(1) This Policy informs continuing and fixed-term staff members of their entitlement to Long Service Leave and its application at ACU. (2) A staff member is normally entitled to long service leave after 7 years’ service with the University. (3) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed term staff of the University. Staff engaged for a specific fraction of a full-time appointment will be entitled to the amount of leave available on a pro-rata basis relative to that staff member’s fraction of employment. (4) Long service leave is calculated at the rate of 1.3 weeks for every year of continuous paid service. (5) A protected staff member, as defined by the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025 (the Agreement), accrues long service leave at the following rates in combination and not separately: (6) Service includes any service credited to the staff member at the time of their commencement with the University. (7) A protected staff member in NSW or ACT who made an irrevocable election to transfer to the uniform accrual rate will accrue long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of service. (8) For the purpose of determining a staff member's entitlement to long service leave the following does not count as service: (9) Service credits for long service leave are transferable to the University from other Australian higher education institutions except where a staff member's appointment is externally funded, and the grant conditions do not provide for long service leave payment. (10) A staff member will be entitled to have service with previous institutions recognised for the purpose of determining the long service entitlement of the staff member provided that: (11) A staff member who is entitled to long service leave will take the leave at a time or times that are mutually convenient to the University subject to clause 12 which applies to academic staff. The staff member must give the nominated supervisor six (6) months written notice to take the leave unless the University agrees to a shorter period of notice. (12) Subject to clause 21, an academic staff member who has qualified for long service leave is entitled to take long service leave at a time of their choosing, provided that they give the University at least 6 months’ written notice of such leave or, in the absence of such notice, the supervisor consents. (13) A staff member will normally take periods of long service leave in multiples of weeks. In exceptional circumstances, a staff member, upon written request to the nominated supervisor, may be granted approval to take long service leave for minimum periods of 1 or 2 days per week normally for a minimum period of 3 months. Such circumstances include but are not limited to where a staff member has approval to transition to a retirement contract arrangement. (14) The taking of long service leave will normally be on full pay, however, a staff member may apply to convert all or part of the period of entitlement to double the period by taking leave on half pay. When a staff member takes long service leave on half pay, the staff member will be regarded as a part-time staff member for the purposes of leave accruals and superannuation contributions. (15) If a staff member takes long service leave at half pay, their normal superannuation contributions will reduce to 50%, with the University’s contribution being equivalently adjusted. The staff member may elect, in writing, to maintain and pay their full contribution and top up the University contribution from 50% to the full level of its normal contributions. (16) If a staff member is ill or incapacitated for two or more consecutive working days while on long service leave the staff member will be placed on personal sick leave and no deduction will be made from long service leave credits for the days in question, provided that a medical certificate from a registered health practitioner or a statutory declaration from the staff member is submitted for the period of the illness. (17) If a Public Holiday occurs during the period that a staff member is absent on long service leave and such holiday is observed on the relevant campus, no deduction will be made for that day from the long service leave credits of the staff member. (18) A staff member, or where applicable the staff member's legal representative or estate representative, will be entitled to receive payment in lieu of long service leave accrued at the University but not taken as at the date of termination of service where: (19) A staff member who has service recognised for long service leave accrual purposes will only be entitled to receive, on termination, the monetary value of leave accrued at the University but not taken. Where such payment is made in lieu of long service leave the amount of such payment is calculated at the rate or rates of the staff member's salary at the time of termination as applied to the staff member. (20) Where a staff member has a long service leave balance in excess of 16 weeks, their nominated supervisor may give the staff member written notice to take up to 12 weeks of long service leave, provided that: (21) Where an academic staff member has accumulated a long service leave entitlement in excess of 4.5 months, the University may give the staff member written notice to take up to 3 months of such leave, at a time convenient to the needs of the university, provided that: (22) Where eligible for Long Service Leave, a staff member may elect to cash out a portion of their leave such that either: (23) The staff member must provide written notice to the University stating that she or he wishes to forgo taking the long service leave. (24) Decisions relating to long service leave approvals are managed in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (25) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later revisions will show in the Status and Details tab. (26) he University may make changes to this Policy and procedures from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (27) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (28) Supervisors are advised to consult the Leave Management Conversation Guide. (29) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Long Service Leave Policy
Section 1 - Policy Purpose
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Application of Policy
Determining Eligibility for Long Service Leave
Planning and Taking Long Service Leave
Payment of Untaken Long Service Leave on Termination of Employment
Management of Excess Long Service Leave – Professional Staff
Management of Excess Long Service Leave – Academic Staff
Cashing Out Long Service Leave
Section 4 - Approvals
Section 5 - Revisions made to this Policy
Major, Minor or Editorial
9 April 2014
This policy has been updated to incorporate the provisions of the Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement 2013 – 2017.
2 April 2019
Updated title change only to ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
20 September 2022
This Policy has been updated to reflect agreed in-principle provisions of the proposed new Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement. Director, Human Resources updated to Chief People Officer.
28 August 2023
Section 6 - Further Assistance
Section 7 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Updated title change only to Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022 – 2025.
Updated Human Resources to People and Capability.