(1) ACU is committed to providing safe working and learning spaces and continuously improving the safety of these spaces. (2) Working and learning activities in laboratories often include the use of hazardous substances and materials (e.g. corrosive, flammable and poisonous chemicals, sharp objects, biological hazards, electricity and compressed gases). Any of these activities can be potentially hazardous unless they are conducted safely. (3) The Procedures within these Guidelines, the Chemical Management Procedure and other risk management tools support Managers and other laboratory users to contribute to the maintenance of the University's safe learning spaces, including laboratories. (4) The University is also committed to achieving Best Practice and complying with relevant legislation and other requirements to maintain its safe campuses. (5) Everyone contributes to the maintenance of ACU's safe working and learning spaces. (6) These Procedures support laboratory users to contribute to the maintenance of the University's safe campuses. (7) The Procedures should be aligned with other safe work procedures, including laboratory manuals. They should also be used in combination with all other relevant University policies and procedures (e.g. the Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure, Investigations and Corrective Actions Procedure). (8) Heads of School and Laboratory Managers should motivate and ensure staff and others apply safe manual handling techniques and providing mechanical aids. (9) The training video “Safe Manual Handling” in the ACU Safety Hub can be accessed from the staff website. (10) Laboratory users should disclose any medical conditions or disabilities, to relevant Course Coordinators or Laboratory Supervisors, which may affect their capacity to participate in laboratory activities. They should also complete the Medical Disclosure Form if they are impacted by a medical condition or disability that impacts upon their safety and wellbeing. (11) They should notify these staff if they are: (12) If a student has a medical condition, impairment or disability which may affect their capacity to safely participate in laboratory or workshop activities, and the student wishes to participate in such activities, the student should discuss the situation with their local Campus Disability Advisor, listed on the Access and Disability Service Homepage. (13) The Disability Adviser can work with the student to identify reasonable accommodations (if any) can be made to allow the student to safely participate in the laboratory or workshop activity. The Disability Adviser may develop an Education Inclusion Plan (EIP) which sets out any reasonable adjustments which may be made to accommodate the disability or condition in the circumstances. (14) Staff should submit the Medical Disclosure Form to their Nominated Supervisor and send a copy to Service Central. The Form will be placed on the staff member's file. (15) Mouth pipetting of any substances is not permitted in any laboratory. (16) All laboratory users should apply good housekeeping to reduce injury risks, such as: (17) Access to laboratories is limited to staff and students who have been trained and demonstrate proficiency in the operations of the laboratory's machinery / equipment processes and have the knowledge and commitment to apply relevant safety procedures. (18) Other staff or students wishing to undertake routine tasks in a laboratory are also permitted access if they are working under the direct supervision of a fully competent person. Anyone that is behaving in a way that compromises security or safety within a laboratory or associated facility should be asked to leave. (19) Children are not generally permitted in University laboratories. Refer to the Children of Staff and Students on University Premises Procedure for more information. (20) The windows and doors of all laboratories should be locked and secured when laboratories are not being used. Security, fire or self-locking doors should not be propped open. Staff must ensure that hazardous substances, equipment and materials are handled and stored correctly. (21) Up-to-date inventories of hazardous substances, materials and equipment should be maintained and are regularly reviewed and/or audited by laboratory technical staff. (22) Particular areas of a laboratory, e.g. store rooms, fridges, freezers and steel cages, have been designed, constructed and installed to improve the storage and security of hazardous equipment, substances and materials. (23) Staff and students should be prepared for emergencies. They should be educated about the risks that are involved in taking any laboratory class - e.g. risks of personal injury through manual handling, hazardous activities and exposure to chemicals, radiation or bio-hazardous materials. They should also be briefed about health monitoring requirements. (24) They should be knowledgeable about the emergency procedures, including spill containment, and be familiar with the Critical Incident Management Policy and the WHSMS Implementation Procedure, knowing how to respond in the case of an Emergency. (25) In the Event of a Chemical or Australian Dangerous Goods Emergency: (26) Heads of School should ensure that laboratory inductions support laboratory users to safely use equipment. (27) Staff and students should ensure that they know: (28) They should also know