processes, credit card facilities, and provide indemnities required by the bank on behalf of the University
3.7 Appoint officers to sign, countersign or endorse instruments required to operate University bank accounts (two signatures must be required for all documents) CFO    

Capital Funded Projects (not otherwise provided for)

Approve projects within project budget approved by Senate or FRC
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to approved capital projects authorised under contracts and purchase orders not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted
a) FRC Unlimited  
b) VC or COO $3,000,000
c) Relevant Mem Exec $2,000,000
d) Relevant Mem Sen Mgt $200,000
e) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by relevant Mem Exec $100,000
Approve allocation of capital in the approved Annual Capital Plan budget
Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders for programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan budget and substantive area of delegated responsibility
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan budget not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted
a) COO $3,000,000  
b) Relevant Mem Exec $250,000
c) Relevant Mem Sen Mgt $80,000
d) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by relevant Mem Exec $20,000

Credit Cards

3.10 Approve the issue of, and credit limits associated with, corporate credit cards to staff CFO  

Contracts and Purchase Orders for Goods and Services

3.11 Contracts and Purchase Orders for Goods and Services CFO    
3.12 Sign on behalf of the University contracts not required to be under seal for the provision of services, hire or loan of goods and rental of premises either by the University or procured for the University a) COO $10,000,000  
b) CFO $1,000,000  
3.13 Determine rates for      
a) facilities hire; and COO on recommendation of Dir Prop
b) residential services COO on recommendation of Dir SWRL

Fees and Charges

3.14 Approve annual schedule of tuition fees and associated tuition charges including Strategic Projects and any subsequent variations VC on recommendation of Provost / COO / DVCRE    
3.15 Approve prices of:      
a) publications; Provost; DVCRE
b) merchandise; and COO
c) fees and charges for other University programs, services and equipment COO; Provost; DVCRE
3.16 a) Waive or refund, in full or in part, domestic coursework student fees COO or COO's nominee; Ac Reg $30,000  
b) Waive or refund, in full or in part, domestic HDR student fees DVCRE or DVCRE's nominee; Dir GRS $30,000
c) Waive or refund, in full or in part, domestic student charges Provost; Ac Reg; Dir GRS $5,000
d) Waive or refund, in full or in part, student library fines and charges Information Services Librarian, Senior Library Technician $500
e) Waive or refund, in full or in part, domestic and international student fees and charges relating to student accommodation and non-academic student programs COO on recommendation of Dir SWRL or Ac Reg $100,000
3.17 Discount international student fee in form of scholarship Provost on recommendation of PVCGEP    
3.18 Approve fee refund for full-fee-paying international students:      
a) prior to commencement PVCGEP (Coursework); DVCRE (HDR)  
b) following commencement Ac Reg (Coursework); Dir GRS (HDR)  
3.19 Fees for external examiners      
a) Undergraduate / postgraduate coursework Provost  
b) Postgraduate research DVCRE  
3.20 a) Apply for VET funding PVCGEP    
b) Oversee processes in relation to VET FEE HELP or any comparable VET funding scheme (VFH) PVCGEP  
c) Execute any Statutory Declaration or other authority certifying VET student enrolments and related VFH CFO  
3.21 Determine rates for fines and penalties COO    
3.22 Determine rates for parking COO    


3.23 Accept grants on behalf of the University:      
a) Research grants DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops  
b) Special purpose/grants other than research Mem Sen Exec  


3.24 Approve Risk Framework, Insurance Renewal ARC on recommendation of COO Unlimited  
3.24A Approve departure from ACU’s minimum insurance requirements in circumstances of low risk COO upon recommendation of CFO with advice to the University’s relevant insurer  

Investment of Funds

3.25 Approve policy on investment of funds FRC    
3.26 Engage and terminate the use of external fund managers FRC    
3.27 Invest monies of the University, subject to any conditions of a relevant Trust Agreement and FRC investment policy a) FRC Unlimited  
b) COO $10,000,000
c) CFO $10,000,000
d) Assoc Dir Fin Ops $7,500,000

Loan of Equipment

3.28 Authorise the loan of equipment to outside bodies a) Mem Sen Exec Unlimited  
b) Mem Exec $25,000

Payments to Staff

3.29 Approve detailed arrangements for the payment of salaries, wages and allowances, including remittance of salary deductions to external organisations COO, CPO, CFO, National Manager, Payroll Services $10,000,000  
3.30 Approve payment of employer Superannuation COO, CPO, CFO, National Manager, Payroll Services $3,000,000  

Payments to Deceased Person

3.31 Approve payment to a person other than the personal legal representative where an amount is due to a deceased person at the date of death On advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University any of the following:    
a) COO $1,500,000
b) CFO $1,000,000
c) CPO $150,000

Reimbursement without Receipt

3.32 Approve limits for reimbursement without receipt CFO    

Recoveries and Write-offs (Non-property Capital Assets)

3.33 Authorise recovery of monies owed to the University by deduction from salary
3.34 Write off assets and debts a) FRC Unlimited  
b) COO $100,000
c) CFO $50,000
3.35 Write off salary over-payments a) COO $100,000  
b) CFO $50,000

Sale, Disposal of Assets (Non-property Capital Assets)

3.36 Approve the sale, trade-in, cannibalisation, scrapping, disposal by gift or donation or write off of assets of specified written down value a) FRC Unlimited
b) VC or COO $10,000,000
c) CFO $1,000,000
d) Assoc Dir Fin Ops $5000

Student Loans

3.37 Approve student loans (excluding Commonwealth loans schemes such as OS-HELP) in accordance with applicable policy and procedure a) PVCGEP (international student loans) $10,000  
b) Provost; COO $100,000


