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  • Capital Planning PolicyThe Capital Planning Policy forms part of the University’s strategic planning processes and establishes priorities for the commitment of funds for future capital projects.
  • Car Parking PolicyThis policy outlines the agreement for staff and student parking on ACU campuses and locations.
  • Carry Forward of Funds PolicyThis policy establishes a framework for the university’s assets management processes to ensure consistency, quality and efficient use of university resources.
  • Chemical Management ProcedureSupports staff and others to safely manage, use and dispose of hazardous chemicals.
  • Childcare Support for Academic Staff PolicyThis policy outlines the type of support available, eligibility criteria and the terms under which the support is provided to female Academic Staff. This policy also sets out the application procedure when applying for childcare support.
  • Children of Staff and Students on University Premises ProcedureThis procedure provides guidance where staff and students who are the carers of children wish to bring them into a learning and working environment on University premises.
  • Classification of Research Outputs PolicyDescribes the steps to be taken in classifying a research output for HERDC purposes.
  • Code of Conduct for StaffOutlines the behaviour we expect of all staff and affiliates of the university, including religious, adjunct and honorary members of the university, volunteers, consultants and contractors.
  • Coding and Naming of Units GuidelineThese guidelines relate to the assignment of a unit code, to enable the unit and its associated details, including student enrolments, to be recorded in the student system.
  • Commencing International Student Refunds PolicyProvides guidelines on managing major change processes.
  • Commercial Activities PolicyThis Policy provides information regarding university-based commercial activities for academic and professional staff at ACU.
  • Commercial Activities ProcedureThe Commercial Activities Procedure provides guidance to support staff to confidently pursue commercial activities, in partnership with external organisations, in a standardised practice across, and for the benefit of, the University. The Procedure should be read in line with the Commercial Activities Policy.
  • Common Academic Calendar PolicyThis Policy provides the framework for the setting of the Common Academic Calendar and Study Periods at ACU to ensure that important academic dates are scheduled in advance. It provides direction for the planning and offering of courses and units at ACU.
  • Common Academic Calendar ProcedureThese procedures outline the process to be followed in setting of the Common Academic Calendar and Study Periods at ACU. They provide direction for the planning and offering of courses and units at ACU.
  • Community Engagement Time Release PolicyThis policy has been developed to support staff to participate in community engagement activities and outlines time release arrangements during normal working hours.
  • Community Service and Emergency Services Leave PolicyThis policy sets out the community service leave and emergency services leave provisions for staff at ACU.
  • Community-Engaged Learning and Unit Design Principles GuidelineThis Guideline enhances the impact of community-engaged learning on our students and their professional and holistic development and supports discipline-specific
    community-engaged units in supporting the graduate capabilities.
  • Compassionate Leave PolicyThis policy sets out the Compassionate Leave provisions for staff at ACU.
  • Computer and Internet Acceptable Use PolicyThis policy guides the staff, students and contractors in the acceptable use of university resources (computer and information systems, telephone, and networks) provided by the university.
  • Conferral and Graduation PolicyThis Policy describes the conferral of awards and graduation at the Australian Catholic University (ACU).
  • Conferral of Awards ProcedureThese procedures are governed by the Conferral and Graduation Policy.
  • Copyright Notice and Takedown Notice ProcedureThis procedure articulates the processes and responsabilities associated with the management of copyright (academic and non-academic) material on ACU websites and the processes and responsabiltieis for responding to and issuing of takedown notices.
  • Copyright Notices Signage ProcedureThis procedure documents ACU regulated requirements to place copyright notices (signage) in academic and non-academic settings.
  • Copyright Use of Third-Party Works ProcedureThis procedure outlines the lawful use of third-party copyright material in ACU, both academic and non-academic uses.
  • Course Accreditation and Amendment ProcedureThese procedures describe how courses and units at ACU are approved, amended, suspended, and discontinued.
  • Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review PolicyThis policy establishes a robust approach to the approval, amendment and review of courses offered by the Australian Catholic University and ensures consistent course quality assurance processes are maintained across the institution.
  • Course and Student Monitoring PolicyThis policy outlines the monitoring activities ACU undertakes to ensure that academic quality and standards related to teaching, learning and course delivery are assured, and that the institution complies with its obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
  • Course and Student Monitoring ProcedureThis procedure operationalises the monitoring activities outlined in the Course and Student Monitoring Policy and provides guidance for the establishment, composition, and role of Course Monitoring Committees at ACU.
  • Course and Unit Viability Analysis PolicyThis Policy states the requirement for the completion of an annual analysis of all ACU courses and units.
  • Course and Unit Viability Analysis ProcedureThis document sets out how ACU will implement the course and unit viability analysis work.
  • Course Review ProcedureThese procedures are intended to provide course monitoring and review process information for all coursework award courses.
  • Critical Incident Management PolicyThis policy provides the guidance for ACU to plan for, respond to and manage Events, Incidents and Critical Incidents from a personnel, hazard identification, and risk management perspective.
  • Critical Incident Management ProcedureThis documents provides a set up procedures to support the implementation of the Critical Incident Management Policy and guidance for ACU to plan for, respond to and manage Events, Incidents and Critical Incidents from a personnel, hazard identification, and risk management perspective.