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Employment of Casual Academic Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) This Policy has been developed to support the casual engagement of Academic staff members at Australian Catholic University.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy clarifies the conditions that relate to the employment of casual academic staff at the University and the procedures for employing casual staff. This Policy is also intended to inform casual staff members of their entitlements and obligations to ACU.

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Section 3 - Application / Scope

(3) This Policy applies to academic staff who are employed at ACU on a casual basis, and whose employment is covered by the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021 (Agreement). It does not apply to:

  1. sessional academic staff members, whose employment arrangements are outlined in the Employment of Sessional Academic Staff Policy, or
  2. Casual professional staff, whose employment arrangements are outlined in the Employment of Casual Professional Staff Policy.

(4) Teachers and Tutors/Instructors in non-degree pathway programs are not covered by the Agreement but are covered by the Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award 2010 (the Award). 

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Section 4 - Remuneration and Working Arrangements


(5) Casual employment is employment by the hour, which is paid at a rate on an hourly basis. A casual Academic Staff member will be paid in accordance with the provisions set out at the University for the payment of casual Academic Staff. A casual staff member will be paid at an ordinary hourly rate, calculated by dividing the annual salary rate of the relevant classification (Level A to E) by the number of weeks in a calendar year and further dividing by 35, plus a loading of 25%. The casual loading is paid in compensation for the casual nature of the appointment and all paid leave entitlements which casual staff members are not eligible to receive; including but not limited to personal / carer’s leave, public holidays, annual leave, long service leave (other than where, in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), an applicable award or a State Act provides an entitlement) and annual leave loading.

(6) A minimum salary paid to a casual academic staff member, where it is academic activity performed in accordance with clause 2.2.2 of the Agreement or professional development participation (refer clause 4.2.3 of the Agreement), will be the rates provided for in Schedule 2 of the Agreement in accordance with the relevant formulae. However, programmed work over an academic semester or year is more likely to be sessional employment.

(7) Where the casual academic has a relevant doctoral qualification, the Level A / Step 6 annual salary must be used as the minimum applicable base rate.


(8) The overtime provisions in the Agreement apply to Professional staff only. Casual academic staff are not entitled to payment at overtime rates.

Additional Work (Continuing or Fixed Term Staff)

(9) With written approval from the appropriate delegate, a staff member employed on a continuing or fixed-term basis may engage in additional work as a casual staff member. The staff member will be paid for that work according to the arrangements approved for that employment with reference to the conditions of the Paid Inside Work Policy.

Meal Breaks

(10) A casual staff member will not be required to work for more than five consecutive hours, without taking an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes. Time taken as a meal break is not paid for as it is not counted as time worked.

Notice Periods - Termination of Casual Engagement

(11) Casual staff members are required to give a minimum of one hour’s notice of separation from employment with the University. The University may terminate the employment of a casual staff member by giving one hour’s notice.

Superannuation for Casual Staff

(12) The management of superannuation contributions for all staff is subject to the provisions of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) and the Superannuation Policy.

(13) The University will make employer contributions to a complying superannuation fund on behalf of casual staff members at the relevant minimum superannuation guarantee rate.

(14) In circumstances where a complying superannuation fund does not accept employer contributions made on behalf of staff members who are over 74 years of age, the University will make equivalent contributions in the form of the payment of additional monies to such staff members.

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Section 5 - Leave Provisions for Casual Staff

Unpaid Personal / Carer’s Leave for Casual Staff

(15) Casual staff are entitled to unpaid personal / carers leave as outlined in the Personal Leave Policy.

Unpaid Compassionate Leave for Casual Staff

(16) Casual staff are entitled to unpaid compassionate leave as outlined in the Compassionate Leave Policy.

Unpaid Parental Leave for Casual Staff

(17) Casual staff are entitled to unpaid parental leave as outlined in the Parental Leave Policy.

Long Service Leave for Casual Staff

(18) Casual staff are entitled to long service leave as outlined in the Long Service Leave Policy.