how to respond to specific emergencies, including those scenarios which are outlined within the WHSMS Implementation Procedure. (29) Laboratory Managers, academics in charge of practical classes and Heads of School are responsible for ensuring that measures are taken to assess and manage risks, and they are prepared for Australian Dangerous Goods and other emergencies and ensure that appropriate spill kits are accessible. (30) Emergency procedures, for specific threats, should be aligned with ACU-wide and local campus Emergency and Evacuation Procedures. (31) Incidents, injuries and near misses (involving staff, students, contractors and visitors) should be reported by staff or students and managed in Riskware by a relevant Nominated Supervisor or staff member. (32) First Aid assistance should be provided by a designated Campus First Aid Officer (see the list of First Aid Officers to Call for Assistance) or by an appropriately trained staff member and, where necessary, emergency services should be called. The ACU National Security Centre(1800 729 452) should be called after emergency services is called who will notify the Incident Lead (see the Critical Incident Management Policy), relevant Executives and other staff. (33) If the injury is serious or fatal or the incident is considered dangerous, then State WHS Statutory Authorities will be informed by People and Capability WHS staff and the site should be preserved until it is released by the relevant WHS regulator. (34) ADG emergencies usually involve the spill, leakage or escape of a dangerous substance thereby creating additional risks for persons in the immediate area. (35) All laboratories should be prepared for emergencies, regardless of the quantity of dangerous goods held. Emergency procedures should be developed on the basis of needs and be informed by risk assessments. (36) This may include the assessment of: (37) Laboratory Managers ensure that appropriate emergency management information is readily available and prominently displayed. Facilities Management staff also display ‘In Case of Emergency’ posters. (38) Faculties and Schools should apply these steps (aligned with the Australian Standards Handbook HB 76-2004 "Dangerous Goods - Initial Emergency Response Guide" and the Critical Incident Management Policy): in the event of an Australian Dangerous Goods emergency: (39) Spills emergency plans (which prepare organisational units to respond to minor and more significant hazardous events) must be developed and aligned with the Critical Incident Management Policy, for all laboratories. Staff should understand and be committed to implementing the plan(s) and specific procedures that must be followed. (40) SDS and associated safe work procedures should be readily accessible, in hardcopy format and within Chemwatch, to manage spills should be accessible and understood by all staff and students who work or learn in a laboratory. (41) The method(s) and material(s) used for spill containment will be dependent upon a number of key factors which may include but are not limited to: (42) All laboratories should be provided with an appropriate spill kit to control the risk associated with a spill of the type of hazardous material(s) (e.g. chemical, biological or mercury) being used in the laboratory. These spill kits should include personal protective equipment, absorbents, neutralisers and other resources. (43) All spill kits must be checked on a regular basis by laboratory technical staff. Commercially available kits may be purchased or may be prepared by laboratory / Academic Staff (after referring to appropriate SDS or other manufacturer or supplier specifications/materials associated with the hazardous material/s). (44) If a spill does occur students should immediately notify their supervising staff member or laboratory technician who may notify the ACU National Security Centre (1300 729 452). A Riskware report should also be completed after the emergency has been contained. (45) If the event of a significant Critical Incident, all staff and students involved should attend a debriefing session. If students require post-incident counselling, they should be referred in the first instance to the University Counselling Service. Staff are able to seek appropriate counselling services from the Employee Assistance Program through the University's Employment Assistance Provider, ACACIA EAP (1300 364 273). (46) Relevant Senior Managers and other relevant staff that oversee chemical storage and laboratory areas should ensure that provisions are made for the containment of potential spills or leaks. This includes the provision of appropriate spill kits, spill 'clean up' teams, emergency spill procedures etc. All chemical spills and leaks must be contained safely within a limited area of the premises as far as is reasonably practicable. Any area or receptacle intended to contain spills or leaks should be isolated from any other substance(s) that are not compatible with the chemical to be contained. (47) Immediate action is to be taken (by the person(s) noticing the spill) to implement an effective clean up protocol as detailed in the laboratory's safety manual. (48) In the event of a spill or leak: (49) All spill incidents must be reported in Riskware and to laboratory staff so that the circumstances (contributing factors) that led to the spill can be determined and remedial measures