(1) Australian Catholic University recognises the importance of staff having the opportunity to undertake paid outside work that is aligned to the University’s strategic objectives, and which can enrich teaching, enhance professional skills, develop expertise and build important links with business, community and other entities. This Policy outlines the arrangements under which staff may undertake paid outside work and outlines expectations and alignment with the normal contracted duties of their employment and, as relevant, the arrangements for declaring conflict of interest and the management of University risk. (2) There are two types of paid outside work with specific conditions that apply: (3) The Paid Outside Work Policy provides a framework in which all outside work is considered for approval by a delegated officer so that the University is fully informed and staff are able to pursue professional development opportunities and earn additional income privately or for the University. (4) All paid outside work must be approved in advance. The maximum time applicable to private paid outside work is as follows. (5) Private paid outside work does not replace an individual staff member’s annual hours of work or requirements for availability. (6) This Policy does not restrict fractional or part time staff from undertaking fractional and/or part time employment with another organisation. In such circumstances staff should obtain the approval of the Member of the Executive as per the Code of Conduct for Staff by submitting the Outside Employment and Private Practice Declaration and Approval Form. (7) There is no maximum time applicable for University-based outside work, which is at the discretion of the delegated officer. (8) This Policy: (9) University-based paid outside work is the provision of professional services and products to external parties for a consideration. The University provides the services of a staff member in their capacity as a member of staff at ACU and accordingly the work is contracted through the University. Work may include teaching, consulting, relevant research, development activities and/or other services provided by the University to other organisations. (10) Private paid outside work is paid outside work within the staff member’s area of expertise undertaken for remuneration or other consideration by a staff member in her or his personal capacity as an individual or through a partnership, private company, trust or any similar entity, and is entirely independent of the University, as opposed to work undertaken in her or his capacity as an employee of the University. (11) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed-term (fixed-term contracts of more than one year in duration), full-time, fractional and part-time staff of the University. (12) This Policy covers University-based paid outside work and private paid outside work. (13) This Policy does not cover: (14) This Policy does not apply to the following activities and no revenue will be received by the University: (15) Whilst the activities outlined in clause 14 above are specifically exempt from the requirement to complete the relevant Paid Outside Work form and obtain appropriate approval prior to undertaking the activity, staff are required to notify such activities to their nominated supervisor, and this can occur through the Progress Plan. (16) Exemption of other paid outside work activities may be approved from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and President or delegate. (17) University-based paid outside work should be consistent with the purposes of the University, enhance the standing of the University and the professional reputation of its staff, result in important benefits to the University and to the community and uphold the distinctive ACU Mission, Identity and Values. (18) Prior to a staff member undertaking University-based paid outside work, the University will enter into an agreement for the provision of services of the staff member. Staff should contact the Office of General Counsel for advice. (19) A staff member undertaking University-based paid outside work is covered by the University’s professional indemnity and public liability insurance policies, subject to the current terms and conditions of those policies. (20) A staff member undertaking University-based paid outside work is entitled to use University resources within the conditions of this Policy. (21) At minimum University-based paid outside work activities should be cost neutral, but they should normally generate additional income for the University. (22) The management of income is covered under Process. (23) Private paid outside work includes company directorships and partnerships except where they are for the purpose of managing family affairs and the work of not-for-profit charitable companies, irrespective of whether remuneration is received. (24) Staff undertaking private paid outside work activities are not covered by the University’s workers compensation, professional indemnity and public liability insurance. A staff member undertaking private paid outside work must: (25) A staff member who undertakes private paid outside work must not: (26) University facilities or equipment may only be used for private paid outside work with the prior written agreement of the authorising officer, who must be satisfied that such use will not interfere with normal University requirements and the University will not incur liability under Work, Health and Safety or other legislation. Where the authorising officer agrees to the use of University facilities or equipment, this will be on a cost recovery basis. (27) No member of staff can undertake private paid outside work for ACU. (28) No member of staff may accept fees or other gratuities for giving private academic coaching or tutoring style activities that assist students of this University. (29) No staff member may directly or indirectly, or through any nominee, have business dealings with the University, nor shall a staff member accept paid employment with or hold a substantial beneficial interest in any firm having business