3.38 Approve overseas travel requests for their areas of responsibility (subject to relevant policies and procedures) Mem Sen Exec  
3.39 Approve domestic travel requests for their areas of responsibility (subject to relevant policies and procedures)
Mem Exec; Mem Sen Mgt; Mem Mgt


3.40 Approve expenditure and payments for the purpose of Library acquisitions within approved budget Lib Dir $250,000  
Assoc Dir Lib $100,000
Library Manager (Collections and Access) $90,000
Library Manager (Data Quality and Digitisation) $10,000

Debt Issue

3.41 Issue debt in either the Australian Medium-Term Note market or US Private Placement market CFO Within a maximum volume of $250,000,000, maturity of up to 30 years and with a yield no greater than 4.5%  

4. Property

Note: In this section, unless otherwise indicated, there is a distinction between:
  1. authority to approve (including negotiate) the contents of a document; and
  2. authority to execute a document.
Authority to approve a document is determined by the delegations identified in this section. Authority to execute a document on behalf of the University as a corporate body is governed by section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Power of Attorney dated 28 October 2014 (BK 4677 No 305 Registered 4 November 2014 in New South Wales).
If, upon advice of General Counsel or a legal practitioner employed as such or engaged by the University, execution of any document under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or the Power of Attorney is not required, authority to execute a document shall lie with the delegate authorised to negotiate and / or approve the relevant document, unless otherwise specified in the Delegations.


4.1 Approve the disposing of University real property or any interest in real property a) FRC Up to $50,000,000  
b) VC or COO Up to $10,000,000
4.2 Approve the acquisition and transfer of real property including associated transaction costs a) FRC Up to $50,000,000  
b) VC or COO Up to $10,000,000
4.3 Act as the University’s agent to acquire real property at auction approved in accordance with clause 4.2, above including to: Dir Prop    
a) bid at auction; a) Up to the relevant financial delegation of the authorised body or delegate specified in these Delegations or any lesser amount approved by resolution of the authorised body or approved in writing by the authorised delegate
b) sign the contract of sale on behalf of the University; b) In accordance with sub-clause a), above
c) pay a deposit up to the delegation limit; and c) Up to $2,000,000 for a deposit on a property secured at auction
d) take all other steps necessary to effect the acquisition of property at auction within the limits of the authority delegated to the delegate d) In accordance with sub-clause a), above
4.4 Negotiate and approve conditions of a contract in relation to land acquisition, sale or development which has previously been approved by FRC or Senate VC; COO; Dir Prop    
4.5 Approve agreements, arrangements, contracts, plans or any other documents, consequential to an acquisition or disposal of land approved by FRC or Senate
4.6 Approve any document creating or effecting an approved positive or restrictive covenant, easement, mortgage or charge or effecting a subdivision of University land
4.7 a) Approve and execute Development Applications, owner's consents to Development Applications COO, Dir Prop    
b) Approve designs with respect to any approved capital, facilities or overhead works or services
4.8 Approve a lease over University-owned premises a) FRC    
b) VC or COO
4.9 Approve a lease over non-University premises a) FRC    
b) VC or COO
4.10 Approve and execute all property licences over University-owned premises or non-University owned premises a) FRC    
b) VC or COO
Approve any documents in relation to:
a) Vacating premises leased by the University
b) Vacating premises owned by the University for the purpose of a third-party entering into a lease of the premises
c) Requiring a third-party tenant to vacate a property owned by the University
4.11A Approve expenditure and payments (including rental) in relation to registered leases already entered into by the University where the University is the lessee, not exceeding the delegation limit for the total annual lease commitment. Invoice splitting is not permitted. Dir Prop $250,000 (total annual lease commitment)

Capital Projects

4.12 Approve overall allocation of capital for the buildings and the estates’ capital plan a) Senate Unlimited  
b) FRC Up to $50,000,000
4.13 Approve allocation of capital in the approved Annual Capital Plan budget to individual Capital Projects and Programs of Work a) Senate Unlimited  
b) FRC Up to $50,000,000
c) VC or COO Up to $10,000,000
d) Dir Prop Up to $2,000,000
Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders for programs of work within the project budget
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to approved capital projects not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted
a) VC or COO Up to $10,000,000  
b) Dir Prop Up to $2,000,000
c) Assoc Dir DCP Up to $200,000
d) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by Dir Prop Up to $100,000
Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders for programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan Budget and substantive area of delegated responsibility including minor capital works, asset replacement and end of lease capital works
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan Budget not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the entire transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted
a) COO $1,500,000  
b) Dir Prop $250,000
c) Assoc Dir DCP, Assoc Dir FM $80,000
d) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by Dir Prop $20,000
4.16 Approve expenditure for feasibility studies (‘seed funding’) to determine the viability of property-related capital projects a) COO $3,000,000  
b) Dir Prop $250,000
4.17 Exercise the powers and functions of the Corporation at a meeting of the Owners Corporation or Executive Committee of any property in which the University has a strata title interest COO; Dir Prop    
4.18 Represent the University at a meeting of the Owners Corporation or Executive Committee of any property in which the University has a strata title interest subject to any written directions provided by the relevant delegate identified in clause 4.17 Dir Prop    
4.19 Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders in accordance with approved facilities or maintenance plan a) COO Up to $10,000,000  
b) Dir Prop Up to $250,000
c) Assoc Dir FM Up to $80,000
d) State Facilities Manager for the relevant project as nominated by Dir Prop Up to $20,000
e) Facilities Manager Up to $5,000
4.20 Approve: Senate on the recommendation of the VC  
a) building names;
b) changes to building names; and
c) removal of building names
4.21 Approve: Dir Prop $250,000  
a) the hire; and
b) conditions of hire,
of University facilities (excluding leases and licences)