implemented and documented within a Riskware Action Plan, Reporting incidents and injuries on Riskware to prevent a recurrence. (50) Also refer to the notification requirements that are outlined in clause (40), including the need to notify the ACU National Security Centre. The site would also need to be preserved if the incident is classified as a Serious or Dangerous Incident (defined in WHS legislation). (51) Biological spills may contain potentially pathogenic microorganisms and/or other bio-hazardous materials such as specimens of human origin (e.g. blood, tissues), and/or other potentially infectious or hazardous biological material (e.g. animal blood or tissues). (52) Biological spills must be dealt with immediately to minimise the risk of infection and contamination. Appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn when cleaning such spillage. (53) See clause (40) for instructions about notifying the ACU National Security Centre on 1300 729 452. (54) All laboratory facilities using mercury or mercury-filled equipment should ensure that appropriate spill kits are readily accessible and staff / students trained in the proper procedure to follow in the event of a mercury spill. Commercial mercury spill kits should be purchased for laboratories where mercury or mercury filled equipment are used. (55) In the event of a spill: (56) Mercury waste should be placed in approved and labelled containers. (57) Laboratories may contain a number of biological hazards that have the potential to cause harm. These include specimens of human origin (e.g. blood, blood products, and other body fluids). (58) Specific protocols and treatments (informed by WHS risk assessments) should be developed and implemented by teaching staff and Laboratory Managers to manage injuries and biological exposure such as those caused by needle-stick, sharps, or mucous membrane exposure to human blood or other body fluids. (59) The following procedure should be applied if anyone is impacted up a needle-stick or sharps injury: (60) Usually a doctor will: (61) National Heads of School, supervising Academic Staff, laboratory staff and designated campus First Aid Officers should be familiar with their responsibilities for providing first aid services and facilities (e.g. First aid kits) as outlined in the First Aid Procedure. (62) If a first aid emergency occurs during business hours, call staff First Aid Officers (FAO) directly (see the list of First Aid Officers to Call for Assistance) or the local Concierge. For 'after hours' first aid: activate the First Aid option within Safe Zone, or call the ACU National Security Centre on 1300 729 452 or 8888 (internal line). (63) However, National Heads of School are encouraged to make known to their staff and students those laboratory or Academic Staff, other than designated FAO, who may hold appropriate Advanced First Aid qualifications. (64) Injuries of any type should be reported immediately to the academic or laboratory staff member for assessment and, if required, treatment. A Riskware report should be completed as soon as possible. (65) Safety equipment requirements should be identified for each laboratory through WHS risk assessment and, as such, all laboratories are required to have safety equipment installed and/or available to manage the identified residual risks. (66) WHS risks assessments should be conducted to identify the type of safety equipment required for the laboratory. (67) Please refer to References and Publications (Laboratory Safety) - Appendix 1 for a list of references as they relate to the requirements concerning laboratory safety equipment. (68) ACU is committed to ensuring that significant risks are assessed and managed. Work areas contribute to managing these risks by assessing and developing treatments (controls) to manage the relevant threats to staff, students, visitors, volunteers and contractors. Health and air monitoring requirements are also reviewed and included in risk assessments. (69) The risk assessment process involves Identification, Assessment and Control for all of the major hazard groups that are likely to be present in ACU laboratories. (70) The major hazard groups most likely to be identified include: (71) A regular review of risks should be undertaken of working and learning areas, including laboratories and stores, and practical activities. (72) The WHS Risk Assessment Form should be used to quickly and comprehensively identify and assess the hazards in the laboratory, rank them in terms of priority and provide guidance for the development of appropriate treatments (control measures). The Chemwatch Risk Management Module is used to assess the health and Australian Dangerous Goods risks that may be associated with specific hazardous chemicals. (73) Laboratory WHS Inspections, which should be conducted at least every three to six months, are an important part of the risk management process, serving to both identify hazards and to review the adequacy of risk control measures. The inspections undertaken may vary in formality but generally would take the form of: (74) Hazards, which cannot be easily resolved, should be logged in Riskware and assigned to a relevant staff member to assess the risk which is associated with the hazard and to resolve the threat. Incidents, injuries and 'near misses' should also be logged. (75) Time and expertise should be invested in selecting and