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Course and Unit Viability Analysis Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy states the requirement for the completion of an annual analysis of courses and units offered across the University.

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Section 2 - Scope/Application

(2) This analysis will assess courses and units in terms of their strategic fitness for purpose, financial sustainability, and alignment with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values.

(3) This Policy applies to all ACU Committees concerned with course and unit viability and alignment with ACU Mission, Identity and Values, and to Faculties and Offices responsible for the efficient use of University financial resources.

(4) This Policy intends to complement rather than replace any existing policies related to the standard course review.

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Section 3 - Glossary of Terms/Definitions

(5) The terms used in this policy and the associated procedures are consistent with Glossary of Student and Course Terms. In the context of this policy the following meanings also apply:

Term Definition
CUVA Course and Unit Viability Analysis
Discontinuation is the recommendation that a course or unit be no longer available for new admissions.
Common unit is a unit which has common content with another unit but different learning outcomes and/or assessment tasks. The different learning outcomes and/or assessment tasks reflect the respective different level of the unit i.e. undergraduate or postgraduate.
Course Phasing Out These courses continue to be available until all enrolled students complete, at which point the courses are discontinued.
Course Suspension is where a course is withdrawn from offering but may be made available in a future study period.
Dual units are units with different codes but identical learning outcomes, assessment tasks and teaching content. The need for different unit codes and Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) may relate to accreditation, study mode, location or other enrolment requirements.
EFTSL an EFTSL is an equivalent full-time student load for a year. It is a measure, in respect of a course of study, of the study load for a year of a student undertaking that course of study on a full-time basis. Course enrolment is reported by EFTSL.
Eligible Courses units of study subject to analysis include all academic study units with enrolment in the analysis year, other than exempt units.
Eligible Units units of study subject to analysis include all academic study units with enrolment in the analysis year, other than exempt units.
Enrolment the number of students who are enrolled in a course and had consumed load in at least one unit of study with a census date in the collection year.
Exempt Course an exempt course is an eligible course which is run by ACU under the terms of a current agreement with an external party. Other exempt courses include non-award programs, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy and undergraduate Honours.
Exempt Unit are units associated with non-award programs, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy and undergraduate Honours. Exempt units include work integrated learning, practicum or clinical placement units.
Reasons for Continuing are the reasons approved by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and relate to University mission and strategic significance; course and unit content or structural requirements; mandatory requirements, etc.
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Section 4 - Policy Statement and Principles

(6) ACU is committed to designing and delivering high quality courses and units to create the most engaging, enriched, and effective learning and teaching environments to enhance student success.

(7) ACU courses and units reflect the University’s unique mission and values.

(8) ACU supports student choice and engagement through the provision of physical and digital learning environments that facilitate flexibility through a variety of delivery modes.

(9) An evidenced-based approach is used to analyse the viability and performance of courses and units.

(10) The integrity of courses and units and their learning outcomes is essential. The contribution each unit makes to the achievement of the course learning outcomes must be kept central to decision making.

(11) Units are the internal building blocks of courses where unit fees, costs, quality, and delivery efficiencies are realised.

(12) The principles outlined in this Policy are considered when assessing courses and units. Courses and units that are evaluated as not engaging with the principles of this policy will be recommended for review, suspension, or discontinuation as per the related University policies and guidelines.

Financial Viability

(13) ACU strives to achieve enrolments for courses and units that support the University’s financial viability.

(14) Courses and units are designed to be financially viable and sustainable through effective use of resources.

(15) ACU supports courses and units of substantive significance and strategic importance to the University’s mission, and its character.


(16) This policy considers the triangulation of load, financial viability, and modes of offering – all of which have an effect on quality.

Mode of Delivery

(17) Flexible methods of learning appropriate for the requirements of students are utilised, without adversely impacting course and unit integrity and learning outcomes.

(18) The multi-campus nature of the University supports flexibility of mode and delivery to achieve quality outcomes.

(19) Continuous improvement in outcomes for students and staff is sought through the exploration of new technologies in the delivery of courses and units.

(20) Modes of delivery are aligned with the University’s innovation agenda.

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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

Approval Authority

(21) The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Board to review proposals from the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President for approval.

Governing Authority

(22) Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

Responsible Officer

(23) Deputy Provost will set annual timelines for analysis and the Office of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will resource this. Proposals will then be made to the Vice-Chancellor's Executive Board for endorsement to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

Other relevant Stakeholders

(24) relevant stakeholders and associated expectations and responsibilities are as follows:

  1. In partnership with the Office of the Provost, the Faculty CUVA process will involve Executive Deans, Heads of Schools, Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching, Faculty Managers, Faculty Finance Managers and other relevant staff as appropriate;
  2. The Office of the Academic Registrar;
  3. Finance and Planning
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Section 6 - Review

(25) In line with the University's Policy Development and Review Policy, this policy is scheduled for review every five years or more frequently if appropriate.

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Section 7 - Revisions made to this Policy

(26) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Revision Description of Revision(s)
May 2021 Major
  • Name of Policy

    Reference to “unit” and “viability” in the policy name more accurately represents the scope of the annual review. It also emphasises the importance of units as the “building blocks” of courses where cost, quality and delivery efficiencies are realised.
  • Related legislation, policies, procedures, guidelines, and local protocol

    Expanded list to include other relevant University academic governance and learning and teaching policies, guidelines, and procedures.
  • Policy Statement and Principles

    Elaborates the high-level principles that will inform the annual review of courses and units, focusing on ACU’s commitment to its mission, financial viability, quality and mode of delivery.
  • Roles and Responsibilities

    It is recommended that the approval authority is Vice-Chancellor and President the Governing Authority is the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and the Responsible Officer is the Deputy Provost.
  • Detailed procedural elements have been deleted and moved to the associated procedures document where appropriate.
  • Glossary of Terms/Definitions

    Reference to defined load and headcount thresholds have been omitted. The annual review will apply to all courses and units of the University with enrolment in the review year.
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Section 8 - Related policies, procedures and guidelines

(27) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.