(1) The Australian Catholic University Enterprise Consolidated Agreement 1996 (clause 71) provided for the implementation of common nomenclature for Professional Staff positions at the University. Since the expiration of that Agreement the University has continued to recognise the importance of maintaining common nomenclature for Professional Staff positions. (2) ACU recognises the value of adopting a standard naming convention for Professional Staff positions as it serves to reinforce the concept of a unified institution across the states and territory where it operates. This common naming convention also supports equity and assists to ensure that positions are classified uniformly. (3) In maintaining a system of common job titles for Professional Staff across the University the following objectives are fundamental: (4) This policy sets out the conventions to be used across the University when naming Professional Staff positions. (5) This policy applies to all continuing and fixed term Professional Staff positions at the University. (6) New or variations to existing position titles are to be approved by the Chief People Officer in consultation with the relevant Executive Staff member where the position is located. (7) The following are the Professional Staff titles for the major job families within the University. Throughout the system of position titles, the term “Assistant” is typically used, where appropriate, to a position classified at Level 1 to 3. The title “Officer” typically used at Level 4 to 6 and the title “Senior Officer” at Level 7 or above. (8) The terms "Counsellor", "Mission Engagement Facilitator" and “Academic Skills Advisor” will be used. (9) The following titles are assigned to Supervisory roles: (10) In the case of Professional Staff, the title of ‘Assistant Supervisor’ is to be used to describe a position which is assigned by a nominated supervisor the responsibility for supervising day to day tasks. This may, for example, be a person with a title such as Deputy Manager, Team Leader, Coordinator or Roster Supervisor etc. Assistant supervisors do not hold explicit delegations consistent with the requirement of relevant University policies, procedures, industrial agreements and financial management provisions. They may, however, have delegated responsibility from the nominated supervisor for some operational tasks within a functional unit or for other purposes where formal sub-delegation is allowable through an official policy of the University. (11) ‘Assistant supervisors’ may, for example, assist the nominated supervisor in monitoring the workload or performance of staff, and for providing assistance to staff whose performance is assessed as requiring improvement. They may also assist set functional unit plans and with the monitoring of functional unit performance to achieve desired outcomes. (12) The title of ‘nominated supervisor’ is used to describe a position which is formally assigned the responsibility of supervising one or more staff or a group of staff. A nominated supervisor is the head of either an organisational unit or a functional unit. The expectation of the University is that any staff member appointed to the role of head of an organisational unit or head of a functional unit shall supervise staff. (13) An Academic Staff member who is a Chief Investigator, a Principal Investigator, or a co-investigator (or equivalent) of an externally funded research grant and/or who is responsible for the supervision of allocated research staff, will normally be the nominated supervisor of staff employed to undertake the work described in the grant or research project, subject to the creation of a functional unit approved by the relevant Member of the Executive. (14) Professional Staff nominated supervisors are responsible for monitoring the performance of staff and for providing assistance to staff whose performance is assessed as requiring improvement. They also hold formal and explicit delegated authority as officers of the University for a range of legal, statutory, administrative, educational, financial and other resourcing matters. They are responsible for providing leadership through the planning of organisational unit or functional unit work directions and they are accountable for associated performance outcomes. (15) The title of Manager is restricted to those positions which are specifically designated responsibility for a functional or organisational unit, as determined by the approved structure for the functional or organisational unit. Managers exercise the same level of responsibility as a nominated supervisor, although they may have other nominated supervisors reporting to them. The title of Manager is normally only ascribed to a Professional Staff position classified at HEW Level 8 or above. (16) The title of Director is a restricted title determined by the Vice-Chancellor and President and may be used at Level 10 or when referring to an Executive Staff member, as a Director of an Organisational Unit or when referring to the head of an approved Research Institute. (17) Where appropriate, the location of a position may be added to the title: (18) The University may make changes to this policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (19) A staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor. If further information or advice is required staff should visit Service Central. (20) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Position Titles for Professional Staff Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Application of Policy
Section 5 - Approvals
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Administrative, Clerical & Secretarial
Part B - Technical, Educational Technology & Computing
Part C - General Assistants, Security, Grounds & Property Staff etc.
Part D - Library
Part E - Counsellors, Mission Engagement Facilitator, Academic Skills Advisors etc.
Part F - Supervision Titles:
Part G - Nominated Supervisor
Part H - Manager
Part I - Senior Management Titles (Directors)
Part J - Location
Top of PageSection 7 - Policy Review
Section 8 - Further Assistance
Section 9 - Associated Information
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Examples: Administrative Assistant (School of Education), Administrative Officer (Finance), Senior Administrative Officer People and Capability).
Examples: Technology Officer (Science), Senior Technology Officer (Information Technology)
(Or relevant trade name as appropriate)
Examples: Library Assistant (Inter-Library Loans), Librarian (Reference)