applying appropriate treatments (control measures) to control risk that are aligned with Hierarchy of Control (Eliminate Risk). The most effective treatments, including Engineering Controls (treatments), should be applied to manage the most significant risks. (76) Supervising academics and Laboratory Managers are responsible for following through and ensuring that users understand how to apply treatments and committed to applying treatments. Risk assessments should relate to any work or learning activity that is to be undertaken in a laboratory or associated facility. (77) The assessment and management of risk is an ongoing process and must be continually evaluated, at least annually, to reflect changes in the quantity or type of hazardous substances present in the laboratory, types of procedures to be performed, and current regulations and recommendations from statutory WHS authorities regarding safe laboratory practices. (78) Other changes to laboratory environments and reports of incidents and injuries can also trigger a review. Reviews should also consider whether users are knowledgeable about the treatments and are committed to applying them. (79) All users of laboratories should be given relevant and effective safety inductions. These inductions should be provided prior to the commencement of laboratory work. Schools should deliver on-line inductions using programs such as Leo; alternatively, they may provide face to face inductions. (80) Induction involves learning about safety procedures and being prepared for emergencies. The recommended levels of induction training appropriate to all staff and students, visitors and contractors are outlined below: (81) Schools are responsible for: (82) It is crucial that laboratory safe work procedures should be followed as laboratories can be a hazardous environment. Anyone that disregards these safe work procedures should be asked to leave. (83) Individual Schools should develop and implement local laboratory safe work procedures that are designed to meet their specific needs but are aligned with these and other University procedures, legal and other requirements: (84) Working alone or in isolation which should only be undertaken when adequate treatments (risk control measures) are implemented taking into consideration: (85) Anyone that is working alone should also download and activate the Safezone App so that the ACU National Security Centre knows that this staff member is working alone. (86) The risks which are associated with general equipment should be assessed and managed. (87) Fume cupboards should be used for all experiments that could generate toxic fumes and / or other work such as decanting that have the potential to generate fumes, mists or dusts of a hazardous nature. (88) Fume cupboards should not be used for work that involves microorganisms, specimens of human and animal origin, and recombinant DNA. Biological safety cabinets should be used for this sort of work. (89) Ensure that fume cupboards are located, maintained, tested, operated in line with Standard AS/NZS 2243.8:2006 Safety In Laboratories - Fume Cupboards for guidance. The Standard should also be referenced for work that involves perchloric and hydrofluoric acids; and whenever WHS risk assessments are conducted that involves selecting volume of liquids and flammable liquids when using fume cupboards. (90) The instruction manual must be followed by all users, as autoclaves are hazardous which is mainly due to heat and liquid under pressure. All users must be trained and a record of their training must be kept by the National Head of School / Laboratory Manager responsible for the laboratory. (91) The minimum precautions that should be followed, include: (92) Autoclaves should be operated and maintained in accordance with: (93) Any procedure which is likely to produce infectious aerosols, such as blenders, shakers and sonicators involving highly infectious organisms, must be handled in a bio-safety (HEPA) cabinet in which highly contaminated air is passed through a High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. (94) These cabinets should be used, decontaminated and tested in compliance with AS/NZ 2647 "Biological Safety Cabinets - Installation and Use”. (95) Class I and Class II cabinets, which are completely free standing, must not be directly connected to ducting which has outside vents as wind may interfere with operator protection. (96) Class III cabinets should be used with highly hazardous micro-organisms. (97) The following procedures apply to refrigerators in laboratories: (98) Organisational units should work closely with their local Facilities Management (existing facilities) and Development and Major Projects (new and refurbished facilities) teams when purchasing, installing and maintaining electrical equipment. (99) They should also ensure: (100) Electricity has a great potential to injure or kill people, therefore the procedures should be followed and relevant electrical regulations and standards, including AS 2243.7:1991 Safety in Laboratories - Electrical Aspects and AS/NZS 3670:2003 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment. (101) The following precautions should be followed to prevent injuries: (102) Laboratories should observe the following general precautions for the storage and handling of gas cylinders: (103) Gas cylinders, however, can be a significant hazard if