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Section 1 - Governing Policy
(1) This Procedure is governed by the Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and is a critical component of the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System.
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
(2) This Procedure applies to all staff, staff representatives and contractors, and the working and learning activities which the University manages and influences.
(3) Other measurement requirements - associated with activities such as reviewing the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS or framework) and monitoring and testing of plant and equipment - are excluded from the scope of this Procedure and are prescribed within the WHSMS Planning Procedure and other procedures.
Top of PageSection 3 - Background
(4) This Procedure supports the University to monitor the performance of its WHSMS to facilitate continuous improvements in the WHSMS and the safety and wellbeing of the working and learning spaces that it manages and influences.
(5) The WHSMS Performance Measurement and Evaluation Procedure is aligned with ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems for safety management systems and legislative requirements to manage the University’s significant risks.
Top of PageSection 4 - Roles and Responsibilities
Table 1
(6) A high level overview of roles and responsibilities of staff and staff representatives that are associated with measuring, evaluating and providing feedback about the performance of the WHSMS, and ensuring that performance measurements inform continuous improvements to the framework.
Who |
Responsibilities |
Staff |
Staff are engaged and consulted about the performance of the WHSMS and contribute to performance evaluations and measurement. |
Campus WHS Committees |
Campus WHS Committees are responsible for participating in the performance reviews and provide feedback about how the WHSMS is applied on their campus. |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) |
HSR participate in the review and provide local feedback about WHS performance and the effectiveness of the WHSMS within their campus workgroup. |
- Work Health and Safety Management Committee;
- Audit and Risk Committee; and
- Members of the Senior Executive and Executive Staff, including Officers
Review the scope of performance indicators, during the biannual and other reviews of the WHSMS, and evaluate performance. These evaluations should inform the development of actions that continuously improve the framework and the management of WHS risk. |
People and Capability |
These staff play a significant role in measuring WHSMS performance and ensuring these measures inform continuous improvements to the framework. People and Capability staff also report on WHSMS performance to ensure that WHS reporting is aligned with relevant Traffic Light Reporting processes. |
Vice-Chancellor and President |
Receives updates about the performance of the WHSMS and collaborates with/delegates responsibility to Members of the Senior Executive to ensure the framework supports the University to manage its significant WHS risks. |
Top of PageSection 5 - Performance Indicators
(7) Performance indicators have been developed to measure the achievement of the University’s WHS objectives and targets, and the application of the WHSMS across the University. Additional performance indicators will be developed during the bi-annual and other reviews of the framework as the WHSMS evolves and is continuously improved.
(8) The University will use lead and lag performance indicators to measure performance.
Lead (Proactive) Performance Indicators
(9) The University’s lead (proactive) performance indicators measure some of the actions that are taken to implement the University’s WHSMS. These actions contribute to the prevention of work-related illness and injury.
Table 2: Lead (Proactive) Performance Indicators
Focus |
Performance Indicator |
Description |
Measurement Period |
Report Timing |
Training |
The number of WHS training courses and participants that attended WHS training courses (coordinated by People and Capability)
The number of staff members that have attended incident investigation and WHS risk management courses. |
Monitors the number of training courses, delivered in each year, and the number of participants. |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report |
Top 5 WHS Risks |
The percentage and number of organisational units that have populated their organisational unit, risk registers with (a minimum of) their Top 5 WHS risks. |
Monitors whether work areas are identifying and managing a significant component of their WHS risks. |
Updates to risk registers completed by 31 March |
Quarter 2 Report |
Hazard Reports |
The number of hazard reports logged and managed within Riskware. |
Monitors the identification and management of hazards that have the potential to cause injuries or illness. |
Reports that were logged each quarter |
Quarterly |
Achievement of WHS objectives and targets |
The achievement of the WHS objectives and targets by each portfolio and the University. |
Whether some of the intended outcomes of the WHSMS are being achieved. |
01 Jan – 31 Dec |
Quarter 2 Report (Informed by Traffic Light Reporting) |
Internal audits of the WHSMS |
Average compliance within internal WHSMS audits |
Provides an overview of the implementation of the WHSMS across work areas and the University |
Essential Services Compliance |
Percentage and number of ACU managed, buildings that have received a Certificate of Compliance |
An overview of compliance with the maintenance of essential services (incl. Emergency Evacuation Management Plan, Evacuation Diagram, Emergency Control Organisation Training Emergency Evacuation Exercise). |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report |
Property Hazards Actioned |
The percentage and number of hazards that have been resolved by Properties and Facilities |
Provides an overview of the number of property hazards (rated high, medium and low and classified as non-conformances) that have been identifying during annual inspections, conducted by an external contractor, and resolved. |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report |
WHS Committee meetings |
Measuring the number and percentage of WHS Committee Meetings that are held each year. |
Measuring the University’s consultations with WHS Committees |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report |
Implementing the WHSMS |
Measuring the number and percentage of Senior Executive and Executive Staff that provide declarations that the WHSMS has been applied to their working and learning activities. |
Measuring the implementation of the WHSMS within the University’s organisational units. |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report (from 2021) |
Staff complaints |
Measuring (via sampling) the number and percentage of staff complaints that are resolved locally. |
Measuring the effectiveness of the WHSMS in resolving staff complaints. |
Calendar year |
Quarter 1 Report |
Lag (Outcome) Indicators
(10) The University’s Lag (Outcome) indicators will inform some of the actions that are taken to treat (control the University’s WHS risks and improve the WHSMS.
