(1) This Procedure is governed by the Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to all of the working and learning activities the University manages and influences. (3) This ACU Planning Framework and Procedure are enablers of annual and bi-annual processes for reviewing the Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework) and developing the WHS Action Plan that specifies WHS objectives, targets and initiatives which will support the University to achieve these performance measures. This plan also includes a listing of actions which organisational units should action to ensure that the WHSMS is applied to the working and learning activities, which they manage and influence. (4) These planning and review processes support the University to continuously improve its capacity to maintain working and learning spaces and strengthen its framework. They also support work areas to implement and continuously improve the application of the WHSMS within their working and learning activities. (5) This Procedure is aligned with ACU’s Planning Framework, ACU Mission, Identity and Values, and International Standard ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use, and other requirements. (6) The Senior Executive and Executive, including the Work Health and Safety Management Committee, will also conduct bi-annual planning processes and reviews of the WHSMS and will monitor the effectiveness of the framework (see clause 3) more frequently. (7) People and Capability will support the University’s Senior Executive and Executive, including the Work Health and Safety Management Committee, to conduct these bi-annual planning and review processes which are aligned with the ACU Planning Framework. (8) This bi-annual planning commenced in 2019 and should be conducted at the start of Quarter 3, every two years. It should include the following assessments and determinations: (9) These identification and review processes will inform the development of measurable WHS objectives and targets and the WHS Action Plan that is enabled by the ACU Planning Framework. (10) The University will consider the external and internal issues that are relevant to its mission and values and that impact upon its ability to maintain and continuously improve its WHSMS, including the achievement of WHS objectives and targets. (11) Other interested parties, in addition to staff, which are relevant to the WHSMS will also be identified. Their expectations and needs should be assessed, and decisions will be made about which of these needs will help shape the compliance requirements of the WHSMS. Some needs and expectations are mandatory e.g. prescribed in laws, regulations and associated Codes of Practice. (12) The University will define the boundaries of its WHSMS, including the scope of compliance, and to which aspects of its operations and activities (managed and influenced) the framework will apply. (13) The scope of the WHSMS should be broad enough to include those activities and services that will impact upon WHS performance and the University’s compliance with legal and other requirements. (14) The review of the University’s significant risks will be informed by: (15) The University will also assess opportunities to improve WHS performance and the framework. This review will consider opportunities to adapt work, work organisation and the work environment to staff, options for eliminating hazards and reducing risks, and other opportunities which will strengthen the WHSMS. (16) Examples of opportunities for improving WHS performance: (17) People and Capability will also support the Senior Executive and Executive Staff, including the Work Health and Safety Management Committee, to conduct a bi-annual review of the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the WHSMS, which will inform future improvement actions. (18) The following factors were considered during this initial review in 2019 and will be assessed in subsequent bi-annual reviews: (19) The University will develop bi-annual WHS objectives and targets and an associated WHS Action Plan that will be informed by the planning activities that are outlined in this Procedure and the ongoing measurement evaluation (refer to the WHSMS Performance Measurement and Evaluation Procedure) and monitoring (Section 7). These performance measures and plans will facilitate continuous improvements in WHS performance and the WHSMS. (20) A minimum of three WHS objectives and three targets informed the inaugural WHS Action Plan 2020-2021 and the number of performance measures, and these objectives and targets, will be reviewed and updated every two years. (21) The WHS objectives and targets: (22) These performance measures may also be informed by the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022, which prioritises reducing musculoskeletal disorders, mental health conditions, noise induced hearing loss and other conditions. (23) These WHS objectives and targets will be developed by the Senior Executive and Executive Staff, including the Work Health and Safety Management Committee. The Audit and Risk Committee will also be engaged about these performance measures and will be endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor and President by mid-October every two years. (24) The WHS Action Plan will be developed every two years. People and Capability will support the Senior Executive and Executive Staff, including the Work Health and Safety Management Committee, to ensure that it is: (25) The University will implement and maintain processes for monitoring, measuring, analysing and evaluating the performance of the WHSMS. The following performance measures will be evaluated each year, and any deficiencies will