mistreated or misused. All persons working with gas cylinders should familiarise themselves with AS 4332-2004/Amdt 1-2005 - The Storage and Handling of Gases in Cylinders. (104) Any facility that is used for storing gas cylinders or for venting off cylinder contents should be specifically designed, approved, located and built to comply with AS 4332 and WHS legislation. Organisational units should also work with Properties and Facilities staff to ensure that these storage facilities are also placarded / signed correctly, secured and maintained to ensure that the substance can be used in a manner that minimises the risk of an injury. (105) ACU is strongly committed to maintaining safe campuses. Complying within hazardous and Australian Dangerous Goods supports staff to achieve this goal. (106) Each organisational unit that maintains and uses chemicals is required to: (107) Carcinogenic substances: identification of carcinogens (Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 1008 (2004)]refers), the identification of scheduled carcinogens (National Model Regulations for the Control of Scheduled Carcinogenic Substances [NOHSC: 1011 (1995)] and the National Code of Practice of Schedules Carcinogenic Substances [NOHSC: 2014 (1995)] refer.), risk assessments involving the use of carcinogens, the storage and labelling of carcinogens, and their monitoring and disposal. (108) Poisons and Drugs - information relating to toxicity, danger to life, potential for abuse, safety as per State/Territory poisons and therapeutic drugs legislation and regulations. (109) All laboratories which handle biological materials should develop, implement and monitor procedures and guidelines for biological safety that are aligned with the Bio-safety Procedures developed by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). (110) Applications should also be submitted to IBC for any proposed teaching or research activities that involve using biological materials or organisms, medical procedures or radiation sources. (111) Procedures should be developed, documented and implemented for: (112) All incidents, injuries and hazards should be logged in Riskware. (113) Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): (114) Safe work practices / safe handling instructions should be developed for: (115) Immunisation: staff and students should be immunised as a protective measure where there is a risk of exposure to infectious diseases such as hepatitis. (116) Staff, students, contractors and visitors working and studying at ACU may handle or be exposed to biological materials, including human blood and body fluids that put them at risk of contracting infection from HIV, the hepatitis viruses or other blood-borne pathogens. The University is committed to reducing and managing these risks. In addition, in the clinical setting, patients, students and supervising staff may be exposed to other potentially infectious materials. (117) National Heads of School, supervising Academic Staff and Laboratory Managers should in consultation with their local Facilities Management team develop procedures for the disposal of waste generated by the laboratories that they oversee. These protocols should be developed by technical staff within the Faculty of Health Sciences. Organisational units should also comply with the waste disposal procedure for chemical substances (reference the Chemical Management Procedure). (118) The safe work procedures and treatments (controls) that are developed should protect the safety of laboratory users and the community, and should be environmentally responsible. (119) The following procedures should be applied: (120) All staff, researchers and students must maintain a high standard of housekeeping and follow all local waste disposal processes. (121) The Manager, Scientific Services coordinates the disposal of chemical waste. (122) Refer to AS/ZNS 2243.1, AS/NZS 2243.3, AS/NZS 2243.4, AS 4031. (123) The University may make changes to these guidelines from time to time. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about these guidelines may forward their suggestions to People and Capability via Service Central. (124) Any staff member or student who requires assistance in understanding the University's Laboratory Safety Guidelines or associated Chemical Management Procedure should first consult their nominated supervisor. Should further policy advice be needed, staff members should contact People and Capability via Service Central. (125) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Laboratory Safety Guideline
Section 1 - Background
Section 2 - Compliance Resources
Section 3 - Responsibilities
Top of Page
Managers / Supervisors / Deans / Heads of School
Laboratory Managers / Laboratory Technical Staff
Academic Staff
Undergraduate /
Postgraduate Students and Visitors
Facilities Management
Development and Major Projects
People and Capability WHS Staff
WHS Committees, Health and Safety Representatives, Institutional Biosafety Committee
Section 4 - General Procedures
Manual Handling
Disclose Medical/Other Conditions
Mouth Pipetting
Maintaining Good Housekeeping
Securing Laboratories and Record Keeping
Guidance about Laboratory Facilities
Preparing and Responding to Emergencies
Reporting Incidents, Near Misses and Injuries
Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Emergencies
What is an Australia Dangerous Goods (ADG) Emergency?
