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- Website Publishing PolicyGoverns the publication of content on the ACU websites including Public Website, Student Portal, Staff Portal and the creation of new sites.
- WHS Committee ProcedureThis procedure assists Members of Work Health and Safety Committees (WHSC’s) on each campus to carry out their duties in accordance with Australian Work Health and Safety Legislation and the University’s commitments to engage with its staff, students and others about WHS risk and its WHS Management System (framework).
- WHS Communications and Consultation ProcedureThis procedure describes the University’s arrangements for effectively communicating and consulting with staff, students, visitors, volunteers, contractors and other stakeholders about work health and safety (WHS) risk and its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework).
- WHS Driver Safety ProcedureThis procedure has been developed to support staff to minimise the hazards that are associated with driving.
- WHS Register of Compliance ObligationsThis document has been designed to provide Staff Members, Officers of the University, Contractors, Campus WHS Committees, and Health and Safety Representatives with guidance on the compliance requirements that should be applied to identify and manage WHS risks.
- WHS Risk Management ProcedureThis procedure describes the University’s processes for identifying, assessing and managing WHS risks, which is aligned with ACU risk management methodology. This procedure is a critical component of the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System.
- WHS Training and Competency ProcedureThis procedure describes the processes for identifying training needs and competencies and ensuring that that staff and others have the appropriate competencies to contribute to the WHSMS and perform specialist roles such as First Aid Officer and Floor Warden.
- WHSMS Auditing ProcedureThe application of this procedure will provide assurance that the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework) has being implemented across those working and learning activities that ACU manages and some of the activities which it influences. The WHSMS Auditing Procedure will also inform reporting requirements about framework assurance and an enabler of continuous improvements to the framework.
- WHSMS Contractor Licensing and Registration ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations in ensuring that contractors have the necessary credentials to undertake work on campuses. The procedure will support the University in meeting its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Contractor Management ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations to manage contractors undertaking work on its behalf. The procedure will support the University in meeting its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Corrective Actions ProcedureThis procedure outlines ACU’s processes for managing corrective actions that are associated with the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework). This procedure is aligned with the WHS Risk Management and Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure.
- WHSMS Health and Air Monitoring ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations to monitor the health of staff, students, volunteers, visitors or contractors who may have been exposed to significant hazards. The procedure will support the University realise its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS High Risk Activities Management ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations to manage high risk activities. The procedure will support the University to realise its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Implementation ProcedureThis procedure outlines how the University implements, maintains and continuously improves its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). The procedure provides an overview of the different components of the University’s WHSMS that are aligned with International Standard ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, legal and other requirements.
- WHSMS Lone Working ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations in managing lone working by staff and contractors managed by ACU. The procedure will support the University to realise its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Managing Electrical Risk ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations in managing electrical risks. The procedure will support the University in meeting its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Performance Measurement and Evaluation ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will measure and evaluate the performance of its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework).
- WHSMS Planning ProcedureThis procedure outlines how the University develops and monitors its annual WHS plans to facilitate continuous improvements in its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS).
- WHSMS Plant and Equipment ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations in relation to the management of plant and equipment. The procedure will support the University in meeting its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- WHSMS Procurement ProcedureThe procedure supports the University to align the procurement of goods and services with its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework). It also supports the University to identify hazards and associated WHS risks that are associated with selecting goods and services, and safely introducing new products and services into the University.
- WHSMS Records and Document Management ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to outline the University’s processes for collecting, managing and archiving Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework) Documents and Records.
- WHSMS Roles and Responsibilities ProcedureThis procedure describes everyone’s role in contributing to the Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). It also provides guidance about the performance of specialist WHS roles, such as First Aid Officer and Floor Warden.
- WHSMS Safety in Design ProcedureThe procedure outlines how the University will meet its legal obligations in relation to safe designs. The procedure will support the University in meeting its policy commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces.
- Work Experience and Volunteers PolicyThis policy identifies the process of accepting work experience or volunteers and the obligations and expectations of the University through the nominated supervisor.
- Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing PolicyThis policy outlines the University’s commitment to providing a welcoming, safe and healthy working and learning environment.
- Working Flexibly at ACU - A Guide for Nominated Supervisors and ManagersProvides guidance for Nominated Supervisors and Managers on Working Flexibly at ACU.
- Working Flexibly at ACU - A Guide for StaffProvides guidance for Staff on Working Flexibly at ACU.
- Workplace Bullying Policy and ProcedureThis policy and procedure outlines the support available to staff members who wish to make a bullying complaint.