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WHSMS Contractor Licensing and Registration Procedure

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) This Procedure is governed by the Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Procedure covers how ACU will ensure that contractors hold the necessary insurances, licences and business registration to enable them to undertake work on ACU campuses.

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Section 3 - Assessment of Contractor Credentials

(3) ACU uses Comply Flow, which is managed by the national Facilities Management team, to assess and monitor contractor credentials. Comply Flow is a software tool that requires contractors to provide specific information and undertake online inductions, in advance of attending an ACU campus to carry out work. The following elements are managed through Comply Flow:

  1. Police check;
  2. Insurances – public liability and workers’ compensation;
  3. Business registration;
  4. Inductions – ACU general induction and campus specific induction; and
  5. Licences.

(4) Contractors are required to upload their insurances, business registration and licences into Comply Flow. The relevant expiry dates are identified by Facilities Management and recorded within the software. Contractors also undertake the ACU general induction and a campus specific induction within Comply Flow, with the dates of completion recorded.

(5) Comply Flow automatically manages the expiry of insurances, licences and inductions (valid for 12 months) and sends internal email notifications (to the Comply Flow administrator) and external email notifications (to the contractor) in advance of expiry.

(6) Contractors whose information is complete and up to date are issued with electronic access passes that are linked to their Comply Flow status. This ensures that any contractor whose information is incomplete or expired in Comply Flow, will not be able to gain access to an ACU campus with their pass. ACU security at each campus also have access to Comply Flow and are able to check the status of contractors where required.

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Section 4 - Revision made to this Procedure

(7) The University may make changes to these procedures from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about these guidelines may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 5 - Further Assistance

(8) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their Nominated Supervisor or Manager who is responsible for applying the University’s WHSMS within their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 6 - Associated Information

(9) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.