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  • Data and Information Governance PolicyThe policy establishes proper standards to assure the quality and integrity of University data. This policy also defines the roles and responsibilities of University staff and its agents in relation to data access, retrieval, storage, destruction, and backup to ensure proper management and protection of data is maintained.
  • Data and Information Governance ProcedureThe Data and Information Governance Procedure outlines ACU's processes required to effectively and consistently manage information and data, while realising its value and mitigating adverse impacts on the University.
  • Data Breach Procedure and Response PlanThis Procedure sets out the processes to be followed by ACU staff in the event that ACU experiences a data breach or suspects that a data breach has occurred. A data breach involves the loss of, unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of, personal information.
  • Data Sanitisation ProcedureThis procedure sets out the mandatory sanitisation procedures for digital storage devices.
  • Death in Service ProtocolThis protocol enables Australian Catholic University (ACU) staff to respond quickly and sensitively when advised of the death of an employee, as well as identifying key roles and responsibilities.
  • Declaration of Interest Policy - Staff and AffiliatesThis policy sets out ACU’s approach to managing and documenting declarations with respect to material personal interests and activities concerning potential foreign interference involving all ACU Staff.
  • Declaration of Interest Procedure - Staff and AffiliatesThis document provides detailed instructions to ACU staff and affiliates on how they disclose, record and manage a conflict of interest or potential foreign interference situation, in alignment with the Declaration of Interest Policy – Staff and Affiliates.
  • Delegations of Authority Policy and RegisterThe purpose of the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register is to be the source of the functions which the Senate authorises particular officers and bodies of the University to carry out.
  • Determining Employee or Contractor Status PolicyOutlines legislative obligations associated with the engagement of individuals and entities that provide services to the University on a temporary basis and the importance of proper characterisation of their status to ensure legal compliance.
  • Development of ACU National UniStep-up Programs GuidelineThese Guidelines are designed to assist ACU National Faculties that may be contemplating the development of UniStep-Up programs by providing a framework for such development and establish a structure within which such programs should operate.
  • Discrimination and Harassment PolicyOutlines the University’s commitment to preventing and dealing with discrimination and harassment.
  • Domain Name System PolicyThis policy sets out the process of approving domain names for use within ACU's assigned IP address blocks and Domain Name System (DNS).