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Section 6 - Conversion from Casual to non-casual Employment

(19) Conversion provisions do not apply to casual academic staff. The provisions for conversion from sessional to non-sessional academic employment is managed in line with the Employment of Sessional Academic Staff Policy.

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Section 7 - Related Procedures

Approval to Fill a Position

(20) The nominated supervisor initiates the appointment of a casual staff member, either by submitting a request via the electronic Casual Employment System (CES) or by completing the Approval to Fill a Casual Staff Position form for business units where the use of the CES is not yet in place.

(21) Requests are required to be reviewed and endorsed by the appropriate nominated supervisor and approved by a Member of the Executive.

Offer of Employment

(22) The offer of employment informs the staff member of the terms of engagement including the duties required, the number of hours required (which may be stated as a range), the rate of pay for each class of duty required and a statement that payment will be made for any additional duties required during the employment.

(23) All casual staff are required to accept the University’s offer of employment formally, before starting work at the University. The offer of employment includes provision for the staff member’s acceptance, and instructions for the staff member on how to confirm their acceptance and provide relevant personal information and documents to establish their employment with the University.

Casual Staff Employment Kit

(24) The offer of employment to a prospective casual staff member is accompanied by the ‘Casual Staff Employment Kit’ which includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Mission and Profile of the University
  2. Code of Conduct for Staff
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  5. Staff Induction Policy
  6. Workplace Bullying Policy and Procedure
  7. Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  8. Learning and Teaching Policy and Learning and Teaching Procedure
  9. Fair Work Australia Information Statement
  10. Induction Checklist
  11. Information about completing timesheets via Staff Connect (including payment calendar details) where applicable

(25) The Casual Employment Kit is sent to the prospective staff member either via the CES or by People and Capability.

(26) The contents of the kit may vary from time to time according to legislative and other requirements that apply to the employment of casual staff. Other materials the University considers relevant to the employment of a casual staff member may also be included.


(27) The induction and orientation process for new staff at ACU provides a mechanism for introducing new staff members to their role and responsibilities and to the ACU Mission, Identity and Values so they become integrated into the ACU community as quickly as possible. Casual staff who commence employment with the University for the first time and who will be engaged, in the first instance, for a period of greater than one month, may be required to participate in an induction program, subject to the provisions of the Staff Induction Policy.

(28) The responsibility for successful induction is shared between the nominated supervisor and the commencing staff member, supported by colleagues in the relevant organisational unit and by other areas of the University.

Payment Record

(29) Casual staff are required to complete and submit a fortnightly timesheet to record the number of hours worked, including their daily start and finishing times. Submission is either via Staff Connect or a manual timesheet. The nominated supervisor is responsible for ensuring that a timesheet:

  1. is completed each fortnight;
  2. accurately details the hours worked; and
  3. is completed and submitted via Staff Connect or Service Central for manual timesheets, on a fortnightly basis,

(30) The Records will be stored by People and Capability in a safe and secure location for a period of seven (7) years as per the Records and Archive Management Policy.

(31) The timesheet can only be processed if the staff member has a current contract of employment covering the period being claimed, and if the correctly completed and authorised timesheet is received by the nominated cut off dates as notified by People and Capability.

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Section 8 - Approvals

(32) The engagement of casual staff and approval of any request for unpaid leave from a casual staff member must be approved by the delegated officer. Information on delegated officers is available in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register.

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Section 9 - Revisions made to this Policy

(33) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
8 April 2014 Major Updated to incorporate the provisions of the Australian Catholic University Staff Enterprise Agreement, 2013 - 2017 and the Educational Services (Post Secondary Education) Award, 2010.
29 August 2018 Editorial Updated ACU brand template and changes in line with submitting timesheets via Staff Connect to record hours worked and Service Central link for further assistance.
20 January 2020 Major
Updated to incorporate the provisions of the ACU Staff enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
Policy originally titled Employment of Casual Staff Policy and amended to include the word “Academic”.
9 Dec 2021 Major Updated to incorporate the provisions of the treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super) Bill 2021.

(34) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 10 - Further Assistance

(35) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 11 - Associated Information

(36) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.