5. Information Technology



5.1 Design, provide, maintain, upgrade and modify digital campus networks and approve or deny device attachments and network interconnections CIDO  
5.2 Approve or deny changes to information Systems Management framework COO upon recommendation of CIDO  
5.3 Approve electronic interfaces to enterprise production systems CIDO upon recommendation of the business system owner  
5.4 Develop and implement an IT business continuity plan incorporating measures for disaster avoidance and recovery DCOO upon recommendation of CIDO  
5.5 Approve digital certificates and domain name registrations CIDO  

Information Security

5.6 Take necessary action to assure continuity and security of the digital campus CIDO  
5.7 Approve commissioning and operation of outsourced and cloud-sourced services COO upon recommendation of CIDO  
5.8 Authorise action in relation to information security requests in the context of the urgent procedures that protects computing and information systems
COO on recommendation of CIDO, CPO, GC, Provost or Ac Reg in combination or alone, depending on the nature of the incident
5.8A Authorise access to email, network and software applications of former members of staff and students to ensure business continuity Relevant Mem Ex in consultation with CIDO following advice from PC
5.8B Authorise access to email, network and software applications of former members of staff and students for purposes relating to internal or external investigations involving a former staff member or student CPO or Ac Reg in consultation with CIDO following advice from PC
5.8C Authorise access to email, network and software applications of current members of staff to ensure business continuity (excluding workplace surveillance) Relevant Mem Ex on advice from PC with notification to PO, CPO or Ac Reg (as relevant) and CIDO
Authorise surveillance of current members of staff or students by monitoring or accessing:
a) CCTV footage,
b) ACU email accounts,
c) usage of network and software applications,
d) usage of access and security cards, and
e) other means of electronic surveillance,
including in relation to matters involving staff performance and discipline or to ensure safety and wellbeing of staff, students or members of the public
PO on advice from PC, GC, legal practitioner employed as such by the University or Nat Man ERS, as relevant, subject to the following requirements:
  • notification to be provided to the relevant Mem Sen Exec and the CPO (staff matters) and/or Ac Reg (student matters);
  • notification to the VC where any of the above University Officers have a conflict of interest;
  • notification to CIDO or Dir Prop, as relevant, for CIDO or Dir Prop to coordinate surveillance action (or nominee identified by the VC where the CIDO or Dir Prop has a conflict of interest)
  • written confirmation of approved surveillance action from CPO (staff matters) or Ac Reg (student matters) to be provided by the CIDO or Dir Prop (or nominee identified by the VC) to the member of staff undertaking the surveillance action
Workplace Surveillance Notification
CCTV Privacy Collection Notice
5.9 Restrict email, network or software application threats and malware CIDO  

Capital Projects

Approve allocation of capital in the approved Annual Capital Plan budget
Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders for programs of work within the project budget approved by Senate or FRC or appropriate committee
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to approved capital projects not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the total transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted.
a) VC or COO Up to $10,000,000
b) CIDO Up to $2,000,000
c) Assoc Dir IT Up to $200,000
d) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by CIDO Up to $100,000
Approve and execute contracts and purchase orders for programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan Budget and substantive area of delegated responsibility
Approve expenditure and payments in relation to programs of work within approved Annual Capital Plan Budget not exceeding the delegation limit in respect of any single transaction; that is, for the total of each individual contract, order or commitment comprising the total transaction. Invoice splitting is not permitted.
a) COO $3,000,000
b) CIDO $250,000
c) Assoc Dir IT $80,000
d) Senior Project Manager for the relevant project as nominated by CIDO $20,000

6. Human Resources


Own Recommendation

6.1 A delegate may not approve where they are the recommending University Officer. Members of Management Level 1 (Chief Executive) and Management Level 2 (Members of the Senior Executive) are exceptions. All Delegates  


6.2 Vice-Chancellor and President Senate Senate
Member of the Senior Executive and PVCs
Senate on recommendation of VC
Constitution of Australian Catholic University Limited
6.4 Member of the Executive Vice-Chancellor and President
Mem Sen Exec
Continuing and fixed-term (including further appointments):
Academic Levels A to D Mem Sen Exec Mem Sen Exec
Academic Level E Mem Sen Exec Mem Sen Exec
Professional Staff HEW 1 to 9 Mem Sen Exec Mem Sen Exec
Staff above HEW 9 Mem Sen Exec Mem Sen Exec
Other Staff Mem Sen Exec Mem Sen Exec
6.6 Casual staff (excluding sessional staff) Mem Exec or nominee Nominated Supervisor with notification to Mem Exec
Sessional staff
Nominated Supervisor with notification to relevant Mem Exec or Senior Mgt Mem Exec or relevant Mem Sen Mgt
6.8 Not used
6.9 Placement arising from redeployment or redundancy
Mem Sen Exec on recommendation of Mem Exec
Mem Sen Exec on recommendation of Mem Exec
6.10 Non-standard appointment (outside of normal provisions) Mem Sen Exec with advice from P&C
6.10A Approve appointments where an off-campus location is designated in the employment contract (domestic and international) VC with advice from CPO
6.11 Mandate to teach theological subjects VC with communication from the relevant ecclesiastical authority  
6.12 Employer sponsorship for appointment of overseas staff including Employer Nomination Scheme, Temporary Business Long Stay and Visiting Academic CPO or nominee makes the employer application for sponsorship appointment
6.13 Travel expenses and relocation allowance associated with appointment to the University  
a) International Mem Sen Exec on advice from P&C
b) National within limits set under Travel and Relocation Expenses Policy Nominated Supervisor with notification to the Mem Exec and on advice from P&C
c) National outside limits set under Travel and Relocation Expenses Policy Mem Sen Exec on advice from P&C
6.14 Secondments  
a) Internal Mem Exec
b) External Mem Sen Exec on advice from P&C
6.15 Staff transfers  
a) Academic Level E and above HEW 9 Mem Sen Exec
b) Other staff  
i. Within organisational unit Mem Exec
ii. Between organisational units Mem Sen Exec
6.16 Academic Promotion  
a) Academic Levels B, C and D Provost when Academic Promotions Committee chaired by a nominee of the Provost who holds a substantive position at Level E
b) Academic Level E Provost when where Academic Promotions Committee chaired by a nominee, or VC if chaired by the Provost
6.16A Assessment of qualification experience Exec Dean or Nat HOS
6.17 Letters of offer CPO or nominee