More Information
Secure the area
Especially if you are unable to identify the nature of the material(s) and its hazards and contact emergency services.
Approach with care
Minimise exposure to the hazards by wearing the appropriate PPE and avoiding inhalation of gases, fumes and smoke. Work upwind if the emergency is in a ventilated or outdoor area.
Identify products
Use storage containers, dangerous goods class labels, Material Safety Data Sheets and placards to gather information.
Assess the situation
Knowledge of physical and chemical properties will help determine the appropriate response and evacuation procedures as some harmful gases are colourless and odourless.
Respond accordingly
Report and manage incident using Riskware.Spills Management
Chemical Spills
Biological Spills
Mercury Spills
Extent of spillage
Respond by
A few droplets, only
Use wet towelling, adhesive, pasteur pipette or vacuum pump.
Larger droplets
Use a scraper for larger spills, with the resulting pool collected using a vacuum pump or industrial vacuum cleaner fitted with a charcoal filter trap.
Needle-stick / Sharps / Biological Exposure
In the Event of a Needle-Stick, Sharps or Biological Exposure
First Aid
Safety Equipment
Type of Equipment
May Include, But is Not Limited to…
Safety showers with or without eye wash facilities, eye wash stations, emergency isolation valves and switches, bench mounted fume extraction systems, fume cupboards, drainage pits and approved storage cabinets.
Fire extinguishers (Types of Fire Extinguishers - Appendix 2 provides information in relation extinguisher types), fire blankets, first aid kits, sharps and broken glass disposal bins, spill kits, trolleys and protective shields.
Personal Protective Equipment
Items such as coats, eye protection (safety glasses, goggles), respiratory protection (masks, respirators), hearing protection and shoes.
WHS Assessment and Management
Selecting Treatments (control measures)
Laboratory Safety Inductions
Top of PageSection 5 - General Laboratory Safety Procedures
Section 6 - Procedures for Using and Managing Equipment
Fume Cupboards
Compliance Requirement
Bio-Safety Cabinets
Guidance about the three classes of biological safety cabinets
Class I: inward flow of air away from the operator. The air is passed through a HEPA filter before being discharged from the cabinet
Class II: An air barrier protects the operator and a flow of filtered air is passed over the work to prevent it becoming contaminated. The air is passed through a HEPA filter before being discharged from the cabinet
Class III: completely enclosed unit with built-in air locks for introducing and removing materials. Both incoming and outgoing air passes through HEPA filters.
Electrical Equipment
Guidance about Compliance Resources for Managing Electrical Hazards
Gas Cylinders
Section 7 - Chemical Management Procedures
Reference Materials: Carcinogenic Substances, and Poisons and Drugs
Section 8 - Procedures for Managing Biological Hazards
Hazards that are Associated with Biological Materials
Section 9 - Laboratory Waste Disposal Procedures
Section 10 - Key Definitions
Top of Page
An aerosol is a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gas. Particles in suspension must, of course, be small, or they would settle out under the influence of gravity; typical diameters range from about 0.001 micrometres to about 100 micrometres, and the density of the suspended particles may range from extremely small values up to around 10 grams per cubic metre of gas.
