(1) This Procedure is governed by the Protected Disclosures Policy. (2) Specific terms defined in Section 2 of the Protected Disclosures Policy have the same meaning wherever they appear in this Procedure. (3) This Procedure outlines the framework for supporting Reportable Conduct including: (4) ACU recommends that Disclosers follow this Procedure when making a Protected Disclosure. (5) A Discloser should contact any of the Eligible Recipients listed in Section 2 of the Protected Disclosures Policy either by: (6) ACU recommends that the Discloser provides all written or other evidence in their possession to the Eligible Recipient at the time of making the Protected Disclosure or within a reasonable period to enable the matter to be efficiently dealt with. The Eligible Recipient may ask the Discloser to provide further information or documents in relation to the Protected Disclosure at any time. (7) ACU has appointed KPMG as an Eligible Recipient (being the external third-party Disclosure Receiver listed in Section 8 – Appendix A of this Procedure) to receive disclosures under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth). KPMG will treat all Disclosures made to it in accordance with its Privacy Statement: FairCall available via the following link: https://home.kpmg/au/en/home/misc/privacy-faircall.html. (8) Whether ACU investigates a Disclosure and the way it may investigate a Disclosure of improper conduct or state of affairs will depend on whether it is a Disclosure to which the Protected Disclosures Policy and this Procedure apply, who raises the concern, the seriousness and nature of the conduct disclosed, and who receives the Disclosure. The objective of any investigation is to determine whether there is evidence which substantiates the concern raised in the Disclosure. (9) The usual steps in responding to a Disclosure are as follows: (10) If the Disclosure is appropriately dealt with under this Procedure, ACU will endeavour to: (11) All Disclosures, regardless of the source of the report, must be communicated by the Eligible Recipient as soon as possible to the Protected Disclosures Officer, ensuring that the identity of the Eligible Whistleblower or Discloser is protected at all times. The investigation team will be coordinated by the Protected Disclosure Officer. In some cases, ACU may appoint external investigators such as lawyers or forensic accountants. (12) If a Disclosure has been made to an Eligible Recipient and the Discloser can be contacted, the Protected Disclosure Officer (through the Eligible Recipient if the Discloser wishes to remain anonymous) will discuss the likely steps of any investigation with the Discloser (including whether the Discloser consents to their identity being disclosed) and provide the Discloser with updates from time to time, as appropriate. As part of this process, the Protected Disclosures Officer shall refer the Discloser to the external third-party Disclosure Receiver listed in Section 8 – Appendix A of this Procedure. The Disclosure maintains the discretion as to whether or not they wish to report the matter to the external third-party Disclosure Receiver, who may then communicate with the Protected Disclosures Officer (in lieu of the original Eligible Recipient), maintaining the Discloser’s anonymity at all times. (13) Where a Disclosure has been made directly through the third-party Disclosure Receiver identified in Section 8 – Appendix A, the Protected Disclosures Officer shall communicate with the Eligible Whistleblower or Discloser through that third-party organisation. (14) The outcome of any investigation will be reported on a confidential basis to the Senate Standing Committee, and where possible, to the Discloser. If the investigation substantiates the Disclosure, ACU is committed to addressing any wrongdoing, to the extent practicable in the circumstances. (15) Consistent with the Policy Development and Review Policy, this Procedure will be reviewed in parallel with the Protected Disclosures Policy and is scheduled for review every two years or more frequently if appropriate. (16) Unless otherwise indicated, this Procedure will still apply beyond the review date. (17) This Procedure will be reviewed frequently and updated as required. (18) Any general enquiries in relation to this Procedure should be directed to the Enquiries Contact as described in the Status and Details tab. (19) General enquiries made in accordance with this clause will not normally be treated as a Protected Disclosure.Protected Disclosures Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Top of PageSection 3 - How to Make a Protected Disclosure
Section 4 - The University’s Process for Dealing with a Protected Disclosure
Section 5 - Review
Section 6 - Revisions made to this Procedure
Section 7 - Further Assistance
Section 8 - Appendix A
1. Disclosure Receiver / Eligible Recipient (third party)
Contact Person
KPMG Forensic Pty Ltd
FairCall whistleblowing reporting serviceFairCall Manager
2. FairCall Whistleblowing Reporting Service
Telephone hotline:
1800 500 965
Days of operation: Business days
House of operation: 7:00am to 5:00pm AEST
Alternative option: A Discloser may choose to have their call received by KPMG South Africa
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If a voicemail is left with sufficient details, KPMG Australia will return the call upon resumption of the hotline’s normal business hours, as set out above.
The online reporting facility provides a secure web platform, accessible on any device, to anonymously make a Disclosure.
The FairCall Manager
KPMG Forensic
PO Box H67, Australia Square
Sydney NSW 1213
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These steps are also presented visually in the Protected Disclosure Diagram.