Assignments and Acting Appointments

6.18 a) Deputy Dean Deputy Provost
b) Assoc Dean Deputy Provost
c) National Head of School Deputy Provost
d) State Head of School Exec Dean
e) Deputy Head of School Exec Dean
f) Other responsibilities within a School Exec Dean
g) Other responsibilities within an Academy Academy Dean
h) Other responsibilities within a Research Institute DVCRE
6.19 a) Acting Vice-Chancellor and President > 4 weeks Senate
b) Acting Vice-Chancellor and President < 4 weeks VC
6.20 Acting Member of the Senior Executive (Management Level 2) VC
6.21 Acting Member of the Executive (Management Level 3) Mem Sen Exec
6.22 Acting Academic managers  
a) Deputy Dean / Assoc Dean / Academy Deputy Dean: Up to 6 months > 6 months
Exec Dean; Deputy Provost
b) National Head of School:
Up to 6 months > 6 months
Exec Dean; Deputy Provost
c) State Head of School/Deputy Head of School: Up to 6 months > 6 months
Nat HOS; Exec Dean
d) Deputy Head of Academy/Academy Deputy Dean: Up to 6 months > 6 months
Academy Dean; Deputy Provost
6.23 Professional Staff acting appointment Mem Exec

Employment Related Payments and Working Arrangements

6.24 Payment of salary loading (capped at 20%) Mem Sen Exec with advice from CPO or nominee
6.25 Payment of timesheets for casual staff (hours worked) Nominated Supervisor
6.26 Payment of motor vehicle expenses Nominated Supervisor
6.27 Shiftwork for Professional Staff  
a) Introduction of shiftwork arrangement Mem Exec
b) Payment of shift allowance Nominated Supervisor
6.28 Overtime for Professional Staff  
a) Prior approval to direct staff to undertake overtime Mem Exec
b) Time in lieu Nominated Supervisor
c) Payment including meal allowance Nominated Supervisor
6.29 On-Call Arrangements for Professional Staff  
a) Prior approval of on-call arrangements Mem Exec
b) Payment of overtime for on-call staff required to return to the University Nominated Supervisor
6.30 Flexible Work Arrangements for Professional Staff  
a) Operation of working arrangements Nominated Supervisor
b) Payment of excess accumulated time credits Mem Exec
6.31 Paid  
a) Inside Work Mem Exec
b) Outside Work Mem Exec
Variations to Employment fraction
a) Up to six weeks a) Nominated Supervisor
b) Greater than six weeks b) Mem Exec
6.33 Incremental Progression (until common incremental progression date approved and implemented) Nominated Supervisor
6.34 Authority to direct a staff member to attend a medical examination in association with ill-health CPO or nominee
6.35 Approval of Position Classification Request Mem Exec
Parental Leave
a) Associated with the birth or an infant or adoption of a pre-school age child Nominated Supervisor
b) Foster parent leave Nominated Supervisor
c) For staff unattached from substantive position CPO or nominee
6.37 Leave Without Pay  
a) Up to 12 months Mem Exec
b) Over 12 months Mem Sen Exec in consultation with P&C on a case-by-case basis
6.38 Extraordinary leave Mem Sen Exec on advice from CPO
6.39 All other leave Nominated Supervisor
6.40 Instruction to clear annual leave or long service leave Nominated Supervisor
6.41 Continue annual leave accrual above 40 days Mem Exec following advice from CPO or nominee

Managing for Performance

6.42 Probation – Confirmation of Employment  
a) Continuing Academic Staff Mem Sen Exec
b) Fixed-Term Academic Staff Mem Exec
c) Professional Staff Mem Exec
Progress Plan for Professional Staff process or equivalent
Progress Plan for Academic Staff process or equivalent
Nominated Supervisor with notification to Mem Exec (where necessary)
Professional development course approval
Nominated Supervisor
6.45 Study time and/or financial assistance Nominated Supervisor with notification to the Mem Exec
Separation from Employment
6.46 Resignation or retirement:  
a) In accordance with conditions of appointment Mem Exec
b) Contrary to conditions of appointment Mem Exec with advice from CPO or nominee
6.47 Dismissal, termination or suspension:  
a) Members of Senior Management employed under a senior management employment agreement Relevant Mem Sen Exec upon advice from the relevant Mem Exec
b) Members of the Executive VC upon advice from the relevant Mem Sen Exec
c) Members of the Senior Executive SSC upon advice from the VC
d) VC Senate, upon advice from the Chancellor and SSC
e) All other staff VC
f) In the case of suspension with pay VC
6.48 Termination during probation VC through relevant Mem Exec with advice from CPO or nominee
6.49 Termination during minimum employment period VC through relevant Mem Exec with advice from CPO or nominee  
6.50 Variation of employment contract due to shortage of work (casual academic staff and casual professional staff only) Nominated Supervisor
6.51 Termination due to ill-health Mem Sen Exec with advice from CPO or nominee
6.52 Redundancy: authority to declare a position surplus to University requirements including as part of an approved Change Plan VC with advice from CPO or nominee
6.53 Redundancy: authority to execute a deed or any other document effecting a redundancy or separation from the University COO, CPO following approval of redundancy by VC in accordance with clause 6.52
6.54 Acceptance, upon instructions from the relevant delegate, of a negotiated outcome arising out of conciliation or substantive proceedings in the Fair Work Commission including execution of a document, excluding a deed, substantially effecting release and/or settlement of any claim, in accordance with clause 2.10 CPO upon instructions from the VC or COO  