dealings with the University, except with the prior written approval of the Vice-Chancellor and President. Such approved dealings must be disclosed on the University’s Declaration of Interest Register. (30) The Vice-Chancellor and President may approve requests that a full-time member of the Academic or Professional Staff be permitted to accept an unpaid or paid appointment, as a member of a government commission, council, board or trust, or a scientific or professional body, or as an adviser or consultant to such an organisation. Where payment is made to the staff member, in the case of private paid outside work appointments, if the work involved is such so as to require a reduction in the staff member's normal University duties, arrangements may be made for part or all of any payment for such private paid outside work to be made to the University for allocation to the work unit to compensate for the staff member’s absence. (31) A staff member may not direct funds to a Professional Pursuits Account for private paid outside work activities. (32) No administrative or technical area of the University (including, but not limited to, Properties and Facilities, Finance and Planning, People and Capability, Information Technology, Library, Student Administration and Research and Enterprise) is to provide services for any private paid outside work activity. Monies utilised in private paid outside work shall not be paid into or through any University account unless they are formally donated to the University. (33) Staff members who undertake private paid outside work of any type are required annually to provide to their nominated supervisor and relevant Member of the Executive a written statement outlining this work and certifying their compliance with relevant University policies and ethical standards. This statement will normally be provided as part of the Progress Plan as discussed between the staff member and their nominated supervisor. (34) Staff are responsible for notifying their nominated supervisor of their proposed University-based or private paid outside work activities and ensuring that their paid outside work is formally approved prior to accepting or agreeing to undertake the activity. Paid outside work shall be deemed to be approved only when the relevant application for approval form has been completed and signed by the delegated officer (as defined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register). (35) In relation to University-based and private paid outside work the University's rights and obligations are to ensure that: (36) The obligations of staff undertaking paid outside work are to ensure that: (37) Nominated Supervisors are required to assess and determine if the proposed paid outside work would: (38) Private paid outside work will not be approved: (39) Any work outside the University that the University considers may have a detrimental effect on a staff member’s performance of University work or on the University’s reputation will not be endorsed or approved and any current approval may be withdrawn. (40) If a staff member is engaged, without approval, in any type of private paid outside work activities as defined in this Policy, or breaches the provisions of this Policy, they may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Staff and the relevant Enterprise Agreement. (41) Income generated by University-based paid outside work by professional or academic staff will be fully retained by the University. (42) Academic Staff may, with prior written approval, undertake University-based paid outside work as a part of their normal workload. Any and all income earned from the outside work activity will be retained by the University. (43) University-based paid outside work activities undertaken by Professional Staff must not otherwise be covered by the overtime arrangements prescribed by the Enterprise Agreement. (44) Other arrangements may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis to specify the terms upon which staff may participate in University-based paid outside work as defined in this Policy. (45) It is an Audit requirement that Members of the Executive (as defined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register) maintain a register (Section 13) of private paid outside work undertaken, declared by staff, and annual written statement received for staff in their organisational area. The register is reported to the Member of the Senior Executive at the end of each calendar year, for annual reporting to the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-Chancellor and President. Staff and nominated supervisors should be aware that the University is subject to audits by and for various external bodies/authorities. (46) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (47) The University may make changes to this Policy and procedures from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about the Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (48) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (49) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Paid Outside Work Policy
Section 1 - Background
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Policy Purpose
Top of Page
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Application of Policy
Section 6 - University-Based Paid Outside Work
Section 7 - Private Paid Outside Work
Section 8 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 9 - Process
Section 10 - Revisions made to this Policy
Major, Minor or Editorial
20 September 2016
18 February 2019
Updated to include reference to ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
23 Nov 2021
Clarify the maximum time for the different types of paid outside work.
Section 11 - Further Assistance
Section 12 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
This policy has been updated to meet the University’s changing requirements and provide better clarity around paid outside work arrangements.
Further minor revision made in 2016 to clarify that any monies associated with the exempt activities listed in section 5.2.4 of the policy will not be received by the University.