(1) This Procedure is governed by the Work, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (2) This Procedure covers the management of plant and equipment, under both national and campus-specific arrangements. (3) This Procedure does not apply to plant that: (4) The risk assessment of plant prior to purchase, shall be undertaken in accordance with the WHSMS Procurement Procedure. (5) All plant shall be risk assessed and appropriate treatments (controls) should be developed for their use. These treatments should be documented within a safe operating procedure or Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS). Refer to the WHS Risk Management Procedure and WHSMS Procurement Procedure for more information. (6) ACU must ensure all essential service systems and infrastructure is serviced and maintained to Australian Standards. The following shall also apply: (7) Whenever it is required, ACU shall ensure that a copy of the Annual Fire Safety Statement[1] is given to the relevant authority (or authorities) and that a copy is prominently displayed in relevant buildings. (8) All plant asset registers will be stored in a central data repository managed by Properties and Facilities. (9) Where the isolation (tagout/lockout) of plant is required to enable maintenance activities to be undertaken, this shall be undertaken in accordance with the WHSMS High Risk Activities Management Procedure. (10) Maintenance of plant undertaken by ACU staff shall be in accordance with an appropriate Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), or similar, which is informed by a risk assessment. (11) The maintenance and servicing of elements of essential services, which is undertaken by ACU staff, shall be in accordance with the frequencies required by legislation or Australian Standards. (12) All maintenance records will be stored in a central data repository managed by Properties and Facilities, in alignment with the WHSMS Records and Document Management Procedure. (13) Where contractors are undertaking plant maintenance for ACU, they shall be engaged in accordance with the WHSMS Contractor Management Procedure. The assets requiring maintenance and the associated scheduling, based on manufacturer’s recommendations, shall be defined in the maintenance contract with the chosen service provider. (14) All maintenance records will be stored in a central data repository managed by Properties and Facilities. (15) The maintenance of electrical equipment shall in be accordance with the WHSMS Managing Electrical Risk Procedure. (16) The maintenance of cooling towers and the control of legionella shall be in accordance with the WHSMS Health and Air Monitoring Procedure. (17) The following items of plant, where present in ACU campuses, shall be registered with the regulator: (18) The registration of plant is valid for five years. ACU shall ensure that renewal of registrations is undertaken in a timely manner, to ensure they do not expire. Registration certificates, where provided by the regulator, will be stored in a central data repository managed by Properties and Facilities. (19) Registration of pressure vessels and lifts is not required in Victoria. (20) Cooling tower registration should be informed by the following requirements: (21) Records of registration, where provided by the regulator, will be stored in a central data repository managed by Properties and Facilities. (22) The University may make changes to this procedure from time to time to improve its effectiveness. If any staff member wishes to make any comments about this Procedure, they should forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (23) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their Nominated Supervisor or Manager who is responsible for applying the University’s WHSMS within their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (24) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.WHSMS Plant and Equipment Procedure
Section 1 - Governing Policy
Section 2 - Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Pre-purchase Assessment of Plant
Plant Risk Assessment and Use
Fire Equipment – Essential Safety Measures
Plant Asset Registers
Plant Maintenance
Maintenance Requiring the Isolation of Plant
Maintenance by ACU Staff
Maintenance by Contractors
Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
Maintenance of Cooling Towers
Registration of Plant (excluding VIC)
General Plant
Cooling Towers
Section 4 - Revision made to this Procedure
Section 5 - Further Assistance
Section 6 - Associated Information
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[1] The Annual Fire Safety Statement is referred to as an Occupier Statement in Queensland.