(1) This Policy informs Academic Staff of the responsibilities and relevant higher duties allowances associated with school management roles, and is based on the application of guiding principles and how higher duties allowances for Academic Staff are determined. (2) An Academic Staff member who is required to act in a position of higher classification than that which the staff member occupies, or who is assigned higher responsibilities or duties, shall be paid an allowance in accordance with this Policy. (3) This Policy applies to all continuing and fixed term Academic Staff. (4) If an Academic Staff member is assigned responsibilities or duties which, on the basis of the Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSALs), warrant payment of a higher duties allowance, the staff member shall receive an allowance if the period during which the staff member performs those duties is more than 15 weeks. (5) If an Academic Staff member is assigned responsibilities or duties that, on the basis of the MSALs, do not warrant payment of a higher duties allowance, the staff member shall not receive an allowance unless otherwise determined by the authorised delegate. (6) The proportion of the allowance payable shall be equivalent to the proportion of higher duties being performed, as assessed by the staff member's nominated supervisor and approved by the authorised delegate. This is normally expressed as a percentage. (7) In assigning higher duties, consideration will be given to the necessary competencies and performance expectations, and to experience and equity. (8) Demonstration of performance and setting relevant performance objectives are expected to be aligned with the ACU Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence Rramework; in particular the Academic Performance Matrix for Academic Leadership / Service, which describes the performance standards at each academic level. (9) Demonstration of core competencies and behaviours and pursuit of professional development are expected to be aligned with the Capability Development Framework as follows: (10) Higher duties shall include assignment of responsibilities as: (11) A higher duties allowances will attract University superannuation contributions. (12) Annual Leave Loading will be payable on the higher duties allowance rate where the allowance has been payable for a period of 12 consecutive months or more. (13) An Academic staff member may elect a higher duties allowance to be paid either as salary (on a fortnightly basis) or into a Professional Pursuits Account and managed in line with the Professional Pursuits Accounts Policy. (14) The following guiding principles enable the determination of School management roles and higher duties allowance, taking into account the size and complexity of a School, leadership and representational responsibilities and staff supervision requirements. (15) For the assignment of Deputy Dean, the allowance will be $27,500 per annum. (16) For the assignment of Associate Dean, the allowance will be $20,000 per annum. (17) For the assignment of National Head of School, the allowance will be: (18) The role of the National Head of School will encompass the following: (19) The normal expectation for this leadership role is a substantive appointment at Level E. (20) For the assignment of State Head of School, the allowance will be: (21) The role of the State Head of School will encompass the following: (22) The guiding principles that enable the determination of a higher duties allowance for the State Head of School role are: (23) The normal expectation for this leadership role is a substantive appointment at Level D or E. (24) For the assignment of Deputy Head of School, the allowance will be: (25) The role of the Deputy Head of School will encompass the following: (26) The guiding principles that enable the determination of a higher duties allowance for the Deputy Head of School role are: (27) The normal expectation for this leadership role is a substantive appointment at Level C and above. (28) Depending on the size, complexity, requirements for state-based accreditation, requirements for State / local partnerships / relationships, a National School Structure may have State Head(s) and/or Deputy Head(s) of School. Note State Heads of School are only identified for large schools with complex arrangements e.g. Education and Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine. (29) Where a National Head of School and Deputy Head of School exist on one campus, higher duties allowance will be reflective of this. (30) For each of the above roles a staff member is assigned an allowance depending upon size of School and complexity (number of courses, number of enrolments, number of campuses, requirements for accreditation / registration, management of relationships / partnerships, number of staff to supervise, undergraduate / postgraduate mix, cross‐course Faculty offerings, emerging disciplines and strategic initiatives). (31) In assisting in the determination of the size and complexity of a School, the following ranges will also be considered to identify the appropriate allowance: (32) For the assignment of Course Coordinator, where the staff member is an Academic Level A or Academic Level B, the allowance will be $4,400 per annum. The allowance is not applicable where the staff member is an Academic Level C and above. (33) For the assignment of Lecturer in Charge, where the staff member is Academic Level A, the allowance will be $4,400 per annum. The allowance is not applicable where the staff member is an Academic Level B and above. (34) For other temporary assignments, the allowance shall be determined by the Provost. Higher duties (other than those listed above) which warrant payment of an allowance may be assigned, with the prior approval of the Provost on recommendation of the Executive Dean, following application by the relevant Head of School, for a period of at least 15 weeks and normally not more than 12 months. In special circumstances, where it is not appropriate to make an appointment at the higher level, the period of assignment of higher duties may be extended up to a total of 24 months only. (35) The allowances set out in Section 5 above are not cumulative, and staff assigned more than one role will receive one rate of allowance at any one time. (36) Where the higher duties warranting payment of an allowance are temporarily assigned to a staff member in a relieving capacity (e.g. a State Head of School or Deputy Head of School as a result of a National Head of School being on an extended period of absence) for a period of at least 15 weeks, the higher duties allowance will cease to be paid to the staff member during the period that they are temporarily relieved of the higher duties. (37) A staff member who is in receipt of a higher duties allowance shall continue to progress incrementally through their substantive classification level subject to normal progression requirements. (38) Where the requirement to perform the duties warranting the higher duties allowance ceases, the allowance will also cease. (39) The payment of a higher duty allowance is subject to the approval of the authorised delegate as outlined in the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register. (40) It is the responsibility of the nominated supervisor to monitor the staff member’s performance of the activities for which payment of a higher duties allowance is made. The nominated supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that any variation to the approved arrangements is drawn to the attention of, and approved by, the authorised delegate. In such circumstances, People and Capability must also be advised of the changed arrangements once they are approved. (41) People and Capability will undertake the necessary administrative processing of a higher duty allowance upon receipt of advice from the relevant authorised delegate and election of payment mode by the staff member utilising a Higher Duties / Salary Flexibility (HDUTY.1) form on Staff Connect. (42) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (43) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central. (44) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Higher Duties Allowance for Academic Staff Policy
Section 1 - Policy Purpose
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Application of this Policy
Section 4 - School Structure Principles and Allowances
Deputy Dean
Associate Dean
National Head of School
State Head of School
Deputy Head of School
Staffing FTE (Non-casual)
Range 1
Up to 500
Up to 25
Range 2
300 - 1000
25 - 40
Range 3
>40 - 50
Range 4
Course Coordinator
Lecturer in Charge
Section 5 - Approvals
Section 6 - Procedures
Section 7 - Revisions made to this Policy
Section 8 - Further Assistance
Section 9 - Associated Information
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