(1) The Australian Government’s Living Organ Donors Program (the Program) is currently managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care and provides payment to employers to support staff members who intend to donate either a kidney or a partial liver. (2) This Policy has been developed to support the provision of living organ donors leave for staff of the University. (3) ACU participates in the Program by providing leave to eligible staff members who intend to donate either a kidney or a partial liver. Participation in the Program is aligned with the Mission and values of the University specifically with regard to the commitment to the dignity of the human person and the common good. (4) This Policy informs staff members of their entitlements to Living Organ Donor Leave and its application at ACU. (5) This Policy applies to all continuing, fixed term and casual staff of the University. It covers leave for medical appointments prior to the organ donation surgery, the surgery itself and the recuperation period for up to nine weeks. (6) Staff members are eligible for paid living organ donor leave if they have been employed on a full-time or part-time basis for 28 continuous days prior (56 days prior for casual staff members) to either signing the Individual Registration form or the date of the surgery (whichever was first) with the Department of Health and Aged Care. (7) Staff members who are living organ donors are entitled up to nine weeks paid leave at the staff member’s ordinary salary rate or fraction paid fortnightly. Ordinary salary for a casual staff member will be calculated by averaging their weekly hours worked over 8 weeks, or 56 days, prior to signing the Supporting Living Organ Donors Program application form or surgery date (whichever was first). (8) The leave will be provided as extraordinary leave and will not impact on the staff member’s personal leave entitlements. (9) The payment under the Living Organ Donors program will be made by the Department of Health and Aged Care to the University. (10) The staff member is responsible for: (11) The Supervisor is responsible for: (12) An application for Living Organ Donor Leave is submitted for approval by the appropriate delegated officer. Information on delegated officers for leave approvals is available in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (13) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the new policy system. Any later revisions will show in the Status and Details tab. (14) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (15) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (16) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Living Organ Donors Leave Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Application of Policy
Section 5 - Eligibility
Section 6 - Entitlement
Section 7 - Responsibilities
Staff Member
Top of PageSection 8 - Approvals
Section 9 - Revisions made to this Policy
Major, Minor or Editorial
20 February 2017
Major and Minor
Updated to reflect changes introduced in 2015 to the Australian Government’s program and minor administrative changes.
25 May 2019
Updated funding information to continue until 30 June 2021, Service Central link for further reference, new ACU branding and updated policy template as per ACU Policy Development and Review Policy.
20 September 2022
Removal of funding end date. Updated Department of Health to Department of Health and Aged Care. Updated Supporting leave for Living Organ Donors Registration to Supporting leave for Living Organ Donors Application Form. Updated reference to Service Central to apply for leave. Including link to Australian Government’s Living Organ Donors Program in related legislation. Updating Director, Human Resources to Chief People Officer.
Section 10 - Further Assistance
Section 11 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.