Working with Children and Vulnerable Persons

6.55 a) Staff working with children and vulnerable persons check CPO or nominee  
b) Students working with children and vulnerable persons check Mem Exec or nominee
c) Students in clinical placements children and vulnerable persons check Mem Exec or nominee

Police Checks

6.56 Police checks for staff working in specific roles CPO or CFO or their respective nominees  

7. Academic and Student Matters



7.1 Approve policies and procedures on academic matters falling under Statute 2.5 - The Academic Board Academic Board
7.2 Approve academic calendar for each year Academic Board on recommendation of SALPC
7.3 Award coursework degrees, associate degrees, diplomas and certificates VC on recommendation of Chair, Academic Board

Academic Award Course Offerings

Approve establishment of a:
a) degree,
b) diploma,
c) certificate or other award course, or
d) non-award course,
including approve program, course rules and academic requirements, to be offered by ACU or by a third-party provider provided that such approval does not:
  • represent a departure from the current ACU Strategic Plan,
  • involve a new strategic initiative,
  • involve the expenditure of substantial additional capital or recurrent costs in accordance with parameters established by the FRC, and/or
  • represent a departure from the current Constitution of ACU.
Academic Board with notification to Senate
Approve establishment of a:
a) degree,
b) diploma,
c) certificate or other award course, or
d) non-award course,
including approve program, course rules and academic requirements, to be offered by ACU or by a third-party provider that:
  • represents a departure from the current ACU Strategic Plan,
  • involves a new strategic initiative,
  • involves the expenditure of substantial additional capital or recurrent costs in accordance with parameters established by the FRC, and/or
  • represents a departure from the current Constitution of ACU.
Senate, on recommendation of Academic Board
7.6 Approve course proposals, change types and approvals pathways The relevant approver identified in Schedule 4 of the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure, as amended from time to time, with notification to Senate of any subsequent amendments to the ‘Approve’ list in Schedule 4

Student Admissions

7.7 Approve admission of:  
a) Domestic coursework students (including waiving GPA requirements) Ac Reg or designated officer appointed by the Ac Reg in accordance with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy
b) International coursework students PVCGEP or designated officer appointed by the PVCGEP in accordance with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy
c) HDR Domestic students Dir GRS on recommendation of relevant ADR in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Regulations
d) HDR International Students PVCGEP on recommendation of relevant ADR and Dir GRS in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Regulations

Student Enrolment and Progression

7.8 Approve annual enrolment load plan and subsequent amendments for:    
a) Domestic coursework students VC on recommendation of Provost
b) International coursework students VC on recommendation of Provost and in consultation with PVCGEP
c) Domestic and International HDR students VC on recommendation of DVCRE and in consultation with Provost
7.9 Determine minimum rate of progress in a program of study Academic Board on recommendation of the CAQC and / or URC
7.10 Approve recognition of prior learning, advanced standing and credit transfer  
a) Coursework students Faculties; Ac Reg in consultation with Faculties
b) HDR students Dir GRS in consultation with ADR
c) credit transfers between double and single components of a degree and between courses within a qualification pathway Ac Reg or nominee
7.10a Assess progression of HDR students to next stage of candidature If progress is satisfactory, ADR; unsatisfactory progress is assessed by PVCR on recommendation of ADR
7.11 Determine that the requirements for a degree have been satisfied  
a) Coursework students Ac Reg on recommendation of Faculties
b) HDR students Dir GRS on recommendation of ADR
7.12 Terminate candidature of a coursework student for failure to progress Exec Dean on recommendation of Nat HOS
7.13 Cancel enrolment due to non-payment of fees or submission of falsified or fraudulent information  
a) Coursework students Ac Reg or nominee
b) HDR students Dir GRS or nominee


7.14 Determine whether a student has experienced a serious and unavoidable disruption to studies, for the purpose of granting special consideration Lecturer in Charge or Course Coordinator
7.15 Approve final grade for a unit of study Nat HOS, State/Deputy HOS on the advice of Lecturer in Charge

Prizes, Awards and Scholarships

7.16 Determine the requirements for the award of a University Medal Academic Board on recommendation of Ac Reg
7.17 Approve the award of a University Medal within the requirements Academic Board on recommendation of Ac Reg or Chair, Academic Board, in accordance with the Policy
7.18 Determine conditions for bursaries, scholarships, fellowships and prizes for:  
a) Coursework students Ac Reg
b) HDR students Dir GRS
7.19 Consider and determine a review or appeal Responsible Officer(s) or University Appeals Committee pursuant to the Student Appeals Policy and Student Appeals Procedure
Consider and resolve a complaint:
a) Academic matters relating to a Faculty or School
b) Non-academic matters
c) Student complaint regarding conduct of another student
Responsible Officer(s) pursuant to the Student and Public Complaints Policy and Student and Public Complaints Procedure

Student Misconduct

7.21 Breaches of Academic Honesty As prescribed by the Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy
7.22 Student Misconduct As prescribed by the Student Conduct Policy and Managing Student Misconduct Procedure

Executive Approvals

7.23 Exercise the powers and authority of the Academic Board on procedural matters as per circumstances outlined in the Course Accreditation and Amendment Procedure and Course Review Procedure requiring action before the next scheduled Academic Board meeting and / or when it is not possible or practicable for the Academic Board to exercise the function in a particular case Chair, Academic Board with notification to Academic Board at the first available opportunity
7.24 Exercise the powers and authority of the Academic Board on non-procedural matters in circumstances where a critical incident is declared requiring action before the next scheduled Academic Board meeting and/or when it is not possible or practicable for the Academic Board to exercise the function in a particular case Chair, Academic Board with notification to Academic Board at the first available opportunity

