(1) This Policy has been developed to formalise the arrangements for a person to be seconded to the University from an external organisation and for a staff member from the University to be seconded to an external organisation. (2) The University recognises that benefits for a person and the University can be gained from the secondment of a person either ‘to’ or ‘from’ the University. Potential benefits include: (3) This Policy outlines the arrangements to be undertaken to formalise the secondment of a person to the University from an external organisation and for the secondment of a staff member from the University to an external organisation. (4) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed-term staff members of the University, who have completed at least three years continuous service with the University. A staff member who is employed on a fixed-term contract who wishes to enter into an external secondment arrangement must be employed on a contract which has an end date that extends at least six months after the end date of the proposed secondment. (5) The University will not be bound by any external secondment proposal which has not been formally approved. Any discussions or exploration of a secondment by the proposed secondee or representative of the University must not commit the University to any external secondment proposal prior to formal approval being obtained from the relevant delegated officer. (6) Typical external secondment arrangements entered into at the University include: (7) Requests for a staff member to be seconded to an external organisation will normally only be approved where it is demonstrated in a written proposal that the activities to be undertaken by the staff member at the external organisation, will provide a developmental opportunity for the staff member and supports the Mission, Strategic Plan and / or operational needs of the University. (8) External secondment arrangements should only be established for periods of time no greater than 12 months. (9) Where there is scope for the secondment arrangements to be extended beyond their current term, a review must be completed by at least 2 months prior to the expiry of the current term as a precursor to formalising any arrangements for any future agreement between the University and the external organisation. (10) An external secondment term for a period of more than 1 year, may be granted subject to the staff member agreeing to the following in writing: (11) The period of secondment for an Academic Staff member should normally correspond with Semester 1 and / or Semester 2 to ensure minimal disruption to teaching and research programs. (12) Requests for the University to enter into an external secondment arrangement must be submitted in writing to the relevant Executive Staff member for consideration. The request for the proposed external secondment arrangement should include the following information: (13) Following consideration of the proposal the Executive Staff member may either recommend or not recommend the proposed external secondment arrangement to the relevant Member of the Senior Executive. (14) If the Executive Staff member does not recommend that the proposed external secondment arrangement be approved, they will return the proposal to the staff member with an outline of the reasons for their decision not to support the proposal. (15) If the Executive Staff member recommends that the proposed external secondment arrangement be approved, they will endorse the proposal and forward it to the Member of the Senior Executive for their consideration and decision. (16) If the Member of the Senior Executive does not recommend that the proposed external secondment arrangement be approved, they will return the proposal to the staff member with an outline of the reasons for their decision not to support the proposal. (17) If the Member of the Senior Executive approves the proposed secondment arrangement, People and Capability will prepare an External Secondment Agreement to formalise the secondment arrangements. (18) The External Secondment Agreement will formally set out the conditions of secondment and the contractual arrangements between the University and the external organisation, including: (19) Once the External Secondment Agreement has been formalised and signed by the appropriately Delegated Officers, People and Capability will write to the staff member to confirm the details of the secondment. There will be a variation to the staff member’s contract of employment detailing the secondment arrangements. (20) The following conditions will apply to an ACU staff member who is granted approval to proceed on an external secondment for a fixed period: (21) All decisions in relation to the application of this Policy must be in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (22) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (23) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (24) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.External Secondment Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Application of Policy
Section 5 - Procedures
Top of PageSection 6 - Approvals
Section 7 - Policy Review
Section 8 - Further Assistance
Section 9 - Associated Information
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