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- Paid Inside Work PolicyThis policy outlines the conditions under which qualified staff may provide services to the University separate from or in addition to their normal work and receive payment for such work.
- Paid Outside Work PolicyThis Policy outlines the conditions under which paid outside work may be undertaken and the obligations of both staff and the University.
- Parental Leave PolicyThis policy covers the provision of parental leave for Academic and Professional Staff at the ACU.
- Participation of Staff in University Employment Related Committees GuidelinesThis document describes the framework, processes and committee memberships which facilitate the participation of staff in University employment related committees.
- Patch Management ProcedureThe procedure guides the process of patch deployment for known vulnerabilities.
- Payment of Salaries PolicyThis policy covers the processes for payment of salaries and the authorisation of deductions from a staff member’s salary at ACU.
- Personal Leave PolicyThis policy covers the personal leave, including carers and sick leave, provisions for all staff at ACU.
- Physical Teaching Space StandardsDescribes the physical standards for new and refurbished learning and teaching spaces at ACU.
- Policy Development and Review PolicyThis policy establishes a framework for defining, developing, maintaining and reviewing the University’s policies and associated procedures to ensure consistency and quality.
- Policy Development and Review ProcedureThis Procedure sets out the requisite steps for implementation of the Policy Development and Review Policy.
- Position Classification for Professional Staff PolicyThis policy outlines the principles for classification of Professional Staff positions.
- Position Classification for Professional Staff ProcedureThis procedure outlines the process for classification of Professional Staff positions.
- Position Titles for Professional Staff PolicyTo provide a common nomenclature for Professional Staff positions at the University.
- Postnominals Usage GuidelineThese guidelines provide direction as to how postnominals should be represented in ACU publications.
- Pre-Retirement Agreement PolicyThis policy covers the provision of pre-retirement agreements for staff at ACU.
- Preparation and Presentation of a Higher Degree Research Thesis for Examination GuidelineDescribes the requirements for preparing and presenting a higher degree research thesis for examination, in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Regulations.
- Principles for Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching, Research and Research Training PolicyThis Policy provides a foundation to inform the uptake of AI in teaching, research and operations, guide pilot activity such as the AI Incubator and actions designed to protect the integrity of assessment.
- Privacy Collection Notice Requirements for Applicants and RefereesOutlines the Privacy Collection Notice requirements for applicants and referees.
- Privacy Inquiry and Complaints ProcedureThe procedure sets out how ACU addresses inquiries and complaints relating to managing personal information.
- Privacy Obligations and Requirements GuidelineThis is a guide to the obligations and requirements of the Privacy Act 1998 (Privacy Act) and the application of the ACU Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy) which sets out how ACU complies with and implements the requirements of the Privacy Act.
- Privacy PolicyThis policy sets out how ACU manages privacy obligations and reflects the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth), which amends the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
- Probation for Continuing Academic Staff PolicyThis policy describes the process and procedures that apply to probation for Academic Staff members who have been appointed to a continuing position. The Policy outlines the responsibilities of those involved in the process.
- Probation for Fixed Term Academic Staff PolicyThis policy describes the process and procedures which apply to probation for Academic Staff members who have been appointed to a fixed term academic position. The Policy outlines the responsibilities of those involved in the process.
- Probation for Professional Staff PolicyThis policy sets out the provisions for probation for Professional Staff at ACU.
- Procurement PolicyThis policy describes the process and requirements for undertaking the sourcing of goods and services.
- Professional Development for Professional Staff PolicyThe Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy sets out the rationale underpinning staff professional development and organisational training at ACU, elaborates the responsibilities shared by those who manage and participate in the professional development programs and identifies areas of opportunity available for Professional Staff to develop knowledge and skills relevant to their current and possible future roles.
- Professional Learning for Academic Staff PolicyThis policy aims to assist in the development of Academic Staff to promote improved performance in support of the University and the work, career and personal goals of each individual member of the Academic Staff.
- Professional Pursuits Accounts PolicyThis policy outlines the conditions under which a Professional Pursuit Account may be established to provide a mechanism through which a staff member may legally manage funds received through payment from inside the University.
- Progress Plan for Academic Staff PolicyThis policy is to assist Academic Staff to develop and enhance performance so as to contribute to the quality of their working life and career; and to align their work with the strategic objectives of the University and their Faculty, School, Institute or Centre, thus enhancing individual development and performance at all levels.
- Progress Plan for Professional Staff PolicyThis policy assists Professional Staff to develop and enhance performance so as to contribute to the quality of their working life and career; and to align their work with the strategic objectives of the university.
- Project Management PolicyThis policy outlines principles and responsibilities associated with the management of University projects.
- Project Management ProcedureThis procedure articulates the processes and responsibilities associated with the management of University projects.
- Protected Disclosures PolicyThis Protected Disclosures Policy and the corresponding Protected Disclosures Procedure (collectively referred to as the Protected Disclosures Framework) implement a national framework for the making of Protected Disclosures consistent with the Act.
- Protected Disclosures ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the framework for supporting Reportable Conduct.
- Provision of Support for Victims of Family or Domestic Violence PolicyThis policy outlines the support that is available to staff members who require leave as a result of the effects of experiencing domestic violence.
- Purchase Card PolicyThis policy describes when entertainment and hospitality is appropriate and the process for application and treatment of expenditure.
- Purchasing and Procurement ProcedurePurchasing guidelines provide additional information in relation to ACU procurement.