7A. Adjunct and Honorary Titles

In respect of the following titles:
  • Adjunct Professor
  • Honorary Professor
a) Propose or second a nomination or renewal DVCE; Directors of Research Institutes and Research Centres; Executive Deans
b) Second a nomination or renewal Deputy Dean, PVCE; PVCGEP; PVCR; Dean, La Salle Academy; Nat HOS; Dir CEI; Chair, Academic Board
c) Approve a nomination or renewal VC on recommendation of the Provost and DVCRE
In respect of the following titles:
  • Adjunct Associate Professor
  • Honorary Fellow
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • Clinical Fellow
a) Propose or second a nomination or renewal DVCE; Directors of Research Institutes and Research Centres; Executive Deans
b) Second a nomination or renewal Deputy Dean; PVCE; PVCGEP; PVCR; Dean, La Salle Academy; Nat HOS; Dir CEI; Chair, Academic Board
c) Approve a nomination or renewal Provost and DVCRE
In respect of the following titles of the PM Glynn Institute:
  • Research Fellow
  • Senior Fellow
  • Distinguished Fellow
  • Visiting Fellow
a) Propose or second a nomination or renewal DVCE; Director, PM Glynn Institute
b) Approve a nomination or renewal Provost and DVCRE

8. Research and Higher Degree Research Administration



8.1 Approve policies and procedures on academic matters falling under Statute 2.5 - The Academic Board Academic Board

Research Administration

8.2 Establish and dis-establish University Research Centres, Academies and Research Institutes Senate on advice of VC and Academic Board  
8.3 Approve submission of Commonwealth Government reports in relation to research and higher degree research VC on advice from DVCRE or COO 
  • Research Agreements
8.4 Approve participation in research arrangements that involve:    
a) Establishment of an ACU controlled entity VC or DVCRE
b) ACU involvement in an incorporated or other entity with other parties VC or DVCRE
8.5 Approve research and higher degree research agreements with with commercial components and commercial and non-commercial partners that:  
a) involve an off-shore partner DVCRE
b) are funded by ACU (including monetary and/or other ACU resources including staff time) DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops
c) establish international and domestic PhD arrangements, including cotutelle and joint PhD DVCRE
8.5a Approve agreements or any other arrangements where ACU is service provider that contain minority research components. DVCRE  
8.6 Approve research and higher degree research agreements funded by, or with contributions from, the Australian Research Council or NHMRC DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops  
8.7 Approve agreements granting any right in intellectual property arising out of research conducted by or on behalf of the University DVCRE, PVCR, COO  
8.8 Approve agreements or any other arrangements (including a Deed of Settlement arising out of a dispute) varying or revoking any right in intellectual property DVCRE, COO  
8.8A Approve agreements for access to services, data and third-party facilities for research purposes Assoc Dir Res Ops  

Research Applications

8.9 Approve submission of external research grant applications and contract submissions that involve:    
a) funding from University sources DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops
b) in kind contribution
DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops
8.10 Approve participation in clinical trials DVCRE; PVCR; Assoc Dir Res Ops  
8.11 Approve applications for registration, alienation, maintenance and prosecution (including abandonment) of intellectual property arising out of research conducted by or on behalf of the University DVCRE, COO  

Higher Degree Research

8.12 Appoint a Principal Supervisor and at least one other Supervisor to an HDR student ADR
8.13 Award Research Higher Degree VC on recommendation of Chair, Academic Board
8.14 Terminate candidature of a Higher Degree Research student PVCR on recommendation of ADR

Research Scholarships

8.15 Approve allocation of:  
a) Internal HDR scholarship PVCR
b) External HDR scholarship – funded or co-funded PVCR
8.16 Submit HDR report to external scholarship funding agencies DVCRE  

Internal Research Funding

8.17 Approve central University funding for a research activity DVCRE  

Research Ethics

8.18 Approve conduct of research involving humans Chair, HREC  

Staff Research

8.19 [REPEALED]    
8.20 Approve private and University consulting involving research for Academic Staff where the activity is not otherwise captured in clause 1.13 DVCRE on recommendation of ADR

9. Educational, Academic and International Agreements


Third-Party Agreements

9.1 a) Negotiate, VC, Provost, DVCRE, VP, DVCE, Exec Dean
b) approve and enter into, VC, Provost, DVCRE, VP
c) modify the terms of, and VC, Provost, DVCRE, VP
d) terminate, VC, Provost, DVCRE, VP on recommendation of relevant Exec Dean and following advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University
an agreement or memorandum of understanding (or similar document) with another Australian educational institution or other domestic entity creating an educational partnership  
9.2 a) Negotiate, VC; Provost; DVCRE; VP; PVCGEP; DVCE; Exec Dean
b) approve and enter into, VC; Provost; DVCRE; VP; PVCGEP
c) modify the terms of, and VC; Provost; DVCRE; VP; PVCGEP
d) terminate, VC; Provost; DVCRE; VP on recommendation of PVCGEP and following advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University
an agreement or memorandum of understanding (or similar document) with an international educational institution or foreign entity creating an educational partnership  

Articulation and Affiliation Agreements

a) Negotiate,
b) approve and enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate,
an articulation agreement with another educational institution
VC; Provost on recommendation of relevant Exec Dean subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination  
9.4 Approve the terms and conditions under which affiliated educational, research, or support organisations gain access to the facilities or services of the University Provost; DVCRE; COO; DVCE

