(1) The University recognises that paid inside work by staff is both appropriate and beneficial. Benefits to the University and staff include: (2) This Policy outlines the arrangements in which suitably qualified staff may provide services to the University separate from or in addition to their normal work and receive payment for such work. (3) The Paid Inside Work Policy provides a framework in which all inside work is considered for approval by a delegated officer so that the University is fully informed and staff are able to pursue professional development and other opportunities that are separate from or in addition to their normal work and earn additional income for themselves. (4) All paid inside work must be approved in advance. The maximum time applicable to paid inside work is as follows: (5) Paid inside work does not replace an individual staff member’s annual hours of work or requirements for availability. (6) Paid inside work should be consistent with the purposes of the University and the expertise of the staff member, and enhance the standing of the University and the professional reputation of its staff. (7) This Policy outlines the conditions under which paid inside work may be undertaken and the obligations of the University and staff in relation to paid inside work. (8) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed-term, full-time, fractional and part-time staff of the University. (9) The types of professional/academic activities that may be provided by a member of staff to an internal work unit of the University include, for example: (10) The requesting manager is responsible for providing all the necessary details to enable an assessment of the activity and ensuring that the proposed paid inside work is formally approved prior to any work commencing. Paid inside work shall be deemed to be approved only when the relevant application for approval form has been completed and signed by the delegated officer (as defined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register). (11) In relation to Paid Inside Work, the University’s rights and obligations in deciding whether or not to approve paid inside work for the staff member are to ensure that: (12) The Paid Outside Work Policy provides for up to twenty four (24) days per year for Academic Staff and up to fifteen (15) days per year for Professional Staff. (13) The obligations of staff undertaking paid inside work are to ensure that: (14) Members of the Executive (as defined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register) who have approved paid inside work are responsible for maintaining a register of paid inside work undertaken and declared by staff in their organisational area; and report all occurrences to the Member of the Senior Executive at the end of each calendar year, for annual reporting to the Chief People Officer and Vice-Chancellor and President. (15) Other arrangements may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis to cover the terms upon which staff may participate in paid inside work. (16) The Vice-Chancellor and President has final authority in all matters associated with the implementation of this Policy. (17) Paid inside work is initiated by a functional or organisational unit, with the requesting manager responsible for providing all the necessary details to enable an assessment of the activity and obtaining the appropriate approvals prior to the commencement of any related activity. (18) Paid inside work is to be formally agreed between a staff member, their organisational or functional unit and the organisational or functional unit commissioning the paid inside work. (19) Paid inside work will not be supported and approved: (20) If a staff member is engaged, without approval, in paid inside work activities as defined in this Policy, the Member of the Executive to whom the staff member reports must instruct that the activity cease immediately and that appropriate approval be obtained before it may be resumed. (21) The University will not make payment for paid inside work activities: (22) Payment for paid inside work activities may be made in a number of ways. This includes payment at an hourly rate, payment in a lump sum, or payment to the staff member’s organisational/functional unit. (23) If a staff member breaches the provisions of this Policy, they may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Staff and the relevant Enterprise Agreement. (24) Income generated by paid inside work by staff may be: (25) All income deposited in a Professional Pursuits Account will incur a standard University overhead deduction of 15%. (26) It is the responsibility of the requesting manager to advise People and Capability of circumstances where work does not proceed or is not completed as outlined in the Paid Inside Work Approval Form and approved by the Member of the Executive so that payments are not made to the staff member. (27) It is an audit requirement that Members of the Executive (as defined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register) maintain a register of paid inside work undertaken for staff in their organisational unit and report all occurrences to the Member of the Senior Executive at the end of each calendar year, for annual reporting to the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-Chancellor and President. (28) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (29) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about the Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (30) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (31) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Paid Inside Work Policy
Section 1 - Background
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of Page
Paid Inside Work
means the provision of professional services to an internal ACU organisational or functional unit that is outside of the staff member’s contracted work role for a fee or other consideration. It includes teaching, facilitation, non-commercial internal research and development, and technical or professional support activities.
Professional Pursuits Account
means an account established at the University into which payments made to a member of staff for conducting approved Paid Inside Work may be remitted.
Section 5 - Application of Policy
Top of PageSection 6 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 7 - Process
Section 8 - Revisions made to this Policy
Major, Minor or Editorial
18 December 2014
This Policy has been updated to meet the University’s changing requirements and provide better clarity around paid inside work arrangements.
18 February 2019
Updated to include reference to ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
Section 9 - Further Assistance
Section 10 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.