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  • Laboratory Safety GuidelineThese guidelines, associated procedures and the ACU Chemical Management Procedure support staff, students, visitors, volunteers and contractors to maintain safe working and learning spaces within laboratories and other chemical stores.
  • Learning and Teaching PolicyThis policy sets out the principles that underpin ACU’s approach to learning and teaching.
  • Learning and Teaching Procedureâ€<â€
  • Leave Management Conversation GuideThis guide provides information for nominated supervisors in the effective management, discussion and planning of staff member’s annual and long service leave.
  • Leave Without Pay PolicyThis policy covers the provision of Leave without Pay for staff at ACU.
  • Lecture Capture PolicyThis policy articulates the principles that govern the recording of lectures (lecture capture) at Australian Catholic University.
  • Library Donations PolicyThis policy covers the terms and conditions under which ACU Library will accept and manage donations of material for the ACU Library collection.
  • Library Services and Facilities PolicyThis policy sets out the principles, mission and values governing ACU Library services and facilities provided to the University community.
  • Living Organ Donors Leave PolicyThis Policy has been developed to incorporate the Australian Government’s program to support the provision of paid leave for living organ donors for Academic and Professional Staff at ACU.
  • Long Service Leave PolicyThis policy sets out the Long Service Leave provisions for staff at ACU.