Student Placement Agreements

a) Negotiate,
b) approve and enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate,
an agreement with an external organisation for the purposes of providing clinical or other experience for students as a part of their course
Provost; Exec Dean; DVCRE; PVCR subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination Third Party and Educational Partnerships PolicyThird Party and Educational Partnerships Procedure
a) Negotiate,
b) approve and enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate
individual student placement agreements (including HDR internships)
Exec Dean; National Head of School; Dir GRS subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination Third Party and Educational Partnerships PolicyThird Party and Educational Partnerships Procedure


a) Negotiate,
b) approve and enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate
academic agreements with educational providers with respect to admission of international students to the University
PVCGEP on recommendation of relevant Exec Dean subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination Third Party and Educational Partnerships PolicyThird Party and Educational Partnerships Procedure
a) Negotiate,
b) approve, enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate
agreements with overseas agents with respect to international student recruitment activities or other overseas agency arrangements
PVCGEP subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination  

Community Engagement

9.9 a) Negotiate, VP  
b) approve and enter into, VP in consultation with DVCRE for agreements involving research
c) modify the terms of, and VP in consultation with DVCRE for agreements involving research
d) terminate, VP on recommendation of Head, ACU Engagement, subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination
a mutual benefit type memorandum of understanding (or similar document) for community engagement activities with an Australian educational institution or other non-commercial domestic entity without specific financial commitment  
9.10 a) Negotiate, VP  
b) approve and enter into, VP in consultation with DVCRE for agreements involving research
c) modify the terms of, and VP in consultation with DVCRE for agreements involving research
d) terminate, VP on recommendation of Head, ACU Engagement, subject to advice from GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University in relation to instances of termination
a mutual benefit type memorandum of understanding (or similar document) for community engagement activities with an international educational institution or other non-commercial international entity without specific financial commitment  

Leadership, Satellite and Study Centres

a) establishment, and
b) disestablishment
of domestic and international Satellite and Leadership Centres
Senate on recommendation of VC

Commercial Activities / Agreements

9.11a a) Negotiate Relevant Mem Sen Mgt
b) Approve and enter into, modify the terms of or terminate
DVCRE on advice of GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the university
any University-based consulting and commercial activities agreement where ACU provides services to an external organisation.  
9.11b a) Negotiate Relevant Mem Sen Mgt
b) Approve and enter into, modify the terms of or terminate
Relevant Mem Sen Mgmt on advice of GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the university
memorandum of understanding with a domestic or international entity to create a mutually beneficial industry partnership.  


a) Negotiate,
b) approve and enter into,
c) modify the terms of, and
d) terminate
any agreement or contract not covered elsewhere in this section 9
COO on advice of GC or legal practitioner employed as such by the University See also 2.10 (Legal – entering into contracts)

10. International



10.1 Approve appointment of international education agents PVCGEP  
10.2 Approve commission structures of international education agents PVCGEP in consultation with CFO  
10.3 Approve establishment of off-shore agencies Provost on recommendation of PVCGEP  
10.4 Approve appointment of transnational education provider Provost on recommendation of PVCGEP and relevant Exec Dean  

Student Exchange

10.5 Approve Student Exchange and Study Abroad agreements PVCGEP  

11. Library and Collections



11.1 Suspend or exclude a student from the Library or impose a fine or both for a breach of Library policies, procedures, guidelines, rules or processes Lib Dir  


11.2 Approve the establishment or disestablishment of a museum or collection DVCE  


11.3 Approve the establishment or disestablishment of an artwork collection VC

12. Marketing, Fundraising, Alumni and Communications


Marketing and Branding

12.1 Approve style of University name and logo
Senate on recommendation of VC
12.2 Approve University brand Senate on recommendation of VC  
  • Brand Guidelines
12.3 Approve use of University logo or other indicia by other parties in third-party agreements (commercial or non-commercial) VC or COO  
  • Brand Guidelines
12.4 Approve applications for assignment of trademarks (including cancellation) VC or COO  
  • Brand Guidelines
12.5 Approve other dealings in trademarks (including renewals) VC or COO  
  • Brand Guidelines
12.6 Approve marketing campaigns at:      
a) University level a) COO in consultation with Mem Sen Exec  
b) Faculty level b) CMO in consultation with Exec Dean  
c) Staff Recruitment c) CPO or nominee in consultation with Mem Exec  

Fundraising, Donations and Bequests

12.7 Approve naming rights for University Chair Senate on recommendation of VC    
12.8 Approve establishment and disestablishment of foundations VC    
12.9 Approve acceptance of gifts and bequests a) FRC Unlimited  
b) VC $3,000,000
c) COO $1,500,000
d) Lib Dir $150,000 in relation to books, journals and library collections
e) Dir AA $150,000
12.10 Approve acceptance of funding for scholarships and awards, including HDR scholarships and prizes a) VC on recommendation of Dir AA in consultation with the DVCRE and / or Ac Reg as relevant >$150,000  
b) Dir AA in consultation with the Provost, DVCRE and / or Ac Reg as relevant <$150,000
12.11 Approve fundraising campaigns and initiatives:      
a) University-wide VC in consultation with Mem Sen Exec and / or Dir AA, as relevant  
b) Faculties and other units
Dir AA in consultation with relevant Mem Sen Exec, Mem Exec or nominee
Advancement and Alumni
12.12 Approve alumni-related University activities Dir AA    


12.13 Approve inclusion in ACU announcements and other ACU broadcast communications Relevant Mem Exec and / or CMO    
12.14 Approve media release Relevant Mem Sen Exec and / or CMO    
12.15 Approve content for corporate pages of ACU website CMO    
12.16 Approve sponsorship agreements and arrangements a) FRC Unlimited  
b) VC $500,000
c) COO $150,000
d) CMO $150,000

13. Rome Campus

Note: The Delegations of Authority relating to the University’s Rome Campus are to be exercised in Italy in accordance with any “Power of Attorney to the Legal Representative” or “Special Power of Attorney” approved by Senate from time to time and appropriately notarised and apostilled in accordance with Australian, Italian and International law. Specific delegations in relation to particular arrangement involving the Rome Campus are to be exercised in accordance with the delegations set out below.

