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  • ICT Governance PolicyThis policy sets out to the management of university initiatives that involve information and communication technology (ICT) services or projects across the teaching, learning, reseach, and administrative elements of organisation.
  • Incident and Hazard Reporting ProcedureThis procedure outlines the processes that are associated with investigating or reviewing reports of incidents and hazards. It also supports the university to develop treatments (risk controls) to manage these risks and prevent recurrence.
  • Income Maintenance PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements for income maintenance for Professional Staff.
  • Incremental Progression and Salary Review for Professional Staff PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements in relation to incremental progression and salary review of Professional Staff.
  • Incremental Progression for Academic Staff PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements in relation to incremental progression for Academic Staff.
  • Independent Review of Appeals or Complaints PolicyThis policy provides the framework for the appointment of an independent arbiter for the review of final decisions under the Student Appeals Policy or Student Complaints Policy, where students have exhausted all internal avenues of review or appeal and no external avenue exists.
  • Independent Review of Appeals or Complaints ProcedureDetails the steps to be followed relating to applications to the Independent Reviewer for review of appeals or complaints by students.
  • Infectious Diseases ProcedureThis procedure outlines ACU’s commitment to minimise and manage its exposure to infectious disease threats.
  • Information Security PolicyThis policy sets out the security requrements that ACU must meet in order to manage the confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Privacy of university ownd data and information to meet with applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
  • Information Security ProcedureThe procedure explains the guidelines governed by the Information Security Policy.
  • Injury Management and Rehabilitation PolicyThe Injury Management and Workplace Rehabilitation Policy supports the University to effectively manage injuries and rehabilitation for injured/ill staff to facilitate timely and sustainable return to work outcomes.
  • Intellectual Property PolicyThe Australian Catholic University Intellectual Property Policy establishes sound principles for the encouragement of invention, creative work and technology transfer. The Policy promotes compliance with intellectual property laws, and sets out how Australian Catholic University governs intellectual property rights in order to meet its initiatives.
  • Internal Audit CharterThe Internal Audit Charter establishes the authority, responsibilities, and principles of the Internal Audit function, in accordance with the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF) and the Institute of Internal Auditors' (IIA) position paper. The Charter is designed to provide a framework for conducting independent, objective, and systematic evaluations of the organization's governance, risk management, and control processes, with a view to improving their effectiveness and ensuring they are aligned with ACU's mission and strategic plan.
  • Internal Audit PolicyThe Internal Audit Policy confirms that internal audit is an independent, objective assurance service designed to add value and improve ACU's operations. It helps ACU accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
  • Internal Audit ProcedureThe Internal Audit Procedure describes the process for the conduct and management of internal audit activities at the Australian Catholic University in accordance with the Code of Ethics - The Institute of Internal Auditors.
  • Internal Secondment PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements for the temporary internal secondment of staff members within the University.
  • Internal Student Communications PolicyThis policy outlines the principles and practices required for reliable, timely, effective and efficient communication between the university and its current students.
  • Internal Student Communications ProcedureThis document sets out the procedural requirements for communicating with current students in accordance with the Student Communications Policy.
  • International Agent PolicyThis policy guides the recruitment and management of international education agents engaged in the recruitment of international students.
  • International Agent Procedure(3) This Procedure applies to the appointment and management of agents and supports the International Agent Policy.
  • International Student Release PolicyThis policy establishes a standard process, roles and responsibilities to assure Australian Catholic University’s (ACU) continuous and timely disclosure of material changes to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) in accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (“Standards”).