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  • Facilities Planning, Design and Management PolicyThis policy sets out the principles and responsibilities associated with the provision and management of University space to ensure operational effectiveness.
  • Fieldwork Safety PolicyThe purpose of the Fieldwork Safety Policy is to provide guidelines to promote safe work practises within the University for staff and students.
  • First Aid PolicyThis Policy outlines the University’s commitment to providing a welcoming, safe and healthy working and learning environment.
  • First Aid ProcedureThe procedure describes the process for identifying gaps in first aid provision and recruiting and training staff as First Aid Officers to deliver an effective first aid response.
  • Fitness to Study PolicyThe policy and accompanying procedure outlines the ACU framework and procedurally fair practices for dealing with a student with a serious health condition.
  • Fitness to Study ProcedureOulines the procedure following application if the ACU Critical Incident Management Policy in the event of a staff member's death on campus or at an off-campus, University-related activity.
  • Flags and Banners PolicyThe aim of this policy is to document a consistent approach to displaying flags on flag poles and banners in public spaces on ACU campuses.
  • Flexible Working Arrangements PolicyThis policy describes the flexible working arrangements available at Australian Catholic University.
  • Fraud and Corruption Control FrameworkACU Fraud and Corruption Control Framework establishes ACU's structural and strategic approaches for fraud and corruption control at ACU. It establishes ACU's definition of fraud and corruption activity, and provides a clear statement that fraudulent or corrupt activity of any kind, including for the benefit of ACU, is expressly forbidden - that is, ACU has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption.
  • Fringe Benefits Tax GuidelinesThis document provides guidelines on the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) legislation.