(1) Australian Catholic University (ACU) has a deep commitment to learning and teaching, research and community engagement, and strives to cultivate distinctive graduates who are highly skilled in their chosen field, knowledgeable and ethically informed. (2) ACU supports the recording of lectures (lecture capture) to complement face-to-face teaching as part of its commitment to engaging students in their learning and increasing student access to learning resources. (3) ACU recognises that the recording of lectures can assist students by providing them with the ability to review and revise unit material. It also facilitates the "time shifting or place shifting" of classes, for example in the case of students studying online. (4) This Policy provides principles that govern recording of lectures (lecture capture) university-wide. (5) It is standard practice at ACU, that all lectures timetabled in lecture capture-enabled venues, are recorded and made available to students on the relevant LMS unit sites. (6) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all lectures (where technology is available) university-wide, will be recorded and made available to students via the relevant LMS unit site within 24 hours from the conclusion of the lecture. It is acknowledged, however, that lectures may need to be excluded from being recorded in certain circumstances. These circumstances may include, for example, clinical, cultural or indigenous sensitivities. (7) This Policy applies to all lecturers unless exempt as per section 6 and section 9, including sessional lecturers and guest presenters. (8) It is a requirement that all lectures (where technology is available) are recorded and made available to students on the relevant LMS unit site. (9) The Heads of School of each faculty are responsible for reinforcing and disseminating the practice of lecture recording in their respective faculties. (10) Lecturers and students at ACU will be informed, by appropriate means, that they might be recorded during lectures. (11) ACU recognises that under normal circumstances, recorded lectures will be made available in the relevant LMS unit site within 24 hours from the conclusion of the lecture. (12) To assist students with course revision and examination preparation, recorded lectures should remain accessible on the course site until after the final examination (including deferred and supplementary assessment period). (13) Lecturers are responsible for the recording of their lectures either by using the automated software in the dedicated recording-enabled teaching spaces, or by using appropriate and compatible software on their own devices. (14) ACU recognises that there may be some circumstances where lecturers want to pause and resume the recording of their lectures during a class due to privacy, confidentiality, or copyright issues. (15) ACU also recognises that there may be exceptional pedagogical or legal reasons for not recording a lecture in enabled facilities, in which case, the lecturer will have to apply for an opt-out to the relevant Head of School or equivalent, prior to the commencement of the Unit and the publication of the Unit Outline. (16) Lecturers may also request approval to opt-out of the recording of lectures or part of their lectures in the following circumstances: (17) In both circumstances, students will be advised in the Unit Outline whether or not lecture capture is to be used for a unit. (18) ACU holds ownership of all teaching materials including recorded lecture content. Lecturers are responsible for ensuring that copyright guidelines (as stipulated in the University copyright policies) are followed. (19) ACU acknowledges that where the recording of lectures is not provided by lecture capture, students may request permission to record a lecture if the recording is to be used solely for the purpose of studying or revising the material for the unit. This request must be made to the lecturer before commencing recording and must describe the proposed action and the medium in which the recording is proposed. No reasonable request from a student should be refused. (20) In this instance, "reasonable request" means a request in which the student undertakes to use the recording solely for the purpose of studying and revising material from the class, and where there is no significant disruption to other students or the teaching space. Further, the student must undertake to: (21) A guest presenter must be advised, in advance, of the ACU Lecture Capture Policy and asked to sign the "Guest Presenter Consent to Recordings/Photographs form", prior to their lecture/presentation. (22) If the guest presenter does not grant permission to be recorded, recording may either be stopped or paused via the lectern interface. (23) The Guest Presenter Consent to Recordings/Photographs form, is part of this Policy. (24) Recorded lectures will be archived every 6 months after the study period. (25) Archived recorded lectures will be deleted every 6 years. (26) Lecturers wanting to retrieve any recorded lecture, will be responsible for retrieving, editing, making available/unavailable and allowing access to their materials. (27) If an external party (eg a guest lecturer) is recorded, the Lecturer in Charge (LIC) is responsible for providing a link to the recording to the external party, on request. (28) This Policy will be formally reviewed every 5 years. (29) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time. (30) Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy will still apply beyond the review date.Lecture Capture Policy
Section 1 - Background Information
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Policy Purpose
Section 4 - Application of Policy
Section 5 - Availability of Recorded Lectures
Section 6 - Non-Recording of Lectures in Enabled Facilities
Section 7 - Copyright and Intellectual Property
Section 8 - Student Recording of Lectures
Top of PageSection 9 - Guest Presenter
Section 10 - Data Retention
Section 11 - Policy Review
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Note: Refer to the ACU Library's Quick Guide on Copyright for Teachers for further information.
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