Bio-hazardous Waste
This can include infectious material, contaminated agar plates, live cultures, human cells and blood, and disposables.
Biological Hazard
Can be defined as any micro-organism, cell culture, or human endoparasite, which may cause any infection, allergy, toxicity or otherwise create a hazard to human health. These include viruses and
bacteria which can cause infection and disease, dangerous plants and animals (for example parasites or insects), biologically contaminated dusts, or wastes from humans and animals.
Biological Spill
Spills of biologically hazardous materials can be divided into two distinct types - minor and major spills. Several factors determine whether a spill is minor or major, these include:
Minor Spills (including "spot" spills) include:
Major spills include:
Biological Waste
Any material potentially contaminated with microorganisms including human tissues, blood, body fluids and animal carcasses. Biological materials of animal, human, plant or microbial origin.
Are substances which have the ability to cause cancer.
Chemical Spill
Is taken to have occurred when any quantity of chemical drops, leaks, overflows or, by any other means, touches any place other than the place intended for the chemical.
Australian Dangerous Goods
Are substances or articles that pose a risk to people, property or the environment, due to their chemical or physical properties. Dangerous goods are usually classified with reference to the immediate hazard they pose rather than the long-term health effects.
A source or a situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these. (AS4804)
This can include chemical substances, plant, machinery, work processes, manual handling and/or other aspects of the work environment.
Any physical or mental damage to the body caused by exposure to a hazard.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
A document provided by the manufacturers and suppliers (also accessed from Chemwatch), which can also describe the properties and uses of a substance including its chemical and physical properties, potential hazards to health, precautions for use, first aid requirements and emergency procedures.
"Means any building or portion of a building used, or intended to be used, for any practical scientific work which may be hazardous, including research or the teaching of sciences. Such work may involve the use of chemicals, flammable liquids, pathogens, other harmful substances, harmful radiation, or processes including electrical or mechanical work which would be hazardous unless carried out in a specifically designed area. The laboratory area includes support areas such as instrument and preparation areas, laboratory offices, and laboratory stores (AS2243.1-1990)."
Laboratory space for the purposes of this guideline includes:
Risk Management
The process of identifying, quantifying and prioritising potential risks and their associated losses, and developing cost-effective management strategies to assume control of or eliminate these costs or losses.
Review to the WHS Risk Management Procedure
Includes those substances listed as Scheduled Poisons under the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2008 (ACT).
Section 11 - Revisions to these Guidelines
Section 12 - Further Assistance
Section 13 - Associated Information
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See References and Publications (Laboratory Safety) - Appendix 1 for a listing of compliance resources and the WHS Register of Compliance Obligations.
Top of PageRaise the alarm
Staff member in control of class, laboratory or store should advise the ACU National Security Centre (1300 729 452) who will notify the Incident Lead, other Executives and other relevant staff before attempting to control the situation.
The Critical Incident Management Lead will notify emergency services, if there is significant danger to the health and safety of the campus community, before attempting to control situation. The relevant WHS regulator will also be notified if the emergency is classified as a Serious or Dangerous Incident (defined in WHS legislation). The EPA may also be notified.
If safe to do so and the incident hasn't been classified as a Serious or Dangerous Incident: decontaminate equipment, clothing and persons, including victims. Safely dispose of contaminated materials or seek advice from manufacturer or government agency, e.g. EPA. If human exposure occurred seek medical assistance immediately and provide details.
If the incident is classified as a Serious or Dangerous Incident, the site will need to be preserved until it is released by the relevant WHS inspectors. Any impacted people would be decontaminated, however, the other tasks (listed above) would not be actioned until this occurs.