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- Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement PolicyThis policy explains ACU’s principles regarding major change, notice, redeployment, redundancy and voluntary retirement of affected staff members in circumstances where the University decides a position is no longer required.
- Major Change, Notice, Redeployment, Redundancy and Voluntary Early Retirement ProcedureThis procedure sets out the requisite steps for the implementation of the governing policy.
- Management of Staff Unattached from Substantive Position PolicyThis policy outlines University’s obligation for staff requesting to be unattached from their substantive position.
- Management of Union Activities at ACU PolicyThis Policy describes the protocols to be followed by a staff member who is a Union delegate, and a Union officer, to request to visit an ACU campus; and the management of circumstances where a statute confers a right of entry to ACU workplaces on an officer, employee or official of a Union.
- Managing a Student Threatening Self-Harm PolicyThis policy provides guidance and support for staff to assist them in dealing with a student threatening self-harm.
- Managing a Student Threatening Self-Harm ProcedureThis procedure outlines staff responsibilities and responses in dealing with a student threatening self-harm.
- Managing Performance Guidelines (Senior Executive, Executive and Senior Management)Provides guidance on managing performance for staff at Senior Executive, Executive and Senior Management levels.
- Managing Student Misconduct ProcedureThis Procedure details the processes and structures to be followed by students and staff in managing alleged breaches of the Student Conduct Policy.
- Managing Unsatisfactory Performance PolicyThis policy outlines the Managing Performance Excellence provisions for Academic and Professional Staff, specifically the procedures for managing Unsatisfactory Performance.
- Meal Allowance During Overtime PolicyThis policy covers the entitlement of the payment of meal allowances to Professional Staff at ACU.
- Media PolicyGoverns the responsibilities and obligations of staff and students regarding media and public comment, where there is an identifiable connection with the university.
- Medical Assessment PolicyThis policy details the provisions relating to medical assessment of a staff member which may lead to separation from the University due to medical reasons.
- Microcredentials and Short Course GuidelineThese guidelines set out how academic approval and nomenclature and certification will be managed for microcredentials and short courses at ACU.
- Microcredentials and Short Course PolicyThis policy provides a framework for microcredentials at ACU, and sets out the parameters for academic quality assurance in the development and approval of microcredentials and short courses at Australian Catholic University (ACU). It also outlines the requirements for such courses to be recognised for credit against an ACU award course or unit(s).
- Misconduct and Serious Misconduct PolicyThis policy outlines the processes and procedures to be followed in relation to allegations of misconduct and serious misconduct by staff at ACU.
- Misconduct and Serious Misconduct Policy - Senior Management, Executive and Senior Executive PolicyThis policy outlines the approach to be undertaken to address cases of alleged misconduct or serious misconduct by a Senior Manager, Executive and Senior Executive of ACU in respect of their employment.