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Progress Plan for Academic Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) Australian Catholic University recognises the need for performance excellence to be successful in all its activities and operations. The Progress Plan for Academic Staff Policy supports excellence in academic performance in the context of the University's Mission, strategic goals, Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSALS), the Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence Framework (APME), and the Capability Development Framework (CDF).

(2) To achieve performance excellence, the University seeks to support, monitor and recognise each staff members’ contribution towards the University’s outcomes and have mechanisms to manage impacts on progress where necessary.

(3) The Progress Plan for Academic Staff provides a framework for identifying and developing capabilities that assists staff to meet their individual professional and work goals as well as the goals of their collective work area and the University more broadly.

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Section 2 - Application of Policy

(4) This Policy applies to all Academic Staff who are employed on a continuing or fixed-term basis for a period greater than 6 months.

(5) Staff on academic probation utilise the Progress Plan to keep their supervisor updated on their progress towards the attainment or completion of their probation criteria. Regular discussions assist in the identification of any potential risks to the probation criteria not being met or identify where changes may be necessary to probationary criteria due to changes to the staff member’s development and/or career direction as a result of a change in Academic Career Pathway (ACP). The Progress Plan can be utilised to outline and record any development plans associated with the staff member’s probation. The probation review process is outlined in the Probation for Continuing Academic Staff Policy and the Probation for Fixed Term Academic Staff Policy.

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Section 3 - Purpose

(6) The Progress Plan process commences at the time of appointment and continues with the staff member throughout the duration of their employment at the University. The process promotes and encourages continuous two-way discussion and feedback between the staff member and their nominated supervisor and is designed to assist staff to develop in their role and career and align their work to the strategic objectives of the University and their Faculty, School, Institute or Centre.

(7) The Progress Plan is an important process to plan, develop, monitor and affirm progress and ensure that:

  1. the ACU Mission, Identity and Values are upheld, strategic goals are achieved, activities and operations are enhanced and effective customer service, including quality teaching, research and student support, are delivered;
  2. staff have a clear understanding of how their work, their role and individual contribution fits within the organisational objectives and the overall planning framework of the University;
  3. a process is in place for providing developmental feedback and supporting the achievements of individual staff in the organisational context;
  4. a clear focus is placed on strategies to support the staff member’s development and career aspirations; and
  5. the APMEs and the CDF are utilised to build understanding, assess and develop the effectiveness, capability and contribution of all staff.
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Section 4 - Process

(8) The Progress Plan is continuous for the duration of employment. For new staff, it will have an annual cycle based on the anniversary of their commencement. For existing staff in the year of introduction, it will commence on a common date[1] and have an annual cycle based on the anniversary of that date. The Progress Plan is dynamic around changes in a staff members’ employment. If a staff member is successful in promotion or commences a new role or appointment a new anniversary cycle is commenced.

[1] On a date to be confirmed within the first quarter 2021.

(9) The Progress Plan is continuous. At the anniversary date, a snapshot (a point in time capture) is taken of the Progress Plan and a new cycle commences.

(10) The position of the identified nominated supervisor is outlined in the staff member’s contract of employment and/or variation letter.

(11) The staff member and their nominated supervisor can utilise Progress Plan conversations as an opportunity to:

  1. affirm the staff member’s contributions to the University and determine work priorities aligned to work area and organisational goals;
  2. provide feedback in relation to individual development in the context of the APMEs and CDF, to enhance the staff member’s contribution to work area and organisational priorities;
  3. discuss knowledge, skills and behavioural development to support career and professional development;
  4. discuss progress towards the attainment or completion of probation criteria (where applicable) and identify, where necessary, mitigation of any potential risks to achieving probation requirements;
  5. discuss the staff member’s plans for taking annual, long service and other leave;
  6. discuss and confirm the Academic Career Pathway, workload profile and workload allocation;
  7. discuss and confirm contribution to University service/administration;
  8. determine if there are any impediments to a staff member’s eligibility for incremental advancement (where relevant) and actions needed to avert;
  9. discuss achievements, highlights and provide recognition of the staff member’s contribution where this is particularly significant;
  10. discuss and identify assistance and support that will be provided to improve performance or development where it is identified as requiring improvement;
  11. discuss, as appropriate, any personal/work issues that may be impacting the staff members work and potential options to support the staff member;
  12. discuss work patterns and/or pre-retirement arrangements (where applicable); and
  13. discuss any other individual and/or team related matters as required.

(12) On the anniversary date, or other change to employment, the staff member's Progress Plan is updated. This annual update provides a snapshot of the staff member's contribution, performance and development at that point in time. The updated Progress Plan is included in the staff member's employment record and viewable to the staff member. The continuous two-way feedback conversations continue with the staff member and nominated supervisor reframing the conversations as required.

(13) The process and conversations are supported by the Progress Plan for Academic Staff Conversation Guide for Staff, the Progress Plan for Academic Staff Conversation Guide for Supervisors and the Progress Plan available via Staff Connect.

(14) To support feedback conversations associated with the Progress Plan and other University processes, the staff member should maintain an Academic Performance Portfolio that reflects their achievements, consistent with their development and career goals.

(15) The Progress Plan process will be informed as applicable by the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy and will take account of the special needs of individual staff arising from different career histories.

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Section 5 - Frequency

(16) Staff members (except casual staff members and fixed term staff on contracts of less than 6 months) will participate in the Progress Plan process. It commences at the time of appointment with the University. At the staff member’s anniversary date, or other change to employment, a formal snapshot is taken and is included in the staff member’s employment record.

(17) Regular informal discussions between the staff member and their nominated supervisor/assistant supervisor are encouraged and should be initiated, either by the staff member or their supervisor. Quarterly reminders (as a minimum) will be utilised as a prompt for staff members and their supervisor.

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Section 6 - Revisions made to this Policy

(18) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Major, Minor or Editorial
31 July 2013
Reviewed to include the Leadership Competency Framework applicable to those staff in leadership roles.
31 January 2021
Reviewed and updated to reflect the Progress Plan process; the University's new performance review and planning process.

(19) The University may make changes to this policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of their operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 7 - Further Assistance

(20) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 8 - Associated Information

(21) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.