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Library Donations Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy sets out the conditions under which ACU Library will accept donations of material for its collection.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) From time-to-time individuals and organisations offer material to ACU Library either to add to its collection or to absorb as a standalone collection.

(3) This Policy covers individual items and collections of items such as books, serials, audio-visual material and realia offered to ACU Library by potential and actual donors.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement and Principles

(4) The Library welcomes donations of material that meet the learning, teaching, and research needs of the University and which enhance the Library's ability to meet these needs.

(5) It reserves the right to accept or decline donations and the right to dispose of unwanted donated material as it sees fit.

(6) Where a donation includes culturally sensitive materials, it will be assessed through culturally informed approaches to build the cultural capability of ACU Library. The Library Director will apply the principles and protocols of the National and State Libraries Australasia, Position statement: Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) in deciding whether to accept the donation and/or how it will be managed within the ACU Library collection.

(7) As a guiding principle, the costs associated with accepting the donation should not be greater than the value of the donation.

(8) Donations should meet the following criteria:

  1. they meet the current learning, teaching, and research needs of the University;
  2. they align with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values;
  3. the content is current (unless it is of historic value);
  4. later editions of the work are not held by ACU Library;
  5. the items are in good condition;
  6. for monographs, the title is not already held in the collection in print or ebook format;
  7. for serial backsets, the issues are not already held;
  8. for serial backsets, ACU Library has a current subscription; and
  9. ACU Library's shelf space is sufficient to accommodate the donated material.

Conditions Of Acceptance

(9) In accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register, regarding large or valuable donations or donations with special requirements, the Library Director will accept or decline the donation.

(10) If the value of a potential donation is above the Library Director's delegation under the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register, the Director will liaise with the relevant member of the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Committee regarding its acceptance or rejection.

(11) The decision to accept or decline all other donations below the Library Director's authority is made by the relevant Library Manager responsible for the discipline or by the Associate Director, Library Client Services.

(12) Once selected, a donation is incorporated into the ACU Library collection, however, donations are accepted on the understanding that items not selected for ACU Library's collection may be disposed of by ACU Library at its discretion. This could include offering items to other libraries or discarding items.

ACU Library does not accept Donations as Loans

(13) Donations are accepted on the understanding that the accepted material becomes the property of ACU Library and may not subsequently be claimed back by the donor, nor by the donor’s estate, family or any other associate of the donor.

(14) In some circumstances, such as donations of rare books, some form of documentation may need to be completed, for example, a Statutory Declaration confirming the donor’s ownership of the items and their right to legally dispose of them.

(15) In general, a donation is not accepted if the donor wishes to place any limitations on its use or disposal. Any restrictions placed on ACU Library in accepting a donation must first be agreed to in writing by the Library Director.

Acknowledgement Of Donations

(16) The University will acknowledge donations appropriately and may choose to formally mark the donation with a function or other suitable gesture.

Declining Donations

(17) In cases where it is necessary to decline a donation, this will be communicated by the delegated Library staff member.

Cultural Gifts Program

(18) ACU Library is eligible to receive donations under the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program, which allows the donor to claim the value of the donated material as a tax deduction. Generally, if the donor wishes to claim the donation as a tax deduction, donations are valued at the expense of the donor. All such donations must be authorised by the Library Director.

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

Other Relevant Stakeholders

(19) Chief Operating Officer, Provost (approval of gifts and bequests up to $1,500,000 under Clause 12.9 of the ACU Delegations of Authority Policy and Register).

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Section 5 - Review

(20) In line with the University's Policy Development and Review Policy, this Policy is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate.

(21) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.

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Section 6 - Further Assistance

(22) Any person who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first contact the Library email enquiry service.