Table 3
(11) The Lag (Outcome) Indicators that support the University to assess whether the University’s WHSMS has reduced illnesses and injuries.
Focus |
Performance Indicator |
Description |
Measurement Period |
Report Timing |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Days Lost to WHS Incidents |
The frequency of new Lost Time Injuries per million hours worked (ongoing cumulative measurement. Leave estimates should be deducted from the estimate of hours worked)
Measures the number of LTIs that are lost each quarter |
Reported between the first and last day of each quarter |
Quarterly |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Median Lost Time Rate |
The median time away from work per occurrence of injury or illness (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Days Lost to WHS Incidents |
Measures the duration of LTIs (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Number of Injury Reports from Staff Members |
Measures the number of injury reports
(benchmarked against other Universities). |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Number of workers compensation claims: musculoskeletal |
Measures the number of musculoskeletal injuries which resulted in staff members submitting workers compensation claims (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Number of psychological, workers compensation claims |
Measures the number of psychological injuries which resulted in workers compensation claims (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Lost Time Injuries
(LTI) that Impact Upon Staff |
Total number of workers compensation claims |
Measures the number of injuries and injuries that result in workers compensation claims (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Workers compensation costs |
Workers Compensation Costs that are associated with wages, treatment and rehabilitation |
Measures the extended costs on workers compensation (benchmarked against other Universities) |
Calendar year |
Quarter 2 Report |
Number of reports submitted within Riskware |
Number of reports of hazards, near misses, incidents and injury reports logged within Riskware |
The number and percentage of reports submitted that impacted upon members of the ACU community |
Reported between the first and last calendar day of each quarter |
Quarterly |
Reports that are managed in Riskware |
Percentage of Riskware reports that have been managed within Riskware |
Measures whether Riskware Action Plans have been completed and managed for WHS risk. |
Reports managed within each quarter |
Quarterly |
Mechanism of Injury |
Total percentage and number of Riskware reports that resulted from each mechanism of injury |
Measures the ways in which staff, students, visitors and contractors are impacted by specific types of mechanisms of injury |
Reported between the first and last calendar day of each quarter |
Quarterly |
Contributing factors to incidents |
Total number and percentage of incidents that have resulted from each contributing factor to an incident. |
Measures the common contributing factors to incidents that may inform the development of treatments which may be applied across ACU. |
Reports managed within each quarter |
Quarterly |
Reports submitted by Person Type |
Total number and percentage of reports by person type |
Measures the impact of the WHSMS on each person type |
Reported between the first and last calendar day of each quarter |
Quarterly |
Body location of injuries |
Total number and percentage of staff injuries that impact upon specific body locations |
Measures the body locations that are impacted by injuries. |
Reported between the first and last calendar day of each quarter |
Quarterly |
Effectiveness of Riskware Action Plans |
Total number and percentage of Riskware Action Plans that resulted in reduced risk ratings after treatments are developed. |
Measures how Nominated Supervisors, Managers and other staff apply the WHSMS to reduce the risks associated with Riskware reports |
Reports managed during each quarter |
Quarterly |
Number of notifiable incidents |
The number of incidents that were notified to the relevant state WHS regulator each month |
Measuring the number of serious and dangerous incidents that occurred at the University |
Reported during each quarter |
Quarterly |
Top of PageSection 6 - Reporting on the Performance of the WHSMS
(12) Table 2: Lists the performance indicators that are reported to the University’s stakeholders and identifies the timeframes for distribution.
Reporting mechanism |
Target Audience |
Frequency |
WHS Indicators |
WHS Report |
- Senate
- ACU Staff Consultative Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Work Health and Safety Management Committee
- All staff (via intranet) and interested stakeholders
Quarterly |
Performance measures outlined in Section 5 |
The WHS Section of the P&C Benchmarking Report |
Work Health and Safety Management Committee |
Annually |
LTIs performance, specified in clause (11), which are benchmarked across the University sector. |
Top of PageSection 7 - Revisions made to this Procedure
(13) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time to improve its effectiveness. If any staff member wishes to make any comments about this Procedure, they should forward their suggestions to People and Capability.
Top of PageSection 8 - Further Assistance
(14) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their Nominated Supervisor or Manager who is responsible for applying the University’s WHSMS within their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.
Top of PageSection 9 - Associated Information
(15) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.