help inform any revisions or bi-annual updates to the WHS Action Plan and corrective action logs. (26) People and Capability, in consultation with the Work Health and Safety Management Committee, will develop more detailed criteria and publish the criteria for assessing, monitoring and analysing the performance of the WHSMS. This performance monitoring process and the bi-annual planning processes will help shape the bi-annual WHS Action Plan. (27) Internal audits also provide some insight into the University’s performance against these criteria, gaps in compliance and opportunities for improvement. (28) The WHSMS Performance Measurement and Evaluation Procedure also specifies Key Performance Indicators that are measured on a quarterly and annual basis. (29) The University’s progress towards achieving the WHS objectives and targets, which informs the WHS Action Plan, will be reviewed by People and Capability staff who will provide performance data for each organisational unit and reported to the relevant Senior Executive Member. Qualitative data may also be provided as part of the WHS Action Plan 2020-2021 Traffic Light Reporting processes and annual AHEIA benchmarking. (30) The performance monitoring and review processes will support the University to continuously improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the WHSMS by ensuring that reviews of the WHSMS inform the WHS Action Plan. (31) The University will also: (32) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (33) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time to improve its effectiveness. If any staff member wishes to make any comments about this Procedure, they should forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (34) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their Nominated Supervisor or Manager who is responsible for applying the University’s WHSMS within their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (35) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.WHSMS Planning Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Background
Section 4 - University WHSMS Planning Processes that Inform the WHS Action Plan
Bi-Annual Assessments and Reviews
Assessing the University’s Context
Table 1: Examples of external and internal issues that may impact upon the WHSMS:
External Issues
Internal Issues
Cultural, social, political (including government funding), legal, financial, technological, economic and nature surroundings, market completion within the higher education sector.
Governance, organisational structure, roles and accountabilities.
New competitors within the higher education sector, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, partners and providers, new technologies, legal changes and new occupations.
Changes to the Enterprise Agreement (EA) and associated working conditions.
Key drivers and changes in the higher education sector.
The University’s culture.
New knowledge about products that impacts upon health and safety, and treatments.
The form and scope of contractual arrangements, including outsourced activities.
Assessing WHS Risks and Opportunities
Assessing the Suitability, Adequacy and Effectiveness of the WHSMS
Table 2: Questions – Informing an Assessment of the framework’s suitability, adequacy and effectiveness:
Does the WHSMS fit the University and its operations? Is it culturally aligned and integrated with business systems and enabling frameworks?
Is the WHSMS implemented appropriately?
Is it achieving the intended outcomes? e.g. (1) Is it supporting ACU to identify and manage its most significant risks; and (2) Does the WHSMS strengthen governance?
Top of PageSection 5 - ACU WHS Action Plan
Defining WHS Objectives and Targets
WHS Action Plan
Top of PageSection 6 - Ongoing Performance Monitoring of the Framework and WHS Action Plan
Table 3: Performance Monitoring of the Framework and WHS Action Plan
Gaps and Deficiencies will be Addressed, by:
How compliant is the University with legal, including Codes of Practice, and other requirements?
People and Capability
Have relevant hazards and associated risks, which are associated with its operations and activities been identified and managed?
Audit and Risk Committee will also assess these risks during their annual review of organizational-unit risk registersSecond Quarter
Is the University on track to achieve its WHS targets and objectives?
People and Capability.
How effective are the University’s operational controls, including procedures?
Quarter 4
People and Capability and/or Properties and Facilities will action any gaps that are identified.
Traffic Light Reporting
Continuous Improvements in WHSMS
Top of PageSection 7 - Revisions made to this Procedure
Major, Minor or Editorial
12 July 2021
Updated to account for a change in the University’s processes associated with organisational unit plans i.e. the template for these plans will not include WHSMS requirements.
Section 8 - Further Assistance
Section 9 - Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this document to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
Note: The ACU Strategic Plan includes a commitment to sustaining effective governance and management practices that underpin our highest expectations of accountability. The plan also commits ACU to cultivating a highly capable, people focused, safe and ethical workforce in support of our mission, focus and strategic priorities.
People and Capability, in collaboration with Properties and Facilities and other organisational units.
People and Capability, in collaboration with Properties and Facilities and other work areas.
The Work Health and Safety Management Committee and Audit and Risk Committee will also be engaged with this review.