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Notice of Resignation or Retirement Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Background Information

(1) This Policy has been developed in support of the provisions for staff to provide notice of their resignation or retirement from Australian Catholic University.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(2) The University requires staff members who choose to terminate their employment from the University, to provide written notice of their resignation or retirement in accordance with the notice periods set out in this Policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(3) This Policy informs staff members who are terminating their employment from the University, of their obligations to provide notice of the termination, and the consequences of not providing adequate notice. The Policy also informs staff of the administrative processes relating to the return of University property and the University’s Exit Strategy.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(4) The provisions of this Policy apply to all staff of the University who choose to terminate their employment with the University.

Notice of Termination

(5) A casual staff member (including a Sessional staff member and a casual teacher/tutor in a Centre) is required to give a minimum of one hour’s notice of termination of employment.

(6) Subject to the staff member’s contract of employment, an Academic Staff member, (other than a casual or Sessional), is normally required to give to the University not less than three (3) months’ notice of their separation from employment.

(7) Subject to the staff member’s contract of employment, a Professional Staff member whose position is classified at HEW Level 8 or above, other than a casual Professional Staff member, is normally required to give to the University not less than four (4) weeks’ notice of their separation from employment.

(8) Subject to the staff member’s contract of employment, a Professional Staff member whose position is classified at HEW Level 1 to 7, other than a casual Professional Staff member, is normally required to give to the University not less than two (2) weeks’ notice of their separation from employment.

(9) Subject to the staff member’s contract of employment, a Teacher in a University Centre (e.g. ACU College), other than a casual teacher or tutor, is normally required to give to the University not less than two (2) weeks’ notice of their separation from employment.

(10) Where a staff member is directly supporting educational delivery or relevant service delivery it is expected that, a staff member, other than a casual, would provide the University with a reasonable period of notice, in order to maintain normal University operations.

Return of University Property

(11) It is the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that all University property issued to the staff member is returned on or before the staff member’s final day of duty. All arrangements associated with the return of University property issued to a staff member will be supervised by the staff member’s nominated supervisor.

Exit Interviews

(12) The University seeks to monitor staff satisfaction levels with their work environment and recognises that staff members who are leaving the University are in a position to provide valuable perspectives on their overall employment experience at the University. An Exit Interview is available to staff members who wish to take up such an opportunity and participation in is voluntary. The results of the interview are entirely confidential and will only be used to monitor staff satisfaction with the work environment and to identify any key issues and ways in which the quality of working life at Australian Catholic University might be improved for the benefit of the institution as a whole and its corporate commitment to working life quality.

Termination Payments

(13) Fortnightly salary is paid in line with University pay days until the date of termination. Termination payments include any untaken annual leave balances, any accrued long service leave, and any accrued flexible hours approved for payment by the delegated officer, less any monies owed to the University. The timing of payments by the University will be fortnightly and after the date of termination. The date of termination payment can be confirmed by People and Capability on request.

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Section 5 - Approvals

(14) Staff members are required to submit their written notice of resignation or retirement to their nominated supervisor. Only the delegated University officer may waive or vary the required period of notice. Information on delegated officers is available in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register published on the ACU website.

(15) Staff members are also required to complete the Employee Separation form in Staff Connect.

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Section 6 - Revisions made to this Policy

(16) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
26 October 2012 Major Updated to incorporate the provisions of the Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010 – 2013.
13 August 2018 Editorial ACU brand template update and Staff Connect advice at Item 5. regarding Employee Separation Form completion.
3 April 2019 Editorial Updated to incorporate the provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.

(17) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(18) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(19) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.