(1) This Procedure has been developed to support Members of campus Work Health and Safety Committees (WHSC’s) to carry out their duties and to represent the WHS interests of both the University and staff. (2) Communication and consultation is pivotal to the management of WHS risk at ACU and Campus WHS Committees support the University to facilitate important two-way conversations about WHS issues affecting the University and its WHS management system. (3) Safe working and learning environments are maintained when staff, students, visitors, volunteers and contractors, who participate in working and learning activities, effectively communicate and collaborate with each other about hazards and risks, and the implementation associated treatments (controls) where necessary. (4) By drawing on the knowledge and experience of all ACU stakeholders, including WHS Committee Members, more informed decisions are made about the management of WHS risk. (5) Consultation involves determining the views of staff, student, visitors, volunteers, contractors and other stakeholders, prior to making a decision. Consultation does not require consensus or agreement but it does entitle our campus communities to contribute to decisions that are made. (6) Campus WHS Committees make recommendations about the management of WHS risks for consideration by senior management. The recommendations may arise from the review of workplace WHS inspection reports, reports of incidents and hazards, risk registers and other records. (7) The WHS Risk Management Procedure and Workplace Inspection Checklists have been developed for use by organisational units and Campus WHS Committees. Organisational units and Campus WHS Committees are encouraged to consult the WHS Risk Management Procedure and Workplace Inspection Checklist or to contact People and Capability's WHS staff if they require any further assistance in relation to the completion of WHS risk assessments and workplace inspections. (8) The following procedures should be applied by WHS Committee Chairs whenever WHS Committee meetings are conducted. WHS Committee Members and others should also refer to the Terms of Reference - Campus WHS Committees, and use the templates below whenever agendas, action logs and minutes are produced. (9) The table below outlines recommended procedures for conducting a Campus WHS Committee meeting. (10) The Chair prepares and distributes the agenda for the meeting (Refer to WHS Committee Meeting Agenda Template). The agenda will cover: (11) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (12) The University may make changes to this Procedure from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this Procedure may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (13) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Procedure should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required, staff should visit Service Central. (14) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.WHS Committee Procedure
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Communication and Consultation
Section 3 - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
Section 4 - Conducting a Work Health and Safety Committee Meeting
Before the Meeting
• Minutes from the last meeting and the status of outstanding issues (Action Log);
• Enhancements to ACU’s WHS Management System, including policies, procedures and safe operating procedures;
• Updates about changes to legislation and other requirements;
• WHS Inspection Report conducted by two Members; and
• A review of the WHS Incident and Hazard Summary Report and Actions.
WHS Committee Members, People and Capability WHS staff, HSRs (where relevant) and Management Representatives will also be contacted to identify agenda items.
The draft agenda is circulated, at least five days prior to a meeting to:
• Provide campus WHS Committee Members with adequate notice of when and where the meeting will be held.
• Provide adequate notice to allow the Committee to think about the issues, or discuss them with relevant staff Members and/or managers.
The Chair will reschedule the meeting if there is not a Quorum (a minimum of two Management, including the relevant People and Capability WHS staff Member, and two staff representatives).
At Every Meeting
The Chair will ensure that:
• The meeting starts and finishes on time;
• Apologies or absences are recorded;
• The minutes of the last meeting are reviewed and approved as an accurate record, or amended as necessary;
• Calls for two volunteers to conduct a WHS Inspection of an office or laboratory; and
• Calls for a volunteer to write the minutes.
The meeting is updated on progress toward resolving action items from previous meetings. The meeting works through the agenda, and avoids getting side-tracked on minor points or by issues not on the agenda.
After the Meeting
The Chair (with the assistance of other Committee Members) will ensure:
• That the minutes of the meeting are produced; (Refer to WHS Committee Meeting Minutes Template)
• Persons responsible for resolving action items are clear about what is expected of them; and
• The meeting minutes are distributed to Committee Members.
The meeting minutes are displayed in the workplace, within 10 working days, where staff Members and students are likely to see them, including the WHS SharePoint site, notice boards.Section 5 - Revisions made to this Procedure
Major, Minor or Editorial
1 October 2017
Procedure revised to reflect organisational changes to the University. An outline of the consultative forums at ACU has been moved from this procedure into the new ACU WHS Communications and Consultation Procedure.
Section 6 - Further Assistance
Section 7 - Templates
Top of PageSection 8 - Associated Information
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