Rome Campus - General

13.1 Coordination of all activities associated with the Rome Campus including property, finance, academic programs, administration and students VP (as VC Delegate Rome) in consultation with the RSC  
13.2 Academic programs Provost in consultation with the RSC  
13.3 Infrastructure and administration COO, DCOO in consultation with the RSC  
13.4 Legal COO, GC in consultation with the RSC  
13.5 Finance COO, CFO in consultation with the RSC  
13.6 Properties and facilities Dir Prop in consultation with the RSC  
13.7 Staffing VP in consultation with CPO and the RSC  
13.8 Students Provost in consultation with the RSC  
13.9 Campus Management VP, Dir RC and Dep Dir RC in consultation with the RSC  

Schedule 1 – Extraordinary Delegations


(27) This schedule shall only apply in circumstances where a critical incident has been declared in accordance with ACU’s Critical Incident Management Framework.

(28) The application of this Schedule will cease to have effect once the critical incident has been declared closed by the Critical Incident Convener and administrative activities associated with the critical incident are no longer required. The date of cessation of this Schedule shall be reported to, and noted by, Senate at the next available opportunity.


(29) These delegations provide for streamlined decision making to ensure:

  • flexibility;
  • equitable and consistent application;
  • operational agility; and
  • transparency.

(30) Delegates must retain a register of decision making taken in accordance with the delegations in this Schedule for reporting to the next meeting of Academic Board and Senate respectively.

(31) The acronyms referred to in this Schedule are those used in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

(32) The table below authorises the relevant delegate to temporarily suspend, vary, or dispense with requirements contained in the applicable instrument in accordance with clause 3 of this Schedule.

Academic and Student Matters


Application of Regulations, Policies, and Procedures

S1.1 Academic Regulations
a) Withdrawal (Reg 5.3)
b) Interruption of study (Reg 5.6)
c) Results, Continuing Unit Grade (Reg 9)
VC on recommendation of the Chair, Academic Board
S1.2 Admission to Coursework Programs Policy
a) Deferment (s17)
b) Transfers (s18)
VC (or nominee) on recommendation of Ac Reg
Admission to Coursework Programs Procedure
a) Deferment (s2.3)
b) Transfers (s4)
Ac Reg
a) Number and weighting of assessment tasks (s5.2)
b) Notification to Students of Assessment Requirements (s7)
c) Attendance and Participation Requirements (s8)
VC (or nominee) on recommendation of Deputy Provost
S1.5 Assessment Procedure
a) Processes where personal circumstances affect performance (Table 2)
b) Change to assessment task or criteria (Table 3, item 13)
c) Applications for Special Consideration (Table 3, item 18)
Deputy Provost
S1.6 Special Consideration Procedure
a) Timing and submission of application (s7)
b) Outcomes (s8)
c) Notification (s9)
d) Student responsibilities (s11)
Deputy Provost
S1.7 Student Fees Policy a) Refund of fees (ss8, 9) VC (or nominee) on recommendation of Ac Reg
S1.8 Examination Policy
a) Timing of examinations (s4)
b) Examination organisation (s5)
c) Location of examinations (s8)
VC (or nominee) on recommendation of Ac Reg
S1.9 Common Academic Calendar Policy [includes Study Periods as approved by Academic Board] a) Construction of the common academic calendar (s4) VC (or nominee) on recommendation of Ac Reg
S1.10 Common Academic Calendar Procedure
a) Development of the common academic calendar (s2)
b) Variation from the common academic calendar (s3)
Ac Reg
Top of Page

Section 10 - Revisions made to this Policy

(33) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Revision Description of Revisions(s)
25 November 2014 (version 1)
New policy approved by Senate
17 June 2015 (version 2)
Amendments designed to broaden the scope of the authority of the Chair of Academic Board (executive approvals)
9 December 2015 (version 3)
Minor Amendment to increase the financial delegation in clause 3.25 (in relation to payments to staff of salaries, wages and allowances)
13 October 2016 (version 4) Major, minor and editorial Amendments designed to clarify and expand upon individual delegations and to address minor inconsistencies (first major review)
10 April 2017 (version 5) Major, minor and editorial Amendments designed to reflect the new Management Levels, the new Pro Vice-Chancellor roles and other minor amendments
14 June 2017 (version 6) Minor Amendment to give effect to the new finance delegation in clause 3.40 recommended by the Standing and Finance Committee
30 November 2017 (version 7) Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations (second major review)
13 June 2018 (version 8) Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations including Property delegations; clarifying delegations in relation to the Rome Campus
8 April 2020 (version 9) Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations
3 December 2020 (version 10) Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations
14 October 2021 (version 11)
Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations
19 January 2022 (version 11a)
Editorial Administrative amendment authorised by the Chief Operating Officer under clause 1.12 to rectify a transcription error in clause 6.5 (reverting to approved clause 6.5 of version 10)
16 June 2022 (version 12)
Major, minor and editorial Amendments to various delegations as a result of changes in role and position titles; a review of academic, research, legal and various other delegations
8 December 2022 (version 13)
Minor and editorial Insertion of new clause 1.13 relating to consultancy and contractor arrangements; the deletion of clause 6.8 and editorial changes to give effect to these amendments approved by the Chief